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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
What I can't stand is when height insults are dismissed as a joke

Does anyone notice this? Especially in work-related or peer group settings, insults about someone's height are passed off as a "joke", and if you speak up on it, you get told that you're sensitive. How sway?

If you take any height joke and put any other quality about someone, weight, complexion, income, education, those become fireable or otracizeable offenses. "It's just a joke bro".

Whether it be in the movies, online, in print or viewable media, just the sheer idea that someone is short is somehow "hilarious".

It's become normalized.

You could say I don't find the humor in it because I am short, but you could say the same to anyone who is the recipient of any insult. 

1 166
Sun Aug 18, 2024 12:18 PM
"It's not hard for a guy to be taller than me"

What does that even mean? You ever watch these shows where a woman is asked what her height preference is and she says something like "I'm 5'5 and as long as he's taller than me, which isn't hard to do".

Umm,  yes it's  not just "hard" to do, it's literally impossible. You are the height you are and can't do anything about it. But then these same people act as if weight-loss is "harder" by comparison.

1 273
Thu Jun 27, 2024 05:23 PM
by TheWay
I feel for sorry myself being short sometimes


Hello guys. I registered a long while back and have just recently found myself back here. I'll just restate my height again if I haven't mentioned it before, I'm 5ft7 or close to 5ft8 (morning height). My father was close to 6ft tall and all my uncles on my father's side were about the same or slightly taller. My mother's side of the family were short. I'm taller than all of uncles and aunts on my mothers side. So genetically I went on my mothers side mostly and due to my father being slightly tall that problem pulled my height up to just under average I guess. I remember growing up through my teens being shorter than all of my friends and holding out hope that I'll have a major growth spurt. I waited and waited and waited some more, but it never really came. I remember I had two classmates who were the same height as me at around 16 years of age that I hadn't seen in years, I saw them recently and I noticed they had major growth spurts with one reaching 6ft1 and the other touching 6ft4. I became conscious again about my height after seeing them, I just became bitter and sad for myself. I never had much luck with women who would always look past me towards my taller friends like I was invisible or not worthy of their attention, and I knew it was my height that had a part in this. I mean if you lack a bit of confidence already then being short for me anyway was the nail in the coffin. I'm much mature now and have had to force myself to come to terms with my poor genetics, but every now and again I feel sorry for myself that I am this way and have to vent. I guess it's because society has put so much emphasis that being tall means you are perfect or something and that you are the superior hunter gatherer, whatever that means. Sometimes I feel short, sometimes I don't care, but every now and then it hurts.

2 1,230
Mon Jun 14, 2021 03:54 PM
Anyone else dread group photos?

We just married off our last child, which means all three kids are happy, successful, and have great spouses. So, obviously a family group shot of the wedding gets posted on Facebook by a dear friend. And what do you all know happens next?  Of course, the dreaded post on the photo for everyone who knows me to read: "Where did your sons get their height from?"  I am SOOO glad my sons are not short and therefore not subject to all the lifelong pain we endure.  But, the dreaded comment.  You know it, right?  I have one choice only and that is total silence. My wife made a frivolous comment just to say something, but I know better than to comment.  You can probably imagine what I'm thinking and what sarcastic retort is going through my mind.  But, silence, my friends, is the best option.  Yes, of course, I want to go to that woman's FB page, find a picture of her daughter and post "Where did your daughter get her beauty from?"  But of course I never would.  It never ceases to amaze me that the comment is not something like, "Wow. three happily married children, that's wonderful." or "Beautiful wedding."  or "Everyone was nicely dressed and polite." Nope.  It has to be publicly pointing out to all 650 of my FB friends that I'm inadequately sized, like that isn't painfully obvious every moment of my life already.  

What about you guys?  Surely you must go through this too?  Do you also find that silence is the best option? Do you have people jabbing their fingers at print or digital photos and pointing out that you're short.  What do you do?

3 1,109
Fri Mar 02, 2018 08:23 PM
Anyone attribute severe social anxiety to their height?

Not just on the dating scene, but for everything overall. Sometimes it's tough to even talk to strangers when noticing that everyone around me is so much taller. I've been to therapy, but nothing has come of it since the problems I face are external. Therapists cannot show any real empathy because it isn't a problem they can understand. Everyone keeps telling me my problems are in my head, but I know it's bigger than that.

3 2,499
Fri Jan 05, 2018 01:09 AM
by d11221
"Move outta the way midget!"

I'm currently rotating at my hospital as I work through my residency. The title of this post are the exact words which came out of the mouth of a nurse on the floor I was working on. My first instinct when coming up with a comeback is to size the person up and determine which standout feature of theirs it worthy of a mean spirited joke.

The thing was, the nurse was black, dark skinned black. I wanted to jab back hard on her dark complexion but realized that would put me in a lot of hot water with HR. In theory though, the methodology is the same. See something on them that society says is bad and poke fun at it. I instead responded with "Ha-Ha Funny". She replied "Don't get all Short Man Syndrome on me".

I can't stand that being short is license for people to say anything to you without consequence. 

1 1,444
Sun Nov 26, 2017 07:53 PM
Reminded about my height when my tall friends get women without effort

Went out with my 6'2 friend last night to a club over here in New Jersey. My friend is an introvert, and not particularly attractive in the face. He doesn't workout and has a small gut which is visible when he wears shirts. He is an underachiever in every sense of the word. Last night, he was able to pick up a woman at the club within 25 minutes and fuck her inside of his car. A beat up Honda Civic which has a smelly interior.

Another of my friends is 6'0. He has a plain looking face and works in Retail. Not a manager or even a Customer Sales rep. He works as a stock boy. He has women smiling at him wherever he goes. It's to the point that if a woman doesn't pay him any attention, he gets pissy about it. If I am with him, women come up to us and ask for directions. They have their eyes all over him and completely ignore me.

I don't want to come off as a hater. I don't have that much trouble dating, especially since I started working out, but it is a strong reminder that my tall friends will never understand the effort that I have to put in just to get noticed. 

2 1,233
Thu Nov 23, 2017 09:45 PM
short in tall family

Hi guys:

Just to let you know 5'7" here, 140lbs 

Shortest in the family.   Dad is 6'8", Mom is 5'10", Sister 6'3"

Hard being this small in such a tall family

6 1,822
Tue Oct 31, 2017 02:58 PM
by d11221
Comments we endure every day

Yesterday I had the classic squeeze play.  A work team was visiting at my office and I was giving a tour. One fellow, Jim Smith, introduced himself and we hit it off great, mostly because I could speak eye-to-eye with him--  he was only 5’5”.   But another member of the crowd, a loud-mouthed, full-of-herself woman in the crowd, named Sandra, was yammering about all kinds of things.  She was about 5’10”, so I had already surmised that her father and any brothers must be ‘big’ men. "Real men."  Then someone pointed out that she happened to have a brother who is also named Jim Smith.  In a flash I could see exactly where this was going to go; she did not disappoint me.  “Well, but, MY brother is six foot five (with hand demonstration) and he’s so much taller and blah, blah, blah….”  I swiftly, just shy of rudeness, switched the subject to something completely different before she could finish, and seized control of the conversation. The end of her height boasting was covered over by my talking, so it died in the air.  Whew.  The things we endure.

9 1,402
Thu Sep 07, 2017 06:24 PM
Equality is a losing battle.

So one of the things that i've noted through the past many years is the battle between gender equality.
I fully support equality, how ever its a shame that people tend to take it as a buffet. Since im a guy i almost only notice it from mens perspective.
And at least in my eyes men are far better than women are when this topic is brought up.

However, the way i see, and how the world is trying to create equality for women is by beating men down, while elevating women.
two examples of this;


- Danish soccer team.

Mens Danish soccer team is a joke and they rarely qualify for any major tournament.
However the womens soccerteam accomplished a 2nd place in the EM.
But ever since the quarter finals, the news and soccer-related channels took thors hammer and hit the mens team in the head, insulting, saying that they are worthless compared to women, and all in all just humiliated the shit out of them.
On the contrary they commended the female team, saying how much better they were, and complained that they didnt recieved as much attention as the men did.
In the news they even brought up the economi and begged for more money On open tv ..

There are millions of ways to handle womens sports to be more popular, but humiliating men and begging for money for the women is in my opinion the most cruel thing listen to. Not only on the tv, but the social media aswell.
If women sports is entertaining noone will care rather if the round things are under the chin or waist.



One thing that actually bothers me, is the netflix categories. When you are trying to scroll through new shows to watch and it brings up suggestions and categories.
Once in a while there are not only 1 but 2 categories that catches my attention
"Shows with strong female characters"
"Shows with leading female roles"

Why even have it that way .. If the show is good, i dont care who is in it.
The problem is that, far majority of shows with female leading roles are segmentet for women.
And a lot of them are just not very good?


Angry section

As i said i support equality if its done right. If women just start taking responsebility and initiative. Leadership and equal rights is not given but earned.

They complain about men, but they are the ones who rather wanna be guided than lead.
If they want equality they should'nt expect a man to pay for their bill, they should'nt wait for men to take initiative. They should feel abused during sex when they expect to be pulled in the hair - slapped with almighty power in the ass - choked - getting it very very hard - expect the guy to be over-dominating - and do no work at all.
And yet they expect a saying when they rather want a father-daughter relationship.
Like wtf??



This is just a mare fraction of the problem at hand. and i could write about it all day, overfloating the forum with this.

But what do you guys think?



0 1,020
Sat Aug 12, 2017 03:46 PM
We are NOT going to miss out on great women

Was reading a thread on reddit where a short guy assumes that because he is short, he (and other short guys) are going to miss out on great women. I have to counter this. I know I can be pessimistic at times (judging by my posts), but this idea is ludicrous at best. I am 5'3, shorter than just about everyone I meet, but I've met GREAT women and had GREAT relationships. YES, I have had high number of rejections, probably more than most men, but it's easy (and convenient) to blame this on height.

Last week I was out with my best friends all who were 5'10ish, and I watched them get rejected by woman, after woman, after woman. Some were beautiful, some were hideous. After watching them get rejected and the women wonder off into their circle of friends, I saw many of them laughing and partying it up. I bet many of them had great personalities, but you know what? There are BILLIONS of women on the planet. We're all not going to be Casanovas, but we still can meet great women, we just have to put ourselves out there.


0 1,031
Fri Jul 07, 2017 06:29 AM
Being short has made me realize how lazy people are with themselves

When I hear women complain about how fat they are, guys complain about how broke they are, or people complaining about how big their nose is, about their mole, etc I want to cringe. These are all things that can be fixed with effort or a few thousand dollars and a few days to a few weeks off. Short of Limb Lengthening, which is $100K and requires a two year recovery, there is literally nothing a short man can do to "fix" his "situation".

So knowing that the body image "problems" that people face are fixable within reach and that there is nothing that compares to being a short male in society today... you can be a morbidly obese woman or 4'9 and everyone will think it's just fine, but god forbid you are a man below 5'7.....

0 971
Thu Jun 15, 2017 03:32 PM
5 foot 3 guy,feel depressed after going through so much discrimination

All the way from childhood people thought I was supposed to just grow taller, as I grow older say 16-17 people found it odd I was still this height. I've gone through bouts of depression throughout the years, I'm 22 at the moment and although I've gotten through some serious times dealing with obesity due to how insecure I felt and lost the weight. I still can't help but feel held back through no fault of my own. These past few months I've felt extremely confident, I used to weigh 190lbs (82kg). At several points in my life I considered suicide. I am now 130lbs, I cycle 2x a week and go gym 2x a week, progressing fairly slightly slower than expected but fairly well. Even though I've gone through all this, built this confidence, it gets shattered as soon as I realize that instead of applauding you, people just bring you down. Family, friends and people who you try to ask out... This isn't a story to gain pity from anyone here, I'm sure you all have experienced similar descrimination throughout your life. I ask you though, why does it feel that everything you try to accomplish just goes unnoticed by everyone? 

Most important of all is the general perception from women I get all the time, the thing that grinds my gears the most is when I'm told "you're too short". Why, why is this a deal breaker for women? I find this to be such a disgusting statement to make, why is that they are allowed to put me down due to something I cannot control but when I mention their weight, they turn into aggressive hateful beasts? 

I felt the need to put this out there as to get it off my chest. I guess there's nothing I can do about my height, just feels bad being dealt such a harsh card in life.


2 1,280
Sun May 28, 2017 09:46 PM
But he isn't tall enough.

"I am a Navy Seal, have completed 10 successful missions, am decorated and have the respect of my entire unit."

But you're short!

"I play 28 instruments, have toured on 6 continents, have products bearing my name and have 2 platinum records"

But you're short!

"I have a black belt, have won 40 tournaments, am undefeated and have fought guys both big and small"

But you're short!

"I have a Masters Degree and two PhD in STEM related disciplines"

But you're short!

This has the be the most annoying most widely accepted view that no matter how much a man has accomplished, it means diddly squat if he is short. Being short is promoted like it is some irredeemable quality. I have been around associated in a social situations and heard this and even with women I've dated. I could say almost all with the exception of one has bought this up. Can you imagine if a woman said:

"I just finished my bachelors in molecular biology" 

and then I responded, "but you have small breasts"

Any woman would be livid over such a statement.

After hearing this often if enough, it rots you from the core. I have friends who never suggest me as a potential date for their female associates because I am the "short one". I'm at the point where even if I met someone nice, I'd have this at the back of my head. 


1 1,399
Tue May 23, 2017 02:00 PM
Anyone hate being told "be confident"?

Confidence comes from previous successes. If you are someone who doesn't have many successes, how are you going to be confident? Why is that people tell short guys who don't do well in dating to "be confident"? For what? Why not just admit that a lot of women are attracted to men they find attractive FIRST, then they look for "confidence"? 

It would make more sense to tell short guys to be amazing at whatever it is that they do. Be the best skier, be amazing at playing the piano, be an amazing student. That type of confidence is reassurance in your strengths, but as a means to attract women? "Be confident"? What the hell does that mean?

1 938
Mon May 22, 2017 11:41 AM
Does your mother treat you worse than your taller siblings?

My mother would occasionally throw in shots to express her disappointment with how tall I did not become, but I also noticed that she would coddle more even though I am older. She would give my brothers tougher chores and listens to them for advice on how to accomplish certain tasks where she would be more hesitant and "mother like" when it came to me doing stuff (i.e. "be careful, "do it this way", etc).



1 996
Wed May 17, 2017 04:33 PM
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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