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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
5 2,068
Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:43 AM
Going separate ways

So me and this woman I was seeing have decided to take a break. She has to go out of town till August. She don't knwo if she will end up moving or not so it isn't worth holding on to something that may end anyways. Her family needs her. Any advice to take my mind off things?

5 2,088
Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:40 AM
My friends new boyfriend

So I finally met him. They have been dating for 3 weeks now. He ex was the typical gym rat, 6'2, buff, ate like a pig, loved to party... blah. So I was sort of expecting the same thing with the new guy. To my surprise, he is 5'6ish, very down to earth, and doesn't even swear! I was blown away because I have known this gal my whole life and she only ever dated super tall, ditsy jock types. So it goes to show you that even women with a preference can change their mind for the right guy!

4 2,129
Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:10 PM
"A short chubby chick like me needs a tall man"

There is this short pudgy woman that grew up in my hometown in the Bronx who would always put guys down for their height including myself  saying that she "needs a tall man because she's short". She'd also put down chubby guys even though she's a "BBW". Where is the logic in that? I saw this on her instragram this morning.


Her name is pu3rtorican_princess

7 2,308
Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:02 PM
Trump is running

I was talking about this with my friends and while we think he would be good for some things, we can't see anyone taking him seriously. If he won we would surely crap our pants haha 

3 1,456
Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:01 PM
Anyone ever been to mexico?

My friends are planning a trip to cancun next spring and I would like to go but from what I heard, you have to be very careful down there. I never been out of the country. Has anyone ever been to cancun? What can I expect?

6 1,967
Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:55 AM
So sick of this.

I really cant take it anymore... Bitches complaining that they can't date guys because of their god damn shoes. Also they have the nerve to say "I dont really mind but alot of guys seem to and that puts me off". Well why the fuck do you think we mind? You are the ones who constantly reject us because of it and then pretend its our fault!? Seriously we need to round them all up for a good soldering iron fucking.

6 8,411
Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:54 AM
Oh you're short Superman? You can put me down now.

A lot of input on this one eh? I saw this as a comment on one of the article here, where someone screenshotted the twitter responses to this pic. Cringeworthy would you agree? I think if this were superman holding up a fatty and then decided to drop her out of the air after saying "Oh wow, you're a size 5+, I should put you down now", there would be so much crying from the SJW crowd, but this, this is supposed to be "funny". 

4 1,410
Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:34 AM
Anyone catch the last finals game?

I was shocked. I mean I knew Cavs werent going to win but to be at home and lose, I was really taken back. It isn't LeBron's fault, they were missing 3 main players. I thought it was a great series but the last game was disapointing. 

11 4,643
Sun Jun 21, 2015 11:47 AM
Why do shows allow it?

Why do comedy shows allow jokes to be made about short men, short men with taller women, or boys getting picked on for being short? I don't get how this is funny.

4 1,865
Sun Jun 21, 2015 11:44 AM
Who drinks soda?

I am not a fan of it really myself but every once in a while I get the taste and I have to have a dr pepper. I prefer it to any other one and I still havent figured out the actual flavor of it

Started by Dez
[ 1 2 ]
19 11,752
Sun Jun 21, 2015 06:04 AM
I have to vent

So my ex dumped me over not wanting to marry a man who was short. According to her friends she loved me deeply but she didn't want short kids. Now at first this made me laugh but now that a week has went by, I am pissed. How dare she claim she loves me and then tells her friends some BS like that. We haven't been together in 3 months, and I haven't seen her in nearly 4. The last few weeks of our relationship she was on VK and broke up with me from Mexico. Go figure. 

I actually asked her hand and  she turned me down saying she wasn't ready, and then 2 months later I got dumped. I feel embarassed, little, not good enough, I mean... Just like crap. The thing that I can't let go of is that she claimed to love me. Love don't pull crap like this. So I wonder how long she hasn't loved me for.

0 1,958
Sat Jun 20, 2015 05:50 AM
YouTube Embed Feature Added.

Now adding YouTube videos to forum posts is super easy. Simply click on the YouTube button in the Quick or Full reply boxes, enter the YouTube video URL and you're done! Just try to keep the width of the videos in the 350-450 range. Enjoy!

5 1,905
Fri Jun 19, 2015 01:31 PM
My co-workers boyfriend

I honetly feel bad for this dude. This woman I work with, I am not friends with her but we talk, well she is always making short jokes about her boyfriend. Up until yesterday, I didn't even know what he looked like or anything. He brought her some lunch and was such a sweet heart. Very good looking man, well built, and even had good style. Well to his face, she is like this "baby needs this" type of woman. He spoils her. The second he left she make a height joke about him not going to her favorite restaraunt cause he can barely reach the front desk. Like wow. He is 5'5 and she is 5'7. Why be with someone if you are going to do this?


How does he not even know this happens!? I really wanted to say something but I know it is none of my business. 

4 1,646
Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:12 PM
I'm a noob

Hi everyone! I am new here. My name is James. I am 19, about 5'4, and enjoy sports. I am going to be starting college this fall. I took a year off because I needed a break from people. Had a lot of bullying happen in middle and high school. Was not a fun time. My girlfriend also moved and we couldn't handle the long distance thing so we split up. So I am single, and just enjoying summer before getting back into school again. I took this summer off from work as well. Anyways, happy to have found a forum for short dudes. 

10 9,872
Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:57 AM
"I love short guys said no girl ever"

While some of you might think this is a dating issue and therefore this thread shouldn't be posted here, I beg to differ. A few months back there was some campaign to get rid of a similarly themed refrigerator magnet from another store which I can't recall. I say we should approach this one the same way. Is there some sticker that says "I love fat girls, said no man ever" or "I love black girls, said no man ever"? No there isn't. So while I normally don't get into things like these, I think we should contact the site adminstrator. 

4 1,814
Wed Jun 17, 2015 06:37 AM
Hey all

I am new. I have to update my profile still. My nickname is Dez. I am a single male who is about 5'5. I just got out of a 3 year relationship that ended because she was no longer "happy". This happened about 3 months ago. I found out last week that she didn't want to "marry a short man". So in spite her friends saying she eeply loved me, she didn't want short kids. What a load. 

Anyways, I am here to just get some support, vent, and so on. 

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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