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Exactly as my title asks. There are a minority of cultures for example that are matriarchal. India's Khasi tribe, Ghana's Akan and Costa Rica's Bribri people come to mind.
I can't seem to find any societies where shorter men are preferred. Do these exist?
5'3 man becomes stepdad because that's the "best he could do."
Man talks about a 5'3 acquaintance of his who is about to marry his cousin (5'6), a woman with a few kids.
He is about to attend his cousin's graduation party and wonders whether or not this 5'3 guy is settling for his cousin because "he couldn't pull any other woman".
95/5 Rule In Effect. Pop The Balloon. Latest Episode (15). Analysis
1. Tall lighter-skinned man (this matters in the context of the show's audience) walks in oafishly, like a galoot. None of the women pop their balloons (guy is taller and more built than most of the other contestants, probably around 62'-6'4).
2. Tall guy arrives in a basic t-shirt and cargo shorts (women are notorious for criticizing men for what they wear, they did this to every other person on the show)
3. Tall guy is very indecisive, doesn't say much about his interests or much at all. Says "he likes to play poker" (lol). Says for work he "invests in stocks" and is "getting into content creation" (this could mean he is unemployed or underemployed lol). None of the ladies pop their balloon. (men on the show are often criticized or dismiss for their line of work).
4. Tall guy says he dislikes women who are loud and confrontational. One pops their balloon with hesitation, the others do not. (No one challenges him for being weak and not being able to handle a strong personality).
5. Tall guy compliments most of the women in some way. None are offended (other contestants who show a lot of interest to other women usually pop their balloons)
When do they pop their balloons? WHEN HE ADMITS HE HAS A ROTATION (i.e. he is "shared" by other women, he admits to four being in his rotation).
If he didn't admit this, he would've still had his pick. Go figure. 95/5 on display.
Damn, this is brutal. Family member berates cousin over height.
Originally posted by TheWay
They actually said that 5'8-5'10 is on the shorter side for a man.
Holy cripes! Do men under 5'8 fall into the sub-human category? Jeez!
We're viewed as faceless NPCs. Just pay attention to how some women interact with you at work. The ones who are indifferent and cold to you, but not taller guys are exactly these posters.
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