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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
8 2,033
Sun Apr 12, 2015 09:13 PM
Where can I find short button up shirts?

I wear a medium but even a medium seems too long on me. The small sizes are just to tight on my shoulders and arms though. I guess I am looking for a more fitted medium?? Not really sure. I need a few dress shirts. I am going to be in a wedding in late May.

9 1,991
Sun Apr 12, 2015 09:11 PM
What cologne do you use?

I have a hard time finding a cologne I like. I always go back to Cool Water. I am trying to find a new scent but I am so picky. haha

What do you wear? 

5 1,575
Sun Apr 12, 2015 04:54 PM
How to dress (video)

I love this guys channel now. What he says makes sense and it is easy to follow.



8 2,651
Sun Apr 12, 2015 04:41 PM
How can I reassure my bf that height doesn't matter?

I know he has trouble with it and accepting it. He gets very jealous of me when he sees me talking to taller guys, his own taller friends even! I also have a friend who is 6'1 and he is engaged with a child! There is nothing there but he hates that I talk to him. He is basically a brother to me through family friends. How can I reassure him that I am happy and content with his height!? I meen I wouldn't want to be with someone a whole foot taller than me!

5 1,909
Sun Apr 12, 2015 02:18 PM
Favorite short dunker?

He, by far, it my favorite dunker under 5'9. It is amazing what he does and he is only 5'8! He is billed at 5'9 but my 5'9 friend met him and he was shorter. Cool dude too. 

Started by ShortNProud
1 1,440
Wed Apr 08, 2015 07:03 PM

Hey everyone. I joined a few weeks back but haven't posted yet. I look forward to talking with everyone and enjoying the site. I haven't found a better one than this one! 

5 1,984
Wed Apr 08, 2015 05:14 PM
Wanted to share something that helped my fiance'

When we first started dating 4 years ago, he was just over 5'6. About a year ago, he started practicing proper posture for his herniated disk in his back. He got it from a car accident. Anyways, I noticed a few months ago that he appeared taller. Sure enough! He was a whole inch taller! I asked his doctor if this could happen and he said when proper posture is practiced, it lengthens the spine. So that is something you guys can try if you want. He said in most cases it is only a .25" difference but some have gained over an inch. 

2 1,320
Fri Apr 03, 2015 02:59 PM
Just joined today...

What's up people? I'm Jeff and I'm 5'5", just here to see what it's all about.
4 1,907
Thu Mar 26, 2015 07:38 PM
by Dale
Name something someone did today that made you smile.

Working at making posts here on ShortGuyCentral positive, tell us something someone did today that made you smile.

3 2,363
Thu Mar 26, 2015 07:34 PM
by Dale
Things like this make me mad

So I came across this online. It is a button women (and gay men) where to state something...



To me, this is as bad as walking around with a button that says "Never date a black guy". Like how childish is this? You have every right to not want to date a short guy but to put it on public display!? gtfo

6 2,082
Thu Mar 26, 2015 07:09 PM
Boyfriend changed on me...

I joined here to basically ask a question but hope you guys don't mind me sticking around! I know this is for short guys but, ya know... lol


Anyways, I have been with my boyfriend for about 7 months now. Out of no where, he changed, he was so confident and cocky and now the smallest thing, even when I joke, it gets to him. He is 5'6 and I am 5'4. I cracked a joke about him wearing my heels to reach the top cabinent when we first startd dating and he actually put some on and we were laughing histarically. Well, i joked about something simular with him a few days ago and he snapped at me. He actually left really mad and didn't talk to me for 2 days. When he finally answered, he pretended nothing happened. 


So my question is, can he have issues with his height that he didn't care about in the begining that he suddely cares about now that we are more serious? 

10 4,417
Tue Mar 24, 2015 09:46 AM
Are you intimidated by women your height (or taller)?

I have heard this before from short men. They feel like the woman trys to be dominate when they are taller, which I guess is true in some cases, and some men don't like being the same height as the woman because they don't feel manly. I don't get that. I see so many models who dat men their height and they look perfectly happy, though most models are very skinny. 


What are your thoughts?

Started by Bonez
5 2,224
Sat Mar 21, 2015 06:28 PM
First date tips?

So my cousin's girlfriend has a friend who has moved back into town and they both thought it would be great if we all go together and a group date and got something to eat, maybe go shoot pool after. I never been on a group date. How will I know if it is going well? lol

9 2,217
Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:47 PM
Baggy or skinny pants?

I was at a Banana Republic and was trying on a pair of jeans one size larger for comfort. One of the fitting room ladies said tighter (but not too tight) is better because baggy makes you look shorter. What kind of pants fit do you go for?

5 3,586
Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:56 AM
Wife is having an affair with a taller man

I am a married man with a 15 year old son. I turned 37 last week.

I just found out my wife is having an affair with a taller man. The guy is actually her boss. We were driving in her car that night and went to a gas station. She stepped out to pump the gas and a text appeared on her S5. The phone was on vibrate and I peeked over. The text was mushy saying how much he missed her and wanted to spend more time with her. Lately she had been working a lot of overtime.


When I saw trhe text on the screen my heart sank. She came back in the car after close to 5 minutes and I confronted her telling her I saw a text from her boss. She then told me that I am old, short, out of shape, boring, don't satisfy her or make her laugh anymore. I couldn't believe any of the ogwash because she is always begging for sex and I always give it to her when she wants it. 


Now I am here wondering who will get custody if I do decide to get divorced, or if I should fight for the marriage. She sounds like she is set on leaving which is hard for me to swallow.


Sorry if I rambled on here but I don't know what to do next. She never complained about my height before. In fact, when she met, she kept on going how she loved me for who I am. 

2 1,570
Fri Mar 20, 2015 08:13 PM
Did you get picked on in school?

We have about 10 guys who were under 5'6 in my class (graduation year) and I never honestly heard of them being teased. I know one did but he was quite weird. The one kid was actually very popular. He was only 5'2! But he hung out will all the "cool kids". I guess it was never something that my school used as a target.

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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