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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
7 2,445
Thu May 05, 2016 05:05 PM
The long and the short of it:eight reasons why short men come up short


9 2,528
Tue May 03, 2016 02:07 PM
Does anyone know where the shorter man is welcomed?

After looking at heightism on Wikipedia, it is shown that there are some places that regulate height discrimination; however, are there any other places for which the shorter man can migrate to?  Is there any place in the world where height is not looked at in terms of careers and women?  I'm curious, what are your thoughts on some parts of Europe? or Japan?   

1 1,852
Wed Apr 27, 2016 01:50 PM
The people have spoken

1 1,883
Wed Apr 13, 2016 05:14 PM
Thoughts on MGTOW?

Please express your thoughts on MGTOW.  A lot of women nowadays judge men based on an unfair criteria.  Why should there be investment towards them?  

14 3,150
Wed Apr 06, 2016 05:42 PM
Short Men, Overweight Women Face Lower Pay

of course, as everyone knows, unlike height someone's weight is for the most part under one's control via diet and exercise.

i find one of the comments to the article also very interesting:

" Even though I am over 60 and therefore short of options, I will not date a man under 5'10". And this must be the reason. Taken as a group, I just don't gell with them. They sort of overcompensate in other not very nice ways. I couldn't put my finger on it -- but maybe now I get it. Also, other parts of them tend to be smaller. Sorry but true, and size does matter. Agreed genetics and racial characteristics (i.e. Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian) play a role, but I often wonder if the diet and nutrition of the parents plays a part. That would also affect intelligence and other attributes."


0 1,050
Wed Apr 06, 2016 05:34 PM
how can a short man feel confident about a woman's love towards him?

Hi guys. I have seen everywhere how women have a strong preference for tall men.. I have seen this in my family, on the internet, on the movies, etc... Now, "unfortunately" (from women's viewpoint) there aren't enough tall men in this world.. as a result many women will end up marrying a "short" man. and I quote the word "short" because I don't understand how can a woman call "short" a man who is 2 or 3 inches taller than her.. I mean a woman who is 5'4'' tall is likely to call short a man who is 5'7''... but how can she call him 'short" if he is 3 inches taller than her? either way... my question is... how can a short man ever feel confident about his wife's love towards him? how can he be sure that she didn't "settle down" with him because she was unable to find a tall man?


1 1,683
Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:56 AM
rich, young, attractive 5'9" man too short to find dates

a comment from the below article about dating:

"Side note: I have a personal connection to this issue. My nephew (28) lives in NYC, he’s good looking (yes, he is), in excellent shape, has a PhD in Comp Sci and banks 270K+/yr. He would totally relate to this article because it’s utter hell for him to sustain (much less even get) the attention of girls his age. So, what’s his problem? He’s “only” 5-9. An extenuating problem is his limited dating experience, having been committed to education up until three or so years ago, but he’s fixing that. Every time we discuss this subject, he reminds me how the girls flat out tell him them they want someone taller. He even tries to make light of it by saying he’s a solid member of the “invisibles” club but I can see it hurts him deeply."





17 4,815
Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:53 AM

Hello everyone!

So, I was informed about this site and thought I'd check it out. Interesting, I must admit. I am a 5'4 female, who was previously married to a man who claimed he was 5'8, but in actuality was approximately 5'3. Never called him out on it because I loved him and didn't want to make him feel bad about his insecurities. However, based of that one traumatic experience, I highly doubt I will EVER date a short man again, hence my username NEVERAGAIN. His height issues had an effect of many aspects of his life, which is why I call it "traumatic". I've only dated taller men (5'11 and up) since and even they have had height insecurities (believe it or not).

Anyhow, one of the main reasons I could never see myself with another short man again is because of them being so insecure, which is an EXTREME turn off to me. I understand everyone has their insecurities, but I feel that height is one of those issues that you cant do much about, so get the hell over it and focus on something else.





0 4,355
Sat Mar 12, 2016 08:08 AM
Woman Says No To Tall Men On Dating Profile

Height And Dating: Woman Prefers Short Men | ShortGuyCentral

I guess they are out there....

0 1,173
Sun Feb 28, 2016 03:26 AM
Maybe Feminist Thought Could Aid Us.

Please note: I am actually not a male-feminist.  I am just an observer.  I try to be unbiased as possible.  I found this video interesting.  Let me know what you think about it along with feminist thought. 


0 1,375
Sat Feb 27, 2016 03:28 PM
I found this interesting...


This video explains some reason why taller men make fun of shorter men.  It can be insecurity or possibly envy.  That is what the video addresses.  NOTE: This does not mean ALL taller men do this.  In fact, it can happen both ways because shorter men can do this as well.  Let me know what you think. 

6 1,460
Sat Feb 27, 2016 01:54 PM
Hi. Forum just got better.

Shorter than average guy here (for my ethnic background). Don't like to say short.

Coming up on the big 4 0 pretty quick.  5'7.5 tall. 175 lbs. lean muscle.  People guess 185-190 though. Happy to still have good hair. lol

Former highrise construction worker in Chicago, Ex-Army Sergeant, highly decorated multiple tour Iraq Campaign veteran, and in general bad Mutha...  I see big guys at the gym who can't bench their own bodyweight and I'm thinking, I weigh 80 lbs less than you and I can bench YOUR bodyweight.

I can walk into a room filled with people and know that very few if any men there have done the kinds of stereotypically "manly" things I've done. Yet, I still have these nagging insecurities about my height.  

I suppose forums like this can be good or bad, depending on what you make of them. Mostly just gonna put my 2 cents in.

2 2,136
Tue Feb 16, 2016 09:04 AM
Karma Or Coincidence?

9 2,095
Mon Feb 15, 2016 07:28 AM
Is heightism worse than racism when it comes to dating?

White men tend to have it the easiest in the dating world when it comes to dating for various reasons. If you take the average Asian male, however, they tend to be below 5'7. Do women swear off Asian men all together because of this? I know some white, black, ect men in America who only date Asian women but I never heard of the same deal the other way around. 

5 3,848
Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:38 AM
Why Daniel Radcliffe should be the next Wolverine!

Let's face it. The real comic book Wolverine is 5'3, not 6' like Hugh Jackman. This is not to say the Jackman didn't play a great wolverine, but Daniel would fit the part better. He (now) has the body for it and even the looks! This could be another breakout role which could keep him relevant and a heartthrob for years to come. It would also be a "short guy victory" putting him in a more masuline role than the dorky romantic comedies he's been in since Harry Potter.

Here is a pic of him now:

Before you guys mock him, take a look at Hugh Jackman before he became Wolverine

Here is Wolverine from his comic books. Notice how he is shorter than the woman in this pic

Came across this idea by browsing r/short and it's pretty accurate. What do you say? Never mind that I'm the real Wolverine's height in real life smiley

6 1,504
Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:27 AM
I got asked about my age?

I am not sure if this has ever happened to you. I am not young, but I guess I can pass for being around 22. I was in a store picking up some beers and the woman, who I am guessing was around my age, kept insisting I wasn't the legal age and I couldn't be older than her. I gave her my ID and she still didn't believe it. She just kept being all giggly. I felt embarrassed because there were people in line behind me. What the heck was she doing?

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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