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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
If you could remake any of the choices you've made?

As in my 25th year, i've recently been reflecting on my life and what made me to who i am today.
And what should i have been doing differently despite the life events out of my hands?


Not desperately wanting to fit in

I was never a happy child, and as majority in here i was a victim of the cruel bully'world.
Being bullied never made me strong, it made the quite the opposite. It made do strange things to get attention.
It become very hard for me to make friends which to this day is still an issue, and have been so throughout my entire life.

Instead of being the wierdo, the clown and the guy who would always dare to do dangerous stuff, I should have stayed more calm and not being busy getting bad attention.


- Not joining a bad crew

As i grew older, i was poor on friends, i was always the substitute amoungst a group, which basically means that I was the 2nd or 3rd pick when it came to hanging out as we called it.

When i reached the age of 17 i had the opportunity to befriend myself with someone lesser people, which i did.
As in my previous many years i have been bullied, people not wanting to befriend me, and being disrespected, it was nice.


I joined a crew of tough guys. And my daily routine was to hang out during the night, stealing what ever i could get my hands on. Being the hard guys at any party with a bad attitude. And in general being a propper badboy.
While i enjoyed some parts of the life. It was very hard getting out off, and i still see the results to this day. I attract other people who are or have been like me, despite gender.
I hate it and i think that the women that have been like me are gross, and im having a hard time accepting other peoples past.


- Being insecure

I touched this topic in one of previous posts http://shortkingz.com/topic/me-vs-society-my-darkside-warning-wall-of-text-1067

But to recap the long lifestory, I've not had succes with women previously in my life.
And it ripped me to pieces with the consequence that i became very insecure when the topic was picking up women and keeping a relationship. Altho it took me 5-6 years to reach the level of insecurity that i have today.
In other words i became the female, not really having the balls to take initative when i started liking a girl.
If i could just gather more confidence without hesitating.
This is a recent problem of mine that i wish i could change.


- Not being busy with dating

This is pretty related to what is above. But i spend my entire start - mid 20's looking for girls to hook up with. The first 3 years was unsuccesful and it was the hardest time of my life, changed to something unrecognisable.
If i just havnt been so desperate for female attention i think my 20's would have been very very different and not changing me into something that i do not want to be today.
It have the consequence that i judge women on their past; How their lifestyle have been in their youths, how many they have slept with, what kind of guys they are attracted to and any opinions that they hold differently from what i do.
And in general i hold grudge.


While there are much much more to be told and changed this is probably the essential things in a few poorly described words.
What would you change?

3 1,050
Wed Jul 26, 2017 01:32 AM
Social media is banishing us. Why i dont like social media


Over the past 7 years the social media like facebook, twitter and instaHARAM has become a society where people are being fed with offensive and discriminating memes and slogans. Which hits anyone who is less than average in any point of life. 
They are being presentet with a fake reality saying how to act, and how to think. In other words being brainwashed, creating people with all the same opinions and lifestyle, thus fake people and a fake social society.

I've seen plenty of people change behavior by the result of being to active on the web. Even people who have never layed thought, or had a different opinions and lifestyle have changed to what ever is being presented.
Its changing the fundamental values of a persons life foundations into something far more fragile and rocky. Where their opinions holds not arguments and are impossible to change even when its been picked up by some unknown nolifer.
Only with the thought that majority of people holding the same opinion, therefore they are not willing to change. God forbid variety of personalities.

Eventho' there are plenty of guys also being affected by the webwash, i think that young women are the ones who falls victim the most, as the western world being more femine. Where guys in their spare or hometime are more interested in video games and braindead activities, women tend to fall into the surface of the facebook wall having fun with the new reactions, liking and tagging eachother in nonsense post displayed upon opening their addictive phones.
It wasnt so long ago where posts about it being socially acceptable for women to slut around were presented, and for guys being enslaved by the vicious legspreaders. If it was the other way around where men had the upper hand in the posts it would immediately be removed.


Over the past 2+ years i've been looking for something more serious relationshipwise, and every time i find a new woman to date, it never takes more than a month before they all show the same negative qualities, which I blame trashmemes.
Currently im seeing someone for 2½ months now, and she recently starting to show, that she has not been protected by a hazmat suit when browsing the social media, desplaying shallow opinions that i've rejected countless other women for.
Even if a woman is not a big user of the social media, she's still in a friend group where most likely majority are fanatics about it. Thus spreading their infected lifesight on the rest of the group.
I find every women to be the same in their core, which i unfortunately despise.

I found the picture on facebook, and its not the first time that i've seen it. But this time, on this day im wearing my feeling on the outside of my clothes as we in Denmark say.
Usually i unfriend people liking it, and block the poster. But it its an impossible war to win with my self.
And i find short guys are way more likely to be bullied than any other group there exists. 
You are not allowed to make fun out of cripples or people with a handicap, cause its not their fault. But still short guys are being banished by the social society, and short women are being elevated.

I've never been a user of Twitter, and i've tried instagram for 2 days. But i find both of them having the worst parts of facebook split up in pictures on instagram, and the offensive text on twitter. -Therfore im not a user of either.

However i have my periods where i delete facebook, but im forced back to it cause of my school.


2 1,357
Mon Jul 24, 2017 07:58 PM
Kevin Hart's 3 secrets to hilarious storytelling

1 1,278
Mon Jul 17, 2017 10:50 AM
How short people can respond to insults

0 976
Mon Jul 17, 2017 10:22 AM
Boyfriend of Loudest Lover in NYC Is A Short Man

You can't make this stuff up. The article is in the New York Post and Daily Mail.

1 1,240
Sat Jul 15, 2017 06:32 PM
The 4 YouTubers who have music videos w/the most views are SHORT men

Psy - 5'7 - Gangham Style (2 Billion Views)

Charlie Puth - 5'7 - See You Again (2 Billion Views)

Bruno Mars - 5'4 - Uptown Funk (2 Billion Views)

Justin Bieber - 5'7 - Love Yourself (1.8 Billion Views)

1 954
Sat Jul 15, 2017 06:29 PM
by ant675
Euro politician justifies heightism & sexism because women are shorter

1 882
Sat Jul 15, 2017 01:13 PM
Black woman makes fun of Ben Shapiro for being short

1 1,494
Sat Jul 15, 2017 04:19 AM
Grey's Anatomy does an episode a short guy getting Leg Lengthening

Apparently, this is the only short guy they've had on the show for all 13 seasons!

0 1,853
Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:35 PM
McGregor calls out Mayweather for wearing high heels (lifts)

0 1,071
Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:30 PM
Lip from Shameless is quite the ladies man (great portrayal)

0 1,674
Fri Jul 14, 2017 09:50 PM
How I feel when I visit the midwest

0 1,101
Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:44 AM
Genetically people prefer partners around their height

This study was done by the University Of Edinburgh and says they can determine with accuracy the height of their long term partners. It also says this desire is genetic. Interesting that according to this research, both women and men prefer partners of similar height. This goes the anecdotal evidence presented by short men and women in forums and social discussion. 

0 1,052
Tue Jul 11, 2017 06:20 PM
Female professional says bias against Short Men is okay in Quora

From Quora Thread entitled "What is tall for you?"

Hi there, you are plenty tall enough to find a great girl assuming you behave well and have a good personality, reasonable looks, decent intelligence and grades, are mature for your age, emotionally stable, and don't have bad breath or something equally smelly. 

Whether a given girl will like you at a height of 6 feet depends on where you live, and it also depends on the personality and attitudes of the tall girl who is slightly taller than you.  I wouldn't count on her dating a guy who is shorter than her, because human mating research shows that it's human nature and instinctive for a female to get the tallest man she can enjoy company with, as her mate. The reason for this female preference for the tallest man she can enjoy company with, is that taller men on average get more promotions and better wages than equally qualified men of shorter height.  But don't rule it out. I know of several situations where a tall girl dated a slightly less tall guy, and it worked out well and became a marriage.

Most girls like a guy to be at least 6 feet tall, here in Texas where I live.  Usually the taller the girl is, the taller she wants her boyfriend to be.  Among women and girls, it's considered socially funny to have a boyfriend who is shorter than you are.  Texan guys and gals on average are slightly taller than the national average.   In a place like Mexico, Hawaii, China or Japan where men are shorter on average, you would be very impressive and girls who didn't mind the cultural and language barrier would be flirting with you like crazy. 

My brother in law is approx. 6 feet tall and he lives in LA, where there are a lot of tall young men and tall young ladies looking for acting work or modeling work. My brother in law was having a hard time finding a girlfriend in LA who found him impressive, because in LA the ladies and the men are both are overall taller, and he seems average. Well eventually he met an ethnically Japanese lady, about 5'10" who is also a ping pong expert, at a ping pong club he plays at.  Since Japanese guys tend to be short, even Japanese-American guys in LA, this Japanese lady was impressed with his 6 feet height and also impressed that he can beat her at ping pong.  They are now a happy couple.

My husband is 6 feet tall, I could have gotten a taller man if I wanted to, but I am only 5'2" so I am a bit uncomfortable with a man who is over 6 feet tall. 

An ex roommate of mine from college who is male and only 5'9" married a lady who is 5'11" - So again, don't give up just yet.  If you like her a lot, I say give it a try. Can't hurt to see if it works out or not.

Oh, and there are also special shoes a guy can buy that will artificially make him 1-2 inches taller without it being obvious.  Short stars like Tom Cruise, Dustin Hoffman, Ben Stiller, and Humphrey Bogart have worn them.  Maybe those would be worth a try?  I mean, it's no different from girls wearing a padded bra, and most females do that, from time to time, especially for a formal occasion. Like I did at prom, and at my wedding.

Or, saying no to the special shoes is totally fine too, because you are plenty tall already. Up to you.  :)

0 2,628
Sun Jul 09, 2017 08:26 AM
Humans out of Africa were shorter helping them survive Ice Age

According to this study in the New York Times, humans migrating out of Africa had genes which made them shorter which in turn helped them survive the Ice Age. 


0 703
Sun Jul 09, 2017 05:45 AM
"Body Language Expert" accuses Putin of overcompensating with Trump

0 775
Sun Jul 09, 2017 05:38 AM
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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