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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
"Man Up" ad on Melbourne Public Transit

This ad here is telling men to "man up" by wearing shoe lifts. Imagine the shit show that would ensue if there was an ad with two good looking men starting some flat chested broad with an ad saying "Woman up"

5 1,597
Thu Sep 28, 2017 08:46 AM
by marshal
Is heightism much worse in the south?

I moved to SC from IL and I have noticed that height is much more important here. In IL I could get a few dates a year and I never had any women just outright insult me over my height nor did I ever find myself the victim of a terrible prank. Here in SC I have witnessed both and I have two words to describe most of the women here, fat and very vicious. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me? Or maybe heightism has become much more prominent in the last couple years.

4 1,615
Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:03 PM
Black woman makes fun of Ben Shapiro for being short

1 1,511
Sat Jul 15, 2017 04:19 AM
Female professional says bias against Short Men is okay in Quora

From Quora Thread entitled "What is tall for you?"

Hi there, you are plenty tall enough to find a great girl assuming you behave well and have a good personality, reasonable looks, decent intelligence and grades, are mature for your age, emotionally stable, and don't have bad breath or something equally smelly. 

Whether a given girl will like you at a height of 6 feet depends on where you live, and it also depends on the personality and attitudes of the tall girl who is slightly taller than you.  I wouldn't count on her dating a guy who is shorter than her, because human mating research shows that it's human nature and instinctive for a female to get the tallest man she can enjoy company with, as her mate. The reason for this female preference for the tallest man she can enjoy company with, is that taller men on average get more promotions and better wages than equally qualified men of shorter height.  But don't rule it out. I know of several situations where a tall girl dated a slightly less tall guy, and it worked out well and became a marriage.

Most girls like a guy to be at least 6 feet tall, here in Texas where I live.  Usually the taller the girl is, the taller she wants her boyfriend to be.  Among women and girls, it's considered socially funny to have a boyfriend who is shorter than you are.  Texan guys and gals on average are slightly taller than the national average.   In a place like Mexico, Hawaii, China or Japan where men are shorter on average, you would be very impressive and girls who didn't mind the cultural and language barrier would be flirting with you like crazy. 

My brother in law is approx. 6 feet tall and he lives in LA, where there are a lot of tall young men and tall young ladies looking for acting work or modeling work. My brother in law was having a hard time finding a girlfriend in LA who found him impressive, because in LA the ladies and the men are both are overall taller, and he seems average. Well eventually he met an ethnically Japanese lady, about 5'10" who is also a ping pong expert, at a ping pong club he plays at.  Since Japanese guys tend to be short, even Japanese-American guys in LA, this Japanese lady was impressed with his 6 feet height and also impressed that he can beat her at ping pong.  They are now a happy couple.

My husband is 6 feet tall, I could have gotten a taller man if I wanted to, but I am only 5'2" so I am a bit uncomfortable with a man who is over 6 feet tall. 

An ex roommate of mine from college who is male and only 5'9" married a lady who is 5'11" - So again, don't give up just yet.  If you like her a lot, I say give it a try. Can't hurt to see if it works out or not.

Oh, and there are also special shoes a guy can buy that will artificially make him 1-2 inches taller without it being obvious.  Short stars like Tom Cruise, Dustin Hoffman, Ben Stiller, and Humphrey Bogart have worn them.  Maybe those would be worth a try?  I mean, it's no different from girls wearing a padded bra, and most females do that, from time to time, especially for a formal occasion. Like I did at prom, and at my wedding.

Or, saying no to the special shoes is totally fine too, because you are plenty tall already. Up to you.  :)

0 2,643
Sun Jul 09, 2017 08:26 AM
"Body Language Expert" accuses Putin of overcompensating with Trump

0 782
Sun Jul 09, 2017 05:38 AM
It's Time To Become a Protected Class

As much as we'd rather not play the victim because most of us probably have no issue with our height, other than the consequences of the fact that everyone else seems to care about it. In the hiring process and workplace, dating life, etc. we are not receiving the respect and rewards that someone else would who is an exact replica of us in every way, except a taller version.

Today, I was walking through the department store quickly after I picked up what I needed, since I needed to get somewhere as shortly as possible. Just as I passed by a lady pushing her young son in the shopping cart, sitting in the cart seat, she raised her voice and said to him "When you grow up, remember you want to be TALL!" I kept walking even though I felt like turning around, punching her in the face, and telling the kid, "When you grow up, remember, all that matters are the actions you take, because YOU HAVE NO CONTROL over your height". A frustrating thing I don't understand and seems to be a running thought in the mind of women as if it is a possible thing. Women think men whose heads don't measure up to a certain level turn out that way because they lack the ABILITY or WILL... like wtf is this? Other than environmental factors/diet/exercise contributing possibly an inch or so height difference, your ultimate height is determined by your genes. Why would you ever focus on HEIGHT as a QUALITY TO STRIVE FOR?


We really deserve all the extra help we can get, because although we are more than capable of doing everything ourselves and know that height doesn't matter, the world has socially, and therefore politically, stigmatized the plight of short men. This hurts our chances of equality without an added legal basis as a protection class so that we can better defend ourselves SOCIALLY from being, excuse me, "looked over".

3 1,154
Sat Jul 08, 2017 05:29 AM
by bbtopp
Has being short made you understand white privilege?

As a short Asian man, it helped me to understand it better. Both share a common attribute. Those who are a part of the privileged group don't realize they have it and those who aren't a part of the group realize the price they pay for not being a part of that group/class.

4 1,295
Tue May 30, 2017 06:10 PM
"He was a great man but diminutive"

Why is that whenever I read articles in print and online or hear people talk about shorter people in person, they always undercut a man's accomplishments by pointing out his lack of stature?

4 1,133
Fri May 26, 2017 12:19 AM
0 1,079
Mon May 22, 2017 08:16 AM
Why are so many people in denial about heightism?

It's literally everywhere, from everyday conversation to the workplace to dating and in social settings. Why do so many people deny it exists? Even when you press people, they'll cave in and be like "okay", but then go on some rant about how it's not that bad or serious. 

2 1,189
Fri Apr 14, 2017 04:09 PM
Can we blame educators for perpetuating heightism?

I witnessed something very interesting in the classroom yesterday afternoon. I co-teach with this female educator, let's call her Nancy. During a lesson on the book "To Kill A Mockingbird", we staged a reenactment of one of the scenes from the reading via reinterpretation. We allowed the kids to draf a more "modern" script using more relevant present day scenarios. We allowed the kids to use props, but they were limited to items in the classroom.

Anyway, there were three kids in a group, all Middle School students. Two of the boys in this group were relatively tall for their age (about 5'9), the other 5'2-5'3. All of the kids in the group asked for an item that wasn't in the room, but downstairs in the auditorium. The smallest kid asked to go retrieve it. My co-teacher ignored the shorter student's request and sent both of the taller students to get the item. 

The thing is I knew she did this because she imagined the taller students to be more capable, even though the shorter student articulated clearly from a point of knowledge that he knew what he would have to do. This was confirmed when I confronted her about it.

This has me wondering. Do we reinforce heightism from young age?

0 954
Wed Jan 25, 2017 09:52 AM
Do women really face heightism though?....

I've read posts on other forums where women claim to be offended when they are picked up, pat on the head and aren't taken seriously professionally, but in all my years on this earth, I have NEVER seen a woman picked up without being asked to (at work? from a stranger?) or pat on the head. If anything, men go crazy over short women and I see far more short women in positions of a authority (store manager for example) than I do men who are of a similar stature.

So tell me, where do women have it as bad as short men when it comes to heightism?

1 1,168
Tue Jan 24, 2017 09:44 PM
You need tall people and women on your side to fight height bigotry

Without them it wouldn't work. Think about Racism and Homophobia. It was abolitionists who helped push for emancipation. If it were just blacks, it wouldn't have went anywhere. It was heterosexual people who spoke out against intolerance towards gays and lesbians. 

Because height bigotry affects short men disproportionately and no one cares about men's problems, you would need women and tall men to speak on your behalf in order for any "movement" to take root. 

3 1,127
Tue Nov 29, 2016 02:09 PM
Feminisim vs Heightism (Watch & Compare)




2 1,648
Mon Nov 28, 2016 03:13 PM
Short Men and 'Social Justice'

Greetings everyone,


Because we are in a time with 'social justice', where people are very insecure with their 'social identities' and are trying to change the status quo as well as promoting liberal thought, the curious thoughts came to me: Is heightism going to be addressed now? and If so, would it lead to negative ramifications?   

Here are my thoughts on these: I remain indifferent yet thoughtful.  Though it's nice that this would be addressed, I think it would be fair not to do anything about it.  Why?  Because bringing attention to this matter would proliferate the negativity towards the shorter man.  We don't need more negativity towards us.  Fortunately, from my experiences, I think that heightism towards us is quite rare in most public spheres.  However, if the shorter man is in the dating sphere, then apparently, he will experience heightism.  All I say is that 'ghosting' and leaving this issue in the dark remains stable in a neutral way, which may be positive.


Let me know what you think. 

4 1,787
Fri Sep 02, 2016 08:40 AM
yet another black woman bashing short men on youtube

Do the same video and change "Short man" to "black woman" and she'll have a boob attack.

0 1,667
Sat Aug 20, 2016 10:20 PM
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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