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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
What was life like for you in High School?

I was into music and rugby and had a lot of friends so was considered one of the "cool ones". I did get teased for my height, but it was more like ribbing and not a horror story. I also had a few girlfriends. How about you all. I've heard some horror stories from other guys in my height range, so what was it like for you?

2 1,005
Sat Apr 14, 2018 03:33 PM
You absolutely do not need to be tall to command respect (video)

2 1,131
Thu Apr 05, 2018 03:03 PM
Woman on NBC panel makes fun of Vladimir Putin's Height.

1 1,132
Thu Apr 05, 2018 02:58 PM
Where are all of you guys from? (Ancestry/Ethnicity)

Just curious! 

0 858
Sat Mar 31, 2018 10:12 AM
Height of Mr. Olympia winners 1970-Present

0 1,392
Sun Mar 25, 2018 05:47 AM
Geoffrey Arnold's "Epic Heightism Movie"

Supposedly "the" movie about Heightism. This Lawyer dude had a blog years ago that talked about heightism. It hasn't been updated in almost 3 years. Probably because he got tired of fighting a battle he ended up learning would never be done.

3 1,398
Mon Mar 19, 2018 09:08 AM
Rio Fedinand is "surprised" Messi is great because he isn't tall

Right because only tall people should succeed in sports.....

0 899
Sun Mar 18, 2018 10:18 AM
"You'd Rather Date A Divorced Man With Kids Than A Short Guy"?!!!

Single woman, a Doctor is pondering why she hasn't met her Prince Charming yet. Starts at 48:09 and ends at 55:55)

0 929
Thu Mar 15, 2018 08:42 AM
Short MMA fighter is underestimated and does damage

0 903
Tue Mar 06, 2018 05:40 AM
Anyone else dread group photos?

We just married off our last child, which means all three kids are happy, successful, and have great spouses. So, obviously a family group shot of the wedding gets posted on Facebook by a dear friend. And what do you all know happens next?  Of course, the dreaded post on the photo for everyone who knows me to read: "Where did your sons get their height from?"  I am SOOO glad my sons are not short and therefore not subject to all the lifelong pain we endure.  But, the dreaded comment.  You know it, right?  I have one choice only and that is total silence. My wife made a frivolous comment just to say something, but I know better than to comment.  You can probably imagine what I'm thinking and what sarcastic retort is going through my mind.  But, silence, my friends, is the best option.  Yes, of course, I want to go to that woman's FB page, find a picture of her daughter and post "Where did your daughter get her beauty from?"  But of course I never would.  It never ceases to amaze me that the comment is not something like, "Wow. three happily married children, that's wonderful." or "Beautiful wedding."  or "Everyone was nicely dressed and polite." Nope.  It has to be publicly pointing out to all 650 of my FB friends that I'm inadequately sized, like that isn't painfully obvious every moment of my life already.  

What about you guys?  Surely you must go through this too?  Do you also find that silence is the best option? Do you have people jabbing their fingers at print or digital photos and pointing out that you're short.  What do you do?

3 1,032
Fri Mar 02, 2018 08:23 PM
Does dating ever get easier for short men?

Anyone here struggle in their teen years and early 20s and notice or make changes which made dating easier when you got a little older?

3 1,466
Wed Feb 28, 2018 01:27 AM
Wrong choices and no consequenses?

First and foremost let me excuse for my english, since its not my native language...

With that being said, i have something that have been bugging me for a very long time,
and i would like to hear your opinion on the subject.

This is mostly dating related. But one thing that i find unfair is the peoples ability to forgive and forget.
We've all made bad choices in life, however some are worse than others.

When we go out to meet another girl, we slowly get to know her,
usually it doesnt take long before her unattractive stories from the past starts emerging.
Which is usually a bad choice that she's made. Could be that she's been sleeping with far to many,
or taking to many party drugs, maybe hanging with the wrong crew,
been in to many shortterm relationships or what ever.
Could be anything that is against what you stand for.


People tend to overlook these facts and just comment "that's in the past, it doesnt matter".
Were as I, if i had a say would say that i mattered. You are but just a reflection of your past,
it defines you. It tells the story why you are the way you are today.
A past forms and molds you. If i hear someones past, i can correctly guess the persons behavior.
If someone told me the few examples i just gave, i would come as no suprise that,
that person would be still living on the edge of the legal society,
still smoking weed once i a while (which is illegal in my country),
party a little to often, and have a friend and aquaintances circle that is no good.
And in general living as that pearson was 5-10 years younger than what she actually is.


For me there is a socially hierarchy, people that have been living on the outskirts are on the bottom.
You are master of your own choices, and saying "i was young and stupid, but that made me smarter" is just a stupid excuse for being an idiot the start with.
Past doesnt necessarily make you stronger.


What is the reason to make the right choices in life, sacrificing parts of your freedom, and doing what you think is right in any given sitation, even if you wanted take the easier and wrong choice 
If you're just gonna end up in the same pool as everybody else, in the end?

For me past is important, and I think i have the right to judge someone by it.
Someone who've wronged life, should not have the same socially privileges as someone who've done it right.



0 988
Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:10 AM
The best jeans store

A store called Jeans Jeans Jeans in Montreal tailors your jeans. You just tell them the color you want, the style and the size and they get to work. They have a huge variety of brands and will cut it to any size you want. 

0 914
Wed Feb 21, 2018 05:59 PM
6'0 woman dating a 5'6 man. It is possible guys...

0 1,107
Wed Feb 21, 2018 03:02 PM
Custom Built Shirts for Custom Built Men

After a successful Kickstarter Campaign in Summer of 2017, the boldly branded shortandfat.com officially launched their Membership Site on 12/1 - providing an easy & affordable way for short men or fat men to build their custom wardrobe.  

Focusing on SERVING the Vertically Challenged & Horizontally Blessed man, Short & Fat currently offers Dress Shirts that are MTM with a specific purpose - to help you look good, feel good & kick ass.  They have identified 5 common pain points - especially the dreaded BellyWink! 

Focused on SHORT MEN of any weight or FAT MEN of any height - Short & Fat delivers an affordable option for those of us who can't buy 'off the rack' & aims to serve the underserved, overlooked & forgotten. 



0 587
Tue Feb 20, 2018 06:58 PM
What is the height range of the women you date on average?

I'm asking of the women you've dated, what is the average height range? Many of us have said that really short women reject us more than average height and tall women. What has been your experience? 

3 1,138
Wed Feb 14, 2018 08:19 AM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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