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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
5 2,282
Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:58 PM
by p
Coworker won't get off of my case!

Everybody I tell this to won't take me seriously. There is a coworker at work that has a major crush on me and she won't leave me alone. She'a always winking at me when I come to work. She blows kisses to me, always tries to have conversation with me and asks me out repeatedly. Even though I've told her that I have a girflriend and am not interested in her whatsoever, she still makes passes at me and isn't discreet about it either.


So my birthday day was a few weeks ago and I got a present delivered to my desk. Baseball tickets. I thought my girlfriend sent them to me so I called my GF to tell her thanks only for her to get mad and tell me she didn't send them to me. So now I'm in trouble! Later that night, I got a mesage on Facebook from my co-worker (she isn't my friend on FB) wishing me well and telling me she sent the tickets. I told her no thank you and that I would give them back to her. She refused but later changed her mind and said she was sorry for being unprofessional. I thought that was it.


Wrong! It's not as often as before, but at least once a week she will ask me out, send notes to my desk, and once she even grabbed my butt while I was walking to one of the back offices. I don't know what to do now. My girlfriend trusts me, so I am okay with that. But it seems like me telling this woman to stop is not working. I am wondering whether or not I should contact my GM or what my next step should be. 




0 1,463
Sun May 25, 2014 11:51 AM
Anyone excited about the new TNMT movie!

As you might be able to tell by my SN, I am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles obsessed! I was not a huge fan of the 90s movie series and early 2000s dark remake of the original cartoon series. The original comics from the mid 80s were great, but the cartoon and storyline of the original cartoons from the late 80s were the best!


RIP Uncle Phil, voice of the original Shredder!


Anyone pumped for the new movie coming out this August? Which was your favorite series or movie?

4 2,152
Sat May 24, 2014 08:29 AM
by tumD
Did you feel intimidated?

While in college, did any of you's feel intimidated by others? Maybe it was ones who were taller than you, or women who just didn't like you because of being short. I myself had been very intimidated while attending college and I hated it a lot. Who here felt the same way as me? 

2 2,151
Thu May 22, 2014 01:27 PM
Your Internal Relationship with Yourself and the "Compare Game"

Have you ever looked at someone else's success and got angry or envious? 

Have you ever looked at someone taller than you and felt really bad?

If so, stop that garbage. You have a limited time being alive and you should focus on your life, not some random person that is more successful than you are or won the genetic lottery. 

Full article I wrote on my blog:


2 1,751
Mon May 19, 2014 05:03 AM
Does money or good looks or good income make a difference?

What makes a difference for a 5'6" guy for women to accept his height or date him?

Good looks, money, high income, education, or great personality matter?

Why there is hope? Some women say good looks and good income make up for a little bit of short height.

1 1,987
Sun May 18, 2014 06:49 PM
by tumD
6'8 Woman To Marry 5'4 Boyfriend

Elisany Da Cruz Silva, World’s Tallest Teen Girl, To Marry 5’4” Boyfriend


What do you think of the story? They have been together for a while apparently. I wish them luck. It's a nice story!

2 1,904
Sun May 18, 2014 06:33 PM
6 reasons to date a short guy



Another article filled with backhanded compliments which make short guys look desperate and like last ditch options.


2 5,214
Sun May 18, 2014 05:59 PM
The Famous 20/20 Heightism Documentary

It's back! Someone found it and posted it on r/short. Even though it's almost 20 years old, this is the best documentary on Heightism to date. It shows everything. Dating, Business and Social elements. It's worth the watch even if you're not short.

1 1,492
Sun May 18, 2014 05:49 PM
Running for President on a school committee. Any tips?

I'm running for President of an organization at my college and am going up against a 6'5 guy who wants to the same position. He is using my height against me as a reason as to why he would make a better leader.


I don't want to stoop to his level (if it is possible since he is so tall cheeky), but we have a debate next week. The last time him and I were at a party for this organization, a few of his friends poked fun at me which made me look kind of dumb in front of everyone else. So far everyone agrees me with on the issues, but I need to find a way to stop him in his tracks if he makes snide comments again in front of an audience. Can any of you help?

1 1,582
Sun May 18, 2014 05:47 PM
How did you fit in during college?

I am a 5'3 guy. I am maybe a 9/10 in the face and am ripped but not stocky or muscular. I guess you could say an athletic build. I love video games, politics and history. I also love skateboarding, biking and paintball. I am getting ready to go to college and was wondering if there are any other guys under 5'4 that were able to be a part of the in-crowd, didn't deal with bullying and managed to just fit in.


Any tips or stories?

7 3,529
Sun May 18, 2014 05:45 PM
women and height bias

After being involved in online dating for a year, I realized that it is essential to lie about your height if you are short. I cannot comprehend why even the most intelligent women care so much about the height of their mate. I have a PhD and make several hundred thousand dollars a year. I am active in day trading, am very athletic and women tell me that I am extremely handsome. 


It seems that none of this matters in the online world. If you are under 6 feet, then you can kiss dating success goodbye. All of your great qualities mean nothing. You are reduced to two digits which mean little more than seven day old vomit. I can easily showdown any man who is taller than me. Most of the time, I am more athletic, more intelligent, better with conversation and have more presence than all of my taller counterparts. It seems that the idea that many most women have is that my any man taller than I is more competent until I begin to speak


I think it sucks that taller morons get better treatment even if they flip burgers for a living just because he is a few inches taller. Being intelligent and able should go a lot further in dating than height. 

1 1,403
Sun May 18, 2014 05:41 PM
Who is the shortest athlete past or present?

There has been a fair share of short sports stars, but which one really made it bigger? I know of Steve Smith of the Panthers way back. Being a short wide receiever, but there's a lot of others out there. Who are they? 

2 1,612
Sun May 18, 2014 05:36 PM
Would you date a woman who has a kid?

Would you ever date a woman who happens to have a kid already? I personally don't think it's a problem, but I am already in a relationship and if my girlfriend had a kid, I think I'd be fine with it. Anyways, would you date a woman with a kid? What if this woman you just started to date didn't tell you right away, would you still go through with the date or future dates with her? 

3 1,940
Sun May 18, 2014 05:33 PM
How to deal with bosses with occasional nasty attitudes

For several weeks now, my boss has been super crabby. Normally when I walk in I say hi and she says hi back. That didn't happen yesterday. Most of the time she is talkative and makes jokes with us. I'm thinking it might be personal problems or work related stress or something. The amount of work we had over last week or two has been the same however. As one of the shorter staff members, she normally takes a liking toward me. I know its work but I'm taking it personally.


I don't know whether or not to ask her. What would you do and what is your relationship with your boss? (Please no romance. I'm not talking about that kind of relationship).

0 1,501
Sun May 18, 2014 05:21 PM
Started from the bottom

Now I'm here. Was a lurker. Now I'm posting.

1 1,287
Sun May 18, 2014 04:45 PM
Ever been in a controlling relationship?

Has anyone here ever been in a relationship that was controlling? If so, how did you react to it overall? I never have myself, and I hope I never do. If I do I would just end the relationship. But I have a friend who was and he was controlled big time. She told him where to be and when, what to wear, what they were going to eat for dinner and so on. It was bad. 


Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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