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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Can we get some new articles and a site update please?

I'm looking around and some of the content here is over 1,000 days old. We are lucky that people are posting in the forum here keeping this community alive.

In my opinion, this site needs a major update, responsive design and new, regularly posted content.

This place has so much potential and lots of great functionality, but much of this site is very dated!

3 597
Sat Sep 19, 2020 06:27 AM
If you could change anything... EXCEPT YOUR HEIGHT ¿What would it be?

It could be related to your body (example. Getting in better shape or more muscular) or maybe something not related to your body (example. becoming more confident)

22 2,514
Tue Sep 15, 2020 06:52 PM
What advice would you give a short teen to prepare for the real world?

To the young men out there who are most likely going to be 5'7 and below as an adult, what advice would you give them?

7 1,480
Fri Aug 07, 2020 01:59 AM
Why do men over 5'8 complain?

Men who are at least 5'8 are rarely the butt of short jokes and do get taken more seriously in the workplace. Aside from the infrequent "relative" short joke (more like haha, you're not 6 ft as opposed to "you're not a real man" ) and the occasional woman who is like 5'10 not being interested, men 5'8 and up have it way easier than someone say below 5'6.

To those men, I say man the hell up!

5 1,434
Sat Nov 24, 2018 09:24 AM
Why do so many child actors grow up to be shorter than average?

Danielle Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Tom Cruise, Edward Furlong (John Connor from Terminator 2), Macaulay Culkin (Home Alone), Lorenz Tate (21 Jump Street) and Nick Jonas are a few that come to mind. Any idea as to why that is, or am I just cherry picking?

4 1,097
Mon Oct 08, 2018 10:39 AM
How do you deal with people calling you or other short men "midget"?

Be it in casual conversation or being called it outright, I noticed that the offender diverts by saying "it was a joke" or "out of love" or some other way to clean up the insult. My question to you all is how do you react to the word's usage?

0 922
Sun Oct 07, 2018 06:22 PM
Dating Websites, Apps, Etc. For Tall Women And Short Men?

Hi all,

Are there dating websites, apps, etc. out there for tall women and short men who want to date each other?

I ran a search, but it didn't turn up much that's useful. The only thing I really saw was tallfriends.com which says it includes "tall admirers", but I don't think it's a site specifically for tall women and short men to date.

Also, are there other forums similar to Short Guy Central that you'd recommend?

Let me know, thanks.

1 1,197
Wed Aug 29, 2018 01:53 PM
Anyone here prefer taller women or women taller than themselves?

Anyone here prefer dating women taller than themselves? I don't mean taller with heels on, but taller in general? Anyone successfully date women who are taller? I'm new here by the way. I registered to ask this question. 

1 793
Sun Aug 26, 2018 04:14 PM
Growth Hormones?

im new to all this.
im a 26 year old male, im 154cm and live in japan but im british/turkish.

I never really thought about my height too much, i was never directly discriminated against(or maybe im just too dumb to notice) for my height. but I have had issues and self confidence issues related to dating because of my height. its common knowledge that women generally want taller men.


I recently came across the idea of growth hormones. does any one know how they work, if they will work at my age? does anyone have experience with them?

2 828
Thu Aug 09, 2018 09:12 PM
How would your life change if you woke up tomorrow morning being 5'11?

How would your life change if you woke up tomorrow morning being 5'11?

3 853
Sat Jul 21, 2018 01:53 AM
Why is this site less popular than r/short when this site is FOR men?

Why is this site less popular than r/short when this site is FOR men?

2 1,095
Sat Jul 14, 2018 10:17 PM
I have a younger brother who finally got a girlfriend and I am worried

My younger brother is 5'5 and was never really a ladies' man but did have a few girlfriends while in high school. When he got to college he struggled a bit but had one girlfriend if I remember correctly.

When he graduated college and moved to another town he went through a long, long dry spell. It got to the point where our parents were worried whether he would marry, especially since I had a ton of boyfriends and eventually got married myself.

Anyway when he moved he became extremely depressed, had no luck with online dating and had no single female friends who were real. Women who befriended him usually used him for attention and or wanted favors but had no romantic interest. He did everything to improve himself. He went to the gym, joined a local baseball team and local meetup groups.

He finally met someone off of POF, but here is the clincher. The woman is 7 years older than him (he is 29, she is 36), has three kids, one from a marriage and two from two men she dated thereafter, she has an enormous amount of credit card and student loan debt and has major impulses. She is the type to not be reflective and blames other people or entities for her problems

I think my brother is blinded by his previous depression and being lonely for so long. 

My brother is smart and extremely successful. He seems happy and I don't want to drop a ton of bricks on him by meddling. 

Should I wait on the sidelines and just be happy for him or should I intervene and try to open his eyes?

1 779
Fri Jul 13, 2018 07:46 PM
If you become 6'1" or taller, how would u enjoy ur new height?

I would be more motivated to get in shape. Not 6 pack but very good shape.

Go to the beach and have a sense of smugness and be happy most of the time.

Sense of pride.

how would u enjoy ur 6'1"-6'4" height to the fullest before u die?

6 2,610
Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:16 PM
best Jim Carey movies?

Me and a few buddies are starting a monthly movie day where one day out of the month we binge watch movies by a specific actor. Well, we through a bunch of names together and Jim Carey was picked first. Anyways, I need to think of some of his best movies. So far I have Liar Liar, Ace Ventura, and Dumb & Dumber. I need to get 6 movies though so I need three more. 

5 1,947
Thu Jul 30, 2015 02:21 PM
What is the ideal height to you?

I wasnt sure where to put this but it has been on my mind. Like to most people, for a man, I think the height ideal is 6'. Being that the female average is 5'4... I think 5'7/5'8 should be ideal. This way she can wear heels and still not be taller. Maybe I am over thinking things again haha

4 1,563
Thu Jul 30, 2015 02:19 PM
Anyone watch wrestling?

I was a fan for many years and I always liked Rey Mysterio. I actually met him a few days ago and he is only 5'2. He is billed at 5'6 I believe. I have a lot more respect for the man now.

3 1,842
Thu Jul 30, 2015 02:03 PM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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