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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Is heightism much worse in the south?

I moved to SC from IL and I have noticed that height is much more important here. In IL I could get a few dates a year and I never had any women just outright insult me over my height nor did I ever find myself the victim of a terrible prank. Here in SC I have witnessed both and I have two words to describe most of the women here, fat and very vicious. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me? Or maybe heightism has become much more prominent in the last couple years.

4 1,487
Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:03 PM
"Does HEIGHT matter?" Guy interviews women on the beach

0 896
Mon Aug 28, 2017 07:57 AM
Was the Mayweather vs McGregor fight great for smaller guys?

Once upon a time boxing was for the big boys, think Tyson, Holyfield, Ali. Nowadays Boxing is dominated by Smaller Men. Conor McGregor is the best of MMA/UFC while Floyd Mayweather is undisputedly the greatest boxer of our generation. I've actually heard people complain that heavyweights aren't making the same noise the smaller guys are. What do you guys think?

0 792
Mon Aug 28, 2017 06:28 AM
Man asks women on the beach if they would date short men

0 975
Mon Aug 28, 2017 05:26 AM
Older short guys (30 and up), has dating gotten easier?

Not trolling with this question either. Assuming everyone here is 5'8 and under and 30 and up. If you were unsuccessful dating in your younger years (20s), is it true what they say about dating getting a bit easier? If it did for you, what did change? Was it dieting and lifting, new environment, career and financial success?

It would be great if you could be as blunt and direct as you can about whether your life has gotten better or worse, especially with regards to dating as you've aged.

3 1,096
Wed Aug 23, 2017 01:51 PM
6ft is her standard

3 1,171
Thu Aug 17, 2017 05:14 AM
What is considered short in your country?

I notice on a lot of other sites, you have 5'9 guys crying about "how short they are". Like seriously? Then I hear that in the Netherlands, the average height is 6'1. What is "short" in your country? In the U.S., I'd like to think it's under 5'9.

1 986
Thu Aug 17, 2017 04:40 AM
One of the Charlottesville Nationalist accused of being a manlet

0 3,552
Mon Aug 14, 2017 04:34 AM
3 "Interesting" Men On YouTube" "Short Men Have A Napoleon Complex"

0 919
Sun Aug 13, 2017 09:13 PM
3 "Interesting" Women On YouTube" "Short Men Are A Turn Off!!!"

0 967
Sun Aug 13, 2017 09:10 PM
Started by SullyOs
[ 1 2 ]
I like short men

I've dated men from as small as 5'3 all the way to 6'5. Height is a turn on, but SO IS short and stocky. I will get turned on more by a man who has an attractive or average face with a built body and short than I would be a tall and scrawny man. My current boyfriend is 5'4 and I met him on a dating site. I have ex boyfriends who are 5'3-5'6. 

I do notice that taller men ask me out more and I have to actually pursue shorter guys when I find them attractive. So no worries. Keep looking and get a thick skin.

12 2,403
Sun Aug 13, 2017 02:09 PM
Equality is a losing battle.

So one of the things that i've noted through the past many years is the battle between gender equality.
I fully support equality, how ever its a shame that people tend to take it as a buffet. Since im a guy i almost only notice it from mens perspective.
And at least in my eyes men are far better than women are when this topic is brought up.

However, the way i see, and how the world is trying to create equality for women is by beating men down, while elevating women.
two examples of this;


- Danish soccer team.

Mens Danish soccer team is a joke and they rarely qualify for any major tournament.
However the womens soccerteam accomplished a 2nd place in the EM.
But ever since the quarter finals, the news and soccer-related channels took thors hammer and hit the mens team in the head, insulting, saying that they are worthless compared to women, and all in all just humiliated the shit out of them.
On the contrary they commended the female team, saying how much better they were, and complained that they didnt recieved as much attention as the men did.
In the news they even brought up the economi and begged for more money On open tv ..

There are millions of ways to handle womens sports to be more popular, but humiliating men and begging for money for the women is in my opinion the most cruel thing listen to. Not only on the tv, but the social media aswell.
If women sports is entertaining noone will care rather if the round things are under the chin or waist.



One thing that actually bothers me, is the netflix categories. When you are trying to scroll through new shows to watch and it brings up suggestions and categories.
Once in a while there are not only 1 but 2 categories that catches my attention
"Shows with strong female characters"
"Shows with leading female roles"

Why even have it that way .. If the show is good, i dont care who is in it.
The problem is that, far majority of shows with female leading roles are segmentet for women.
And a lot of them are just not very good?


Angry section

As i said i support equality if its done right. If women just start taking responsebility and initiative. Leadership and equal rights is not given but earned.

They complain about men, but they are the ones who rather wanna be guided than lead.
If they want equality they should'nt expect a man to pay for their bill, they should'nt wait for men to take initiative. They should feel abused during sex when they expect to be pulled in the hair - slapped with almighty power in the ass - choked - getting it very very hard - expect the guy to be over-dominating - and do no work at all.
And yet they expect a saying when they rather want a father-daughter relationship.
Like wtf??



This is just a mare fraction of the problem at hand. and i could write about it all day, overfloating the forum with this.

But what do you guys think?



0 933
Sat Aug 12, 2017 03:46 PM
Major site changes coming

Be prepared. In the next few months, ShortGuyCentral will begin a major overhaul.

0 1,289
Sat Aug 12, 2017 01:32 PM
Buzzfeed makes fun of short men who can't get dates

Gotta love "Buzzfeed" where all they cry about is how society unfairly "body shames" women and shits all over men who aren't 6'2. Look at their "short guy" videos where the all of their "short guys" are 5'8 and anyone under that is usually gay. When have they ever had a straight short man under 5'8 represent short guys in anything? This woman is a hypocritical jerk.

0 2,010
Sat Aug 12, 2017 05:58 AM
How the forum has helped me become a different person.

This one is actually a "shorter" one, as i think im know as the guy who posts books on here. :D


When i first started this forum, i was an angry guy, i had hatred towards women. Even if it wasnt as bad as i used to be,
It was still wearing me down.

In the beginning i didnt post anything, but occasionally replied to some posts that was within my hatred.
Letting off some steam and spilling my toxic waste in a place, where everyone are in the same boat.
As being anonymous i later on gathered the confidence talk about my life, as i've never done before.

As the result of letting out some anger, and spreading stories about myself. It made me calm, and gave me a different kind of clearity.
I started accepting other people, and those i did not accept, i didnt wanna waste energy on.

All in all i've changed into a more controlled person.
And all that, just cause i could let off some steam, and write about myself, even if noone are reading.

So thank you ShortGuyCentral and its community!

2 924
Fri Aug 11, 2017 09:39 PM
I am proud of you guys.

Just wanted to say that I am proud of you guys, who are shorter, like myself.  Even though some of the world ridicules us and dislikes our existence, we still persevere as always.

(The following is to those that hold faith.)

Remember, this life is a test; whereby God bestows the strongest souls, those who can withstand anything, an Earthly life of pain, which will result in reward from survival and success. 


...And to all brothers, stay strong and never give up! 

2 1,105
Fri Aug 11, 2017 09:31 PM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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