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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
This girl is just weird

Hi guys,


A funny thing happened to me at work.

A 5'8 Persian girl at work seemed really cool to a bunch of us, who happen to be short guys She said her type of guy was one of my friends who is about 5'9 when we first started to get to know her. We all were initially like WOW what a nice person. She's not one of those tall girls who just want a tall guy. However one day when she was talking about the guy she wants to be with she listed these requirements:

1) Be 6 feet.

2) Blonde blue eyes like a German guy.

3) Pay for everything.

4) She is not religious but the man must convert to Islam so when she visits her parents back in Iran the police will not imprison and kill her. I am serious. She said if she marries a non-muslim she will be killed by the authorities upon landing.

I tried to explain to her that in Canada we do not have a lot of these 6 feet blonde, blue eyed men. She said she knows that and was disappointed. Geez thanks. When I told her to get a work permit for Sweeden or Germany she lit up and said she might just do that. When she left to go home all of us burst out laughing. Her list of requirements is not realistic in any way (she is 32 years old by the way!) and no way in hell is Sweden or Germany going to give out work permits easily, especially to an Iranian citizen.

It bothered me a lot to associate with a woman like this. My personal trainer told me to avoid such people. I am going to distance myself at work from her. Fortunately, I was happy to meet a 6'4 tall woman who would be happy to date a shorter man at a picnic this weekend. So my karma is getting better.

Let me know what you guys think. All these weird things happen to me so I have to share them with this group.


7 1,330
Mon Sep 24, 2018 03:47 AM
by d11221
Another study released showing height is most important to women

0 1,125
Sat Sep 01, 2018 07:12 AM
It's always the undesirable women who have the most requirements

"I am a big girl who is currently working on that. There is so much for you to find out. If I am interested I will hit you up. Please be atleast 5'8 and taller. I have to be really drawn to you for me to look past your height if your 5'7. Also be between the ages of 33 and 38. 
If you dont like big girls aka lusciousness don't waste your time. I dont mind men with children(No more than two)but if you don't have kids even better ."


These types of women are the worst.

2 1,075
Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:41 AM
She told everyone under 5'10 to leave

0 1,237
Wed Aug 22, 2018 06:08 AM
The petty reason why she ended two different relationships (guess why)

She ended two relationships because she just couldn't get past the height. 

0 938
Tue Jul 24, 2018 09:52 PM
advice me regarding my romantic life

Hallo everyone, I just registerd here after some depression and searching for someone can understand me and may help because its mostly not worth ask opinion of person not in our shoes. 

in summery I am now 29, never was in relationship, 160 cm, i am very satisfied with my personality now, confidence, career path succ, acceptance of myself, ... etc

as everyone similer i feel lonely and obviously everyone needs someone to love and be loved, make adventures together, when i was younger i didnt care as now about it, so lately i get into circle of trying, recieving negative replies, get deppressed then recover and go again to meet friends and do things other than work, be fine and trying and again depressed ... etc

i obviously do not have the luck to meet a nice girl who i will like for what she is and vice versa, this currently affecting my social life and my feeling for going out and being social and loving life in general. 

because of everything before, i am really stuck between 2 options:
1- keep this cycle and hopefully i meet a girl and wont be lonely. 
2- get my thoughts to get used to live my life not wanting any relation. 

both options has pros and cons, as first one will let me maybe find someone so i will not be lonely when i am old (i mean older than now and will maybe experience a relationship thing). but everything is maybe and will experience much depression in cycles.
second option if succeeded to train mind, will be better on other sides, focusing on improving myself in many things other than dating and relationships side. but i will be always maybe alone. 

hopefully to receive opinion from similer cases around 160cm :D 

7 1,102
Sun Jul 22, 2018 07:15 AM
Is this Ms. Perfect?

2 934
Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:18 PM
by MrNo1
If women are lonely, it's only because men are shallow.

Whenever I see articles about older women discussing dating such as on sites like XOJane or DatingOverThirty on Reddit you'll see a bunch of women discussing how much of a hardship dating is and how they struggle to find a quality man. A lot of them men passing them up for younger women. These women consider themselves high quality.

The interesting thing is that you'll never see anyone talk about how it must be because of their personality, or calling them entitled. You never see some woman named Bianca saying how she is 78 years old and is able to attract men because she is confident.

Nope, it's because Men are shallow indecision


1 877
Fri Jul 13, 2018 08:11 PM
Tinder In Real Life (Relevant Part Starts At 02:11)

2 1,048
Fri Jun 15, 2018 04:59 PM
"We asked women how much they care about a guy's height" - VICE articl

"Relationships are an investment. Women get the short end of the stick in most cases. Men will use us to prove their worth socially… It is only fair we get to do the same because society looks at women with short, unattractive men as being foolish, gold diggers, etc. Why should I take a social blow for a short man when they rarely take social blows being with an ugly woman? They want to judge us on dating sites by photos of our faces and bodies to decide if we're "worthy" of their attention. Well how tall are you? Are you worthy of my attention back? Why are men the only people who get to make ego-based decisions? I have an ego as well."


From the VICE article - "We Asked Women How Much They Cared About A Guy's Height"


4 1,554
Fri Jun 08, 2018 01:06 PM
by marshal
"You'd Rather Date A Divorced Man With Kids Than A Short Guy"?!!!

Single woman, a Doctor is pondering why she hasn't met her Prince Charming yet. Starts at 48:09 and ends at 55:55)

0 993
Thu Mar 15, 2018 08:42 AM
Does dating ever get easier for short men?

Anyone here struggle in their teen years and early 20s and notice or make changes which made dating easier when you got a little older?

3 1,533
Wed Feb 28, 2018 01:27 AM
by d11221
Wrong choices and no consequenses?

First and foremost let me excuse for my english, since its not my native language...

With that being said, i have something that have been bugging me for a very long time,
and i would like to hear your opinion on the subject.

This is mostly dating related. But one thing that i find unfair is the peoples ability to forgive and forget.
We've all made bad choices in life, however some are worse than others.

When we go out to meet another girl, we slowly get to know her,
usually it doesnt take long before her unattractive stories from the past starts emerging.
Which is usually a bad choice that she's made. Could be that she's been sleeping with far to many,
or taking to many party drugs, maybe hanging with the wrong crew,
been in to many shortterm relationships or what ever.
Could be anything that is against what you stand for.


People tend to overlook these facts and just comment "that's in the past, it doesnt matter".
Were as I, if i had a say would say that i mattered. You are but just a reflection of your past,
it defines you. It tells the story why you are the way you are today.
A past forms and molds you. If i hear someones past, i can correctly guess the persons behavior.
If someone told me the few examples i just gave, i would come as no suprise that,
that person would be still living on the edge of the legal society,
still smoking weed once i a while (which is illegal in my country),
party a little to often, and have a friend and aquaintances circle that is no good.
And in general living as that pearson was 5-10 years younger than what she actually is.


For me there is a socially hierarchy, people that have been living on the outskirts are on the bottom.
You are master of your own choices, and saying "i was young and stupid, but that made me smarter" is just a stupid excuse for being an idiot the start with.
Past doesnt necessarily make you stronger.


What is the reason to make the right choices in life, sacrificing parts of your freedom, and doing what you think is right in any given sitation, even if you wanted take the easier and wrong choice 
If you're just gonna end up in the same pool as everybody else, in the end?

For me past is important, and I think i have the right to judge someone by it.
Someone who've wronged life, should not have the same socially privileges as someone who've done it right.



0 1,069
Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:10 AM
6'0 woman dating a 5'6 man. It is possible guys...

0 1,175
Wed Feb 21, 2018 03:02 PM
What is the height range of the women you date on average?

I'm asking of the women you've dated, what is the average height range? Many of us have said that really short women reject us more than average height and tall women. What has been your experience? 

3 1,226
Wed Feb 14, 2018 08:19 AM
Is it possible to be short and attractive?

All jokes aside I know that in his prime Tom Cruise was considered one of the most handsome people in the world, but that was 30 years ago. Do women throw themselves at short men the same way? I've never experienced that (I'm not that good looking anyway), but do have you ever come across regular people (not celebrities) who are considered and treated as such?

1 1,399
Thu Dec 14, 2017 05:49 AM
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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