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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
1 2,428
Sun Sep 21, 2014 02:37 PM
Mike Tyson and why height doesn't matter to him

It is a good watch if you're into boxing like me.

4 4,275
Sun Sep 21, 2014 02:27 PM
What a short person looks like holding the new iPhone6 lol


Tell me you don't think this is funny hahahaha smiley

2 1,564
Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:58 AM
Best way to get a shirt with a perfect fit?

Becuase of my height, it is difficult to find shirts that fit me exactly. They are either too long or are too loose in the arms. I normally wear clothes that are a few sizes bigger than my body and it's uncomfortable.

0 1,568
Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:00 AM
At what age did you accept your height?

Some of us don't care, some of us get depressed, some of us embrace it. At what age did you stop giving a crap about your height? How do you feal with others who put you down for being short?

0 1,555
Thu Sep 18, 2014 09:43 AM
Will heightism ever go away?

Life is really rough for a very short male. When I say short, I don't mean 5'6 short, but 5'0 short. I rarely get respect, haven't had a girlfriend and am regularly disrepected. I notice a lot of people talking about heightism but it doesn't seem to be getting any better. Why is that?

0 1,550
Mon Sep 15, 2014 05:12 AM
Why working out is important especially if you're short

I'm older than most of you on this board, and I can tell you that the first thing a woman usually does to complement me is on my physique. Even if she is not interested in me because of the stigma that follows tall girl short guy couples, I know she is at least checking me out. The women who won't entertain seeing me with them will complement me because they do find me masculine and attractive. They just do not want to bare that cross.


The women who are attracted to me were really attracted to me. Women I knew before when I was skinny took a different approach to me when I put on the mass. I'm not saying that working out will make you suddenly as attractive as a guy who is 6 ft plus if that is what the women you come across are attracted to, but it will show that you care about your temple and that is attractive to many.


Have any of you noticed any change in how women react to you once you put on muscle?

3 2,387
Sun Sep 14, 2014 02:25 PM
is it easier being Short and Hispanic or Asian?

I find that people are okay with me being short because I am Puerto Rican. I notice that people are okay with Asians being short also. At my job, there are two short black guys and one short white guy who are always being harrassed because of their height (they are about my height).


They leave me and these two Asian guys who are my height give or take a few alone. Has anyone else noticed this?

6 4,052
Sat Sep 13, 2014 05:37 PM
Women who talk trash about short guys

Yesterday I was sitting in the lunch quarters at work when this co worker of mine ranted for 15 min about how upset she was for going on a date with a guy who turned out to be two inches shorter than he said he was. Another female co worker jumped in a said how short guys were so horrible and suffered from short man syndrome. After that she looked at me and said "no offense".


Why is it acceptable to bad mouth short guys? (and in front of them at that). I've seen the same woman tell on one of my male co workers for making fat jokes (he was written up)

3 2,503
Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:53 AM
Why haven't doctors invented anything to make us taller?

Women have boob jobs, tummy tucks, plastic surgery and butt implants. Height is one of the most important attributes a man can have. Aside from Leg Lengthening which only makes our legs longer, why haven't there been any advancements in medicine to make us taller after puberty?


I don't think I'm going to grow anymore and I see all of the girls in my school only going for tall guys. I read articles on how taller men get paid more and married earlier. With all of the money they put into finding cures, why is there no cure for being short and a boy?

Started by Suarez223
0 1,760
Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:19 AM

I found this place after googling "short guys". I look forward to chatting and learning a thing or two while here. It's nice to see a community of people who celebrate being short and can encourage others to get over some of life's difficult challenges. 

1 2,278
Sun Aug 31, 2014 09:19 AM
The Modest Man!

Guys, you need to check out this blog. They give really good fashion advice for short guys. I recently checked it out and my favorite post was about body fitting clothing. I always talk about that here.


I hate seeing other short guys who wear baggy clothes. a) it's so 90s and b) if you're ripped, it doesn't show your body off. c) it makes you look tinier, especially if your clothes aren't altered. 

2 2,062
Sun Aug 31, 2014 09:12 AM
Will I grow? 17M

Hi. I am about to start my Senior year in High School and have not grown since I was 14. My parents are 5'5 (dad) and 5'2 (mom). I know they are short but I have so many friends who are taller than both of their short parents. Do I have any hope? I really do not want to be short as an adult. 

8 4,404
Sun Aug 31, 2014 09:09 AM
Do you get to date a lot of hot women? 8/10+?

Since a lot of women find short guys unattractive, the perception is that we have to lower our standards to attract more women. Any of you frequently date attractive women 8/10+ or only date women that would be considered "out of your league"?

0 2,699
Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:08 AM
Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Feature Added

The new thumbs up/thumbs down feature is similar to Reddit where users can upvote and downvote individual posts! However we also added the total number of upvotes and downvotes in the user's stat area so you can see just how reputable a user is! Please do not abuse the Upvote/Downvote feature. We added this to improve the AtEyeLevel experience..


Enjoy smiley

2 2,509
Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:56 PM
How to make tall girls feel at ease?

Most of the time it is taller women feeling social anxiety when it comes to dating short guys like us. How do you go about helping them ease that feeling of constantly thinking about what others think of them?

4 1,911
Fri Aug 29, 2014 09:24 PM
want to become a high school teacher

i am in my fourth year of college in virginia and want to become a school teacher, preferably high school and then maybe move into administration. in my high school, we had a few short teachers and most of them weren't respected except for one of them. the man was in his mid fourties and 5'5 give or take  but his presence was huge. does anyone in education have any advice? what should i look for and how should i approach students. i start my externship in september and don't want to ask this kind of question because I don't want to come off as insecure and unready.

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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