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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
5 2,195
Fri Jun 05, 2015 08:43 PM
A friend got asked out by a taller woman...

I have a newish friend I met through my cousin. He is short, about my height. Well he hasn't been in a relationship in a while and only ever had one girl. They dated from middle school on till he was 21 then they broke it off for good when she cheated on him with some jock at her college. You can gues his height. Anyways, a woman asked him out but she is 3 inches taller than him and he doesn't feel like he should date her over it. She clearly has no issue so why should he? She is a beautiful woman I don't get it.

2 2,192
Fri Jun 05, 2015 08:20 PM
What advice do you have for me? I'm 5'8 and want 9s and 10s.

I am a 5'8 guy.  I'm 28 years old and live out in L.A. It seems like L.A. is the land of giants. Every guy around here is at least 5'11. It takes a lot for me to get noticed in clubs by 9s an 10s and I don't want to be pushy. My friends say I dress very well. I have a good paying job as an IT Consultant. I make 90K. I can't seem to find a way in when it comes to talking to the ladies who are 9s and 10s. I pull 7s and below easily. Can you give any advice?

8 2,119
Sun May 31, 2015 02:30 PM
by Dez
An ex statistic


Originally posted by Catman

I never gave it much thought myself. I guess this makes sense though. I mean we can't all assume our ex girlfriends are doing it on purpose. Yes, some do but most don't.


Same here, it isn't something I considered but after reading this, I hope it makes dudes feel better when they get dumped for someone taller or their ex starts dating someone taller. 

8 2,151
Tue May 19, 2015 11:03 PM
Anyone else hate clubs?

I used to like them, I wont lie but as you get older, it just gets old. Loud music, drunks,fights, I think part of gorwing up is reallizing watching a football game at home with some buddies is more fun than regreting what happened the night before lol

7 1,798
Sun May 17, 2015 11:06 PM
What is a good second date?


Originally posted by SharkApple

Does she like sports? A baseball game may be some fun. I am not a big sports fan but I do enjoy watching the games in person.

 I second this idea. I am not into baseball all that buch but they are fun to go to 

6 1,926
Mon May 04, 2015 07:19 PM
I was asked out...

She likes you! Be happy! I know this may shock you, but not all women want a 6'1 millionare with a tan and a sports car :p

5 8,022
Fri May 01, 2015 07:09 PM
by Dale
6'2 woman with 5'8 boyfriend


Originally posted by Spider

Frank, I get what you are saying but to flat out say it on this kind of forum of all places, it ain't right. We are supose to build each other up not knock each other down.

Seriously! I agree Spider.


And back to the picture, good for him and her! They look happy and screw what people think.  

7 2,662
Fri May 01, 2015 06:51 PM
by Dale
Couple at my gym

Not a big gym goer but when I do go (only because it is free and my friends enjoy it) I do see this. There is a couple in their 40's that goes all the time. He has to be around my height and she is 5'9. So only a few inches taller.

10 4,578
Fri May 01, 2015 02:24 PM
Things women say


Originally posted by Spider

^ Yeah what Bonez said. Some women don't care enough and let everyone, specially men, walk all over them. Then you have the ones who care too much, like the feminists. 

 There is a lot of truth to this but at the end of the day everyone has a preference and we have to respect that, even if it hurts. 

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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