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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
White House whistleblower humiliated because of height and sues

1 1,211
Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:11 PM
Wait for it... Tinder is about to introduce "Height Verification"

1 1,421
Sun Mar 31, 2019 07:43 PM
You dated a man who was 5'4?.. Disgusting (GQ Video)

Watch as two women discuss what they really think about men's bodies

1 1,646
Sun Mar 31, 2019 07:40 PM
Is this heightism? You'll know the part.



6 1,481
Sat Feb 09, 2019 04:19 AM
How ‘GMA’ hides George Stephanopoulos’ ‘little-boyish mini-legs’

Article Here: How GMA Hides George Stephanopoulos' Little-Boysih Mini Legs 

Disgusting piece of filth of an article, but thought I'd share it here. 

0 1,363
Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:36 PM
Fran Lebowitz said Bloomberg is rich and horrible because he is short

Quote From Article:


"I think it's very important that we don't ever have a mayor this rich or this short. The richness comes from the shortness, this is what I believe. I believe every single person suffers for what happens to boys on playgrounds. So I really believe that a short boy gets bullied by taller boys, or ignored by them, or doesn't have the same status as they do, they grow up, they get very rich, to kind of get back at these tall boys, and then everyone suffers for this. I like de Blasio for many reasons, but his height is very important."


Original Article Here: The Gothamist | Watch Fran Lebowitz Psychoanalyze Mayor Bloomberg's "Shortness"

0 1,075
Sat Jan 19, 2019 01:44 PM
Confidence is only attractive when you're tall

6 2,108
Sat Dec 22, 2018 07:44 PM
Measure Of A Man (1988 Chicago Tribune Article)

Measure Of A Man
Gauging Charm By Inches Is The Height Of Idiocy
November 06, 1988 | By Evelyn Storr Smart.


Original Article Herehttp://articles.chicagotribune.com/1988-11-06/features/8802130273_1_short-men-tall-shrimp


``He`s terrific,`` I said to my single friend, Carol. ``He`s attractive, sexy, smart, honest-and an achiever.``

She put her glass of chardonnay on the coffee table. ``That`s some combination.``

``He`s tender,`` I continued, ``compassionate.``

She leaned forward. ``Sound like a dream.`

``He owns a condominum and drives a little black BMW.``

She hopped to her feet. ``Go on! Go on!``

``He knows how to uncork wine. He even cooks: shrimp remoulade, kinugoshi.``

Her eyes were ready to pop out. ``How tall is he?``

``I don`t know. What difference does that make?``

``He`s short, isn`t he?``

``Who cares?`` I felt my voice rising. ``He has a terrific sense of humor. He`s what you`ve said you always wanted.``

She picked up her glass. ``He`s a shrimp, isn`t he?``

It seems slightly absurd, but the question, ``How tall is he?``, is almost always one of the first questions a woman asks about a man she hasn`t met yet.

How honest, smart, compassionate don`t come close. A man can spawn a world-class orchestra, oversee a 200-room luxury hotel, think numbers like an IBM computer. But the answer to ``How tall is he?`` will be the deciding factor in whether she wants to meet him.

It would be tempting to chalk all this up to women`s historic desire to be protected. But now the topic of height seems to be cropping up everywhere. Should Dukakis stand next to Bentsen? Should he sit down, stroll around?

And there`s more. One tall man I know insists that for every inch under 5 feet 10 inches a man loses $5,000 a year: ``He can have everything else going for him, but if he`s, uh, short, fame and fortune will usually be out of reach.``

It sounded like the old blemish game to me, the one that goes ``She`s so sweet, devoted to her mother, captain of the volley ball team, but she`s a little, uh, chunky.``

In real life women are as apt to fall in love with and marry short men as tall.

In real life, some women prefer short men.

Marjorie, promiscuous in her salad days, swears that they alone focused their complete amatory attentions on her: ``Tall men are so sure of themselves, so high and remote. No matter what dumb things they say their words come from a higher order. Short men make much better lovers. Sure, some are cocksure, but for the most part they try harder and do better.``

It`s very human to want to be physically attractive, no matter how that attraction is perceived. In my early teens all sex scenes were censored, so instead of showing cleavage the female stars wore iron-fortified bras that kept the breasts pointing toward heaven even when the women were on their backs. My friends and I, thinking we were anatomically deprived, swore we`d never make love lying down, even on our wedding night.


This idea that tallness equals superiority seems just as nutty. And the stakes are so much higher. Sure, tall men are better at playing basketball and removing cobwebs from ceilings. But does any reasonable person really believe that height has anything to do with intelligence, competence or the ability to make love or sign treaties? Does anyone know or care how tall Einstein or Beethoven or Pasternak was? If logic prevailed, the answers would be a flat no. So who is perpetuating this myth?

Deciding to do my own research I tucked measuring tape and notepad into my purse and headed to a cocktail party. There was no hesitation. All the men were happy to tell me their measurements right down to a tenth of an inch. But when I whipped out the tape my sense of the ridiculous hit a banner high. Not only short men but also tall men had added, on the average, 1/2-inch to their height.

So it`s true. Men truly believe that every additional inch will get them more money, more beautiful women, happier times. And for the most part the women concur.

Only one person struck a different note:

``Remember,`` said a 6-foot, 4-incher, ``when people equate being tall with being better, their expectations are very high.

You try to meet those expectations, and of course you can`t, so everyone ends up disappointed. In the long run I think it would be easier to be short.``

Which brings me back to Carol. Despite her wariness she finally agreed to meet the humorous, successful, smart, short man I had described.

She expected nothing to come of it, and her first thought on seeing him was, ``If I married this man I`d be wearing flats and searching for nickels the rest of my life.``

But first impressions are fleeting. On their second date she stopped seeing the outside of the package and started seeing the inside.

On the third she decided it was true: This gentle, whimsical, attractive man was everything she`d been looking for. Today they are as close as two people can possibly be who are still housed in separate bodies.

Maybe someday small and compact will be the ideal. After all, computers, designed for state-of-the-art efficiency, have gone from big to small in a blink. We have micro- this and mini- that, with not less but more intelligence stored on smaller chips than ever before.

Maybe as the planet ages and the food chain weakens and the air becomes thick with pollutants, people who eat less, who take up less space, who breathe less air will be the most valued. Maybe small will be beautiful.

0 924
Thu Aug 16, 2018 06:45 AM
by ant675
I'm short "but"...

Why is it that when short people describe themselves, usually some kind of talent they have, then tend to follow that positive with a "but"...

I don't personally do this, but many do.

"I'm short BUT I am an amazing piano player"

"I'm short, BUT I can dunk and am crazy on the basketball court"

"I'm short, BUT I do fine with women"

This implies that short is a negative, but moreso, that the person in question has internalized the idea that short = inferior.

I get it when someone refers to me as "the short guy who dresses fresh", however in that case, they are describing me the way the remember me because my height stands out.

In that case, it's not negative. You don't need to "apologize" for being short nor do you need to perpetuate the idea that short = inferior.



0 1,113
Sun Aug 12, 2018 06:52 PM
Tall People Read Short Stories (Height Discrimination) WATCH THIS

0 1,062
Fri Aug 03, 2018 04:48 AM
How does one respond to the accusation of having a "Napoleon Complex"?

Short men are told that we have a chip on our shoulder, that we're angry at the world and always have "something to prove".

I am an ambitious man and it bothers me when others attribute my ambition to my height. If I accomplished something in the workplace, or have a goal or plan, I am labeled as having a "complex".

No one in popular culture calls people out on this. In all seriousness, if any man had a "complex", wouldn't it be because of how he is treated, and not "because" of his height? When it's used towards me, it reeks of "accept the fact that you are inferior guy and keep quiet". 

How can we as modern short men come up with an effective retort that will shame people who use this phrase? I am open to any suggestions. As this is a forum for short men, this would be the place to come up with something remarkable. 

3 1,064
Wed Jul 18, 2018 03:33 PM
How many of you have genuine hatred towards women?

It would be a secret if i told you, that many of you lashes out whenever you hear something about women talking about heightism.
I too have done that.

So im a bit curious, do you guys really hate women in general? or just those who

2 1,226
Fri Jun 08, 2018 12:56 PM
by marshal
Started by armark
[ 1 2 ]
HGH deficit

How would you feel if your Mom just told you that she found out after it was too late that you had a growth hormone deficiency that went undiagnosed until it was too late and the growth plates were closed at 16. 

15 2,458
Sat Jun 02, 2018 02:58 PM
Woman on NBC panel makes fun of Vladimir Putin's Height.

1 1,309
Thu Apr 05, 2018 02:58 PM
Geoffrey Arnold's "Epic Heightism Movie"

Supposedly "the" movie about Heightism. This Lawyer dude had a blog years ago that talked about heightism. It hasn't been updated in almost 3 years. Probably because he got tired of fighting a battle he ended up learning would never be done.

3 1,552
Mon Mar 19, 2018 09:08 AM
Media finally taking notice on how Trump uses "Little" to height shame

0 1,020
Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:41 AM
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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