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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Height-boosting surgery eyed by some 'short kings' (ABC News)

I remember when this surgery was tight-lipped and considered ultra-rare due to expense and lack of facilities willing to perform it, but the cat is out of the bag. It seems like every other month there is a special on someone who went through with it.

1 272
Tue Apr 30, 2024 09:24 AM
Aba N Preach - "Short People Won't Exist Soon"

I rock with Aba N Preach heavily, but am not a fan of a lot of their  recent "short men" videos. One of the first videos I ever saw of Aba N Preach was about heightism, very early in their YouTube career where they pointed out the hypocrisy about women and their battle with body issues versus their attitudes toward shorter guys. It was one of their first viral videos. 

In this video, they cover viral sensation Dynzell Sigers who underwent leg lengthening surgery to go from 5'5 to 6' late last year, and another man named Brian who went from 6' to 6'6! Like a lot of non-short men, they poke fun at Dynzell and other shorter guys by calling them "hobbits" and not being of the "master race", but then can't wrap their heads around why they'd want to escape the constant ridicule. They do end the video on a good note by acknowledging how attitudes toward cosmetic procedures are inching rapidly toward indifference for both men and women considering how common they've become and how people are more open about it. 

3 230
Wed Apr 24, 2024 05:39 PM
Actor decides to get leg lengthening. Says lead actors have to be 5'8.

2 2,147
Sat Apr 13, 2024 01:41 PM
Indian man does a documentary on the struggles of being short.

Seems to be mostly focused on heightism and his journey with LL. Looks like it will be interesting. 

0 133
Wed Apr 10, 2024 02:41 PM
Get lengthening if you want leg lengthening.

I agree with what you write, in particular regarding the different metrics on the basis of which female and male plastic surgery are judged. Still, it is a very tough procedure to go through and something that could have terrible consequences. How are you walking nowdays? Sports? Do you have pain?

2 706
Fri Aug 13, 2021 10:13 AM
I didn't realize how many people are getting this height surgery

And it's cheaper than it used to be


1 931
Sat Aug 15, 2020 02:50 PM
Successful entrepreneur dies from Leg Lengthening


This man was a successful entrepreneur who worked for the likes of Google, Space X, received a degree in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon, founded some of his own startups and with all of that still never felt "respected". There was also the "women" thing. He actually died from a Pulmonary Embolism which came from a Blood Clot resulting from the Leg Lengthening procedure.

From the article:

"His last adventure sent him to Italy, from where, in late August 2017, we made a cautious attempt to reconnect through a phone call. He was due back to the United States in a few months. Instead, he came back to Canada, where my parents live, in a body bag."


"Though Yush had told me in August that he was going overseas to work remotely on a new start-up company, he had lied. He was there to get limb-lengthening surgery, a lengthy procedure that involves sawing through the bone, drilling a nail and screws into it, and in the months afterward, slowly, painfully pulling the broken bones apart by a few millimeters, every day for months, to add a few inches of height. Yush, who was about 5'7", desperately wanted to be taller."

This is a recommended read. The article was recently published also (September 25, 2019). We all know that Leg Lengthening has been going on for decades. A lot of people think that because of that, there are few risks if any at all. We can see that is far from the truth. 

4 3,990
Sun Aug 09, 2020 09:23 PM
Does anyone have feedback for Limb Lengthening?

I was wondering if anyone here has any kind of feedback regarding limb lengthening.  I stand at 65.5" and am about sick of nearly all 13 year-old boys being my height or more.  I have been researching this for several years and have seen strides in improvements with the implants and hardware.  Did you have pain for weeks or months...when did it finally subside?  Were there any complications?  What hardware did you receive...Precice Nail, Albizza Nail, Betzbone, etc?  How did you explain your gain in height to friends, family, or coworkers?  How much height did you gain?  Did you do femurs only, lower legs only, or did you end up doing both femurs and lower legs?  Sure it stings to spend such a large sum on something like this, but it also stings thinking back on missed opportunities, lack of respect, overlooked as a dating option, being juvenilzied, etc due to lack of height.  I know I will never be the 6' gold standard that has been imposed on us, but even to make it to 68" or 69" would be amazing.  Any information in any capacity would be much appreciated.  Thanks so much!!!

PS...before you tell me I'm crazy and I should buy a house or nice car with that kind of money...I've already done that...I'm still the short guy that has that stuff.  It's the inescapable stigma no matter what you buy or accomplish. 


1 853
Wed Jun 12, 2019 08:21 PM
You will not change society's mind regarding short stature.

The fact that there hasn't been a new post on here in month proves this point...  the plight of the short-stature man falls on deaf ears.  I had a stature lengthening consult a while ago.  It was pretty awesome.  The bottom line is this, you can't help being born a short guy, there's nothing you can really do about that.  REMAINING short, however, IS a choice.  With advances in limb lengthening, you can be back on your feet within a few days, walking unassisted within a couple of weeks, and recovered fully within months.  Some people will tell you that you're crazy to spend that kind of money on that.  You'll hear, "You can buy a fancy sports car, a house, a boat, etc, with that kind of money."  But you know what...you'll still be the SHORT GUY with the fancy car, a nice house, or a boat.  No matter what, the stigma follows.  And yes, some articles on this site will say to focus on your health, personality, career, etc.  But that will still leave you in the short category regardless.  It is much easier to have a procedure done and escape the stigma than it is to change the collective mind of society...because that will simply never happen.  Let's hear some thoughts on this.

4 1,027
Tue Jun 04, 2019 08:57 AM
Why are so many people against Leg Lengthening?

But are okay with Breast Implants, Butt Implants, Botox, Plastic Surgery and other types of body enhancement. How is getting taller different from any of those surgeries? They all carry risks and are done for the sake of vanity, except lack of height has real life implications particularly for men. No one cares if a woman has an A cup, but people will ostracize a guy for being under 5'8.

4 1,118
Sun Oct 07, 2018 01:48 PM
I had Leg Lengthening surgery and went from 5'6 to 5'9. AMA

Hey everyone. I lengthened 6 cm (2 1/2 inches) and am now 5'9". I did my procedure at the Paley Institute in Florida with Precise 2. I will not reveal my personal information for obvious reasons but I will disclose some info.

I was fortunate enough to enter a high paying field in software engineering after leaving university with a Comp Sci degree. I was making $130K/yr at my former position. I was 26 when I had the surgery. I saved 50K and took out a loan to cover the rest. The only people I told were my parents and I had their blessing. I do not plan on telling anyone else. My friends think I got into a major car accident because I told them this when they saw me in crutches. 

I am now a smidge under 5'9 and my life has changed completely for the better. I had the money, career, friends and was extroverted. I even had flings pre-surgery. But now, I have the respect from the first time I meet someone and most of the subtle social frustrations I experienced as a short man are now gone.


2 2,018
Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:23 AM
Have there been any advances in Leg Lengthening or Stem Cell Therapy?

I'm asking this out of curiosity. I used to follow the diaries of Leg Lengthening patients on a forum called "Make Me Taller". Some of these patients have now had their surgeries 15 years ago before it had entered mainstream consciousness. While LL isn't considered a socially acceptable surgery, enough of these operations are going on worldwide including here in the U.S. and some high profile magazines and news shows have done stories on it.

There also used to be a blog called "Natural Height Growth" that tracked advances in post-puberty growth research but it has since been disbanded. 

Now that Leg Lengthening is almost 20 years old as an "acceptable" surgery (I know it started in the 50s) and there is so much competition, why hasn't the price come down and why have there been no ground breaking innovations as of late?

1 794
Sun Aug 19, 2018 09:24 PM
I'm currently doing LL. Ask me anything!

I'm willing to answer any questions you have about LL.  No questions involving personally revealing info please.

I have a diary on LLF which has been detailing my journey so far.

I started at a height of 5' 5.75" (167 cm) and am going for 8 cm.  I should be almost 5' 9" at the end of my lengthening.  I'm on day 49 post-OP and already feel much taller.

23 11,262
Tue Oct 06, 2015 02:32 PM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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