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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
1 1,008
Fri Apr 14, 2017 04:35 PM
As a short guy do you win over her family and friends?

Anyone else have issues winning over family and friends? It's tough enough sometimes getting a date because so many women are biased against short men but trying to win over friends and family is a whole other ball game, especially when they feel like she could have "done better".

I am reminded of a time when I was in high school and I started dating someone on the softball team. Every single one of her friends tried to sway her away from me and fix her up with their athletic and taller friends. While I have the girl and I shouldn't care what people think, it is very frustrating to have to deal disapproval and what it does to the woman I'm seeing. Sometimes even more frustrating when her circle is more approving of men who are below me in every way (i.e. studies, athletics, career, finances, personality, sincerity) except for height. 

5 833
Fri Apr 14, 2017 04:11 PM
Are you open to dating women of any race?

I feel like at my height, it helps you to understand how stupid biases are. I find all races of women attractive and can't understand why someone would limit themselves, but can't help thinking that sometimes being short makes me really understand it. How about you?

2 1,007
Fri Apr 14, 2017 04:09 PM
Why are so many people in denial about heightism?

It's literally everywhere, from everyday conversation to the workplace to dating and in social settings. Why do so many people deny it exists? Even when you press people, they'll cave in and be like "okay", but then go on some rant about how it's not that bad or serious. 

1 1,155
Fri Apr 14, 2017 04:06 PM
Is this how people see us?

4 974
Fri Apr 14, 2017 03:48 PM
What do you think about short guys who are muscular?

I have gained muscle mass and am down to about 15% body fat. I've heard people saying that a short guy being muscular is "awkward". On the other hand, many people think that short scrawny guys look repulsive. I'm working out and gaining muscle for me, but what do you think about being short and muscular?

3 960
Fri Apr 14, 2017 12:29 PM
Men Lying about their height

Do you lie about your height? Have you heard other guys lie about their height?

Once, a guy about 6'2" said to me "I'm 6 foot 4. You can't be 6 feet because I'm 6'4".

Another guy working in a store, who was wearing thick boots, said "I'm 6'1". I walked by him and he was a least 2 inches shorter than me. He was probably 5'9.5"-5'10".

2 940
Thu Apr 13, 2017 05:42 PM
Height Supremacists who insist biology? Why don't men want tall women?

If you think women want tall men for biological and instinctual reasons, then why don't men wan't super tall women? Taking it a step further, why don't women wan't super tall men only? Most NBA players are well over 6'5. Shouldn't women be rejecting all men who are not super tall?

4 1,650
Tue Apr 11, 2017 04:14 PM
Hats for small heads?

I'm not looking for "the kids section" as an answer. Where do I go for nice dress hats? Everywhere I go, the hats are too big for my head. Please help.

0 1,065
Tue Apr 11, 2017 05:42 AM
Remember that viral Tinder convo? It made the Sun paper.

For those who don't remember, it's about the woman getting trolled after saying she hates short guys and says on her profile that if a guy is under 5'7, he better swipe left. After that, the guy says "all short guys should be exterminated right" to which she says "yeah" but then gets mad when he starts talking about fat girls.

Article Here

2 954
Mon Apr 10, 2017 03:45 AM
Even short fighters get mocked

2 802
Sun Apr 09, 2017 09:14 PM
What are some things women compliment you on?

We all know how women generally feel about height, but for all of us short guys who do well with women or get dates at all, what are some things women compliment you for?

The women I've dated always said they loved my eyes, physique, charisma and talents (I play guitar and sing). Height is a deal-breaker for some but there are other things about us which are dealmakers


4 1,418
Sun Apr 09, 2017 03:20 PM
"Identical" twins 5'2 and 6'4. How much money do they make? (Video)

1 873
Sun Apr 09, 2017 09:40 AM
Short Guy Pickup Fails

1 1,397
Sun Apr 09, 2017 09:37 AM
Tall guy gets knocked out by short guy in a fight (video)

Thirty Second Fights From Twitter. Short guy goes in, knocks out tall guy (much taller than him) and keeps it moving!



1 712
Sun Apr 09, 2017 09:34 AM
Meanwhile in France.....

There is this TV show in France where they try to match potential couples. This one woman blasts this guy for being short but guess what, he's not even shorter than her, or short at all. The guy is just not tall enough for HER, she goes on and on about how she wants MORE.

She rejects the guy in front of over 600,000 people. The host laughed if off and didn't seem perturbed by it in any way. The guy is at LEAST six feet tall and taller than the woman that rejected him in heels. 

1 672
Sun Apr 09, 2017 08:46 AM
Do you want your children to be taller than you?

Obviously you'll love them no matter what but let's be honest here....

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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