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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Who is the sexiest short woman alive?

I'll let you guys make the choice in this poll. When we say short, we mean really short for a woman, not 5'3 which is average, but 5'2 and shorter. 

3 1,294
Mon Aug 24, 2015 11:45 PM
Being a short guy on Tinder

So as a not so tall guy and hearing not so great things about how short guys are seen by women on Tinder I decided to get my feet wet and give it the old college try anyway. In less than a week I had 24 matches. 6 of them stopped talking to me when I told them my height (they asked). 10 of them didn't ask and wanted to go on a date. Out of curiosity (and not to waste my time), I bought my height up several times and none of them cared (with the exception of two who sucked their teeth and made comments about not being able to wear heels). 

The other 8 did not bother to respond to any messages (probably validation "I feel so good about guys trying to hit me up on Tinder, let me get their hopes up by swiping right!). 

I have 2 dates this week, so not too shabby! I'd imagine though that if I were 6'+ I'd have way more dates. I'd say even if you are short, give it a shot and don't let the non-repliers get to you. 

3 4,502
Mon Aug 24, 2015 11:32 PM
Started by mojoman
[ 1 2 ]

Hi guys,


This happened to me awhile ago but I feel I need to get it off my chest. After the great responses I got about the former cop who refused to meet me after she found out right before we met that I was shorter/smaller than her, I feel that you guys can relate to this experience.

I was taking this technical course in university and there was this middle aged woman in it. She said she had a boyfriend so I knew she was off limits--she was even living with him. There was this huge guy in my class, 6'2 caribbean guy who dated professional models. I saw her flirting with him a few times.

After a few months the course was over and we all met in a bar. Someone in the bar mentioned that he had the woman's number in his phone--he had it so he could organize the get together. I asked her if I could have her phone number. She asked me why. I said so we could get together. Bad move. I think she thought I meant that she and I could hook up. Later on in the evening she told me I was too short and far for her and I still rented and did not own my own property. I was shocked. I tried telling her nicely that it was a misunderstanding and that I was not interested in her. She expressed interest in having sex with the caribbean guy--he did not arrive yet. I felt this was an odd thing to say out loud to a group of people. Later on when we went to a club, the caribbean guy asked the woman why was height so important to women. She then grabbed me and said she felt like a mother holding a small guy. I was embarrassed. I wish I had told her to screw off.

10 3,623
Sat Aug 22, 2015 03:00 PM
My friend lied about her boyfriend's height

So this is something I want to vent about. My friend, who is all about being true, and sticking to her core lied. Her boyfriend is 5'6 maybe 5'7. Real sweet guy and gives her the world. Her parents live out of state and brought up meeting him. They have been seeing each other for like 3 months, so it isn't serious yet. Well she had them on speaker phone and was giggling away while her mom asked her questions. She asked the height question and she said idk like dad's height... Which he is easily 6ft. I met him! Why would she lie? I don't get it. 

5 1,949
Tue Aug 18, 2015 04:47 PM
by Dez
Category Tag Feature Added

In an effort to streamline our forums we've introduced Color Category Tags. When creating threads, you can select from a list of categories to give viewers a better idea of what your thread is about. It also allows everyone to filter threads so people only see what they want to see. 

This is a truly revolutionary upgrade to ShortGuyCentral! Tip of the hat to our developers.


1 1,995
Tue Aug 18, 2015 04:41 PM
Truth in a picture

3 1,406
Tue Aug 18, 2015 04:36 PM
Started by Dale
Lets get positive

And I don't mean with STD's. lol Name something that you have better because you aren't tall.

I was on a plane and I fit great with plenty of leg room while the man next to me, 6'+ complained the whole time. 

2 1,345
Tue Aug 18, 2015 04:35 PM
What makes a man.. Manly?

I am curious to see what you all, as men, say. My boyfriend and I were talking about this the other day and he said a lot of people who say "tall" and muscular as two traits.

3 1,279
Tue Aug 18, 2015 02:55 PM
Started by Jinx
This bimbo...

I work with this woman named Sue. She is 24, very attractive, nice body, beautiful hair, the whole ten yards. She is about 5'6 and is the tallest woman there. As you can see, we are the same height. When she first started working here she was engaged to some 6'4 giant of a man who was in the D leagues for the NBA. The split up when he had to get moved to another team. 

Long story short, I asked her out on a date a few months after they split and she said she wasn't ready. A week later, she had a boyfriend again. A few months after, she was engaged again. And just 3 months ago they split up. For the heck of it, I asked her out again last week. Again, she said she wasn't ready. This was last tuesday. Now it is Monday and she has a boyfriend again. WTH is up with this bimbo? You ever known someone to be in and out of relationships so dang fast?

4 1,452
Tue Aug 18, 2015 02:53 PM
I see it more in movies

I never paid attention but short men with equal to taller height women are in a lot of movies. Most of them are comedy themed or they are action type films. My friend said they need men and women actors to be closer to the same height in action films to save money. This is why movies like Mission Impossible have actors all around 5'7 to 5'10 and the Transporter is the same way. Never thought of it like that.

4 1,558
Tue Aug 18, 2015 02:50 PM
by Dale
Does more muscle make you look shorter?

I know two guys. They are the same height, about 5'10 each. One is thin, like 28 inch waist or so. The other is about like 34... He has bigger arms and legs as well. When I see them next to each other, the thinner dude looks taller for some reason, even though I know he isn't. 

5 9,529
Tue Aug 18, 2015 02:36 PM
Been using kettlebells.

I wanted to share that I have been using them, well, rather one (20 pounds) for about a week and I am already seeing changing happening in my body. I think I put on a bit of muscle already and I look more toned. 

4 1,957
Tue Aug 18, 2015 02:34 PM
Started by Spider
I am pissed

So I went into a clothing store earlier, looking for a gift for a friend. Well the dude at the register kept making faces at me when I was looking at these shirts. I picked a few out and wanted to get the heck out of there. After checking out I overheard him tell the woman working with him in his gay girly balls up his ass voice "those shirts are going to be dresses on that tiny man" and he giggled. What the hell gives him the right to assume crap like this? Ugggg I am so sick of these uppity sexually confused she-men around here that have to put others down because their own father wanted nothing to do with them. 

8 1,835
Mon Aug 17, 2015 01:40 PM
Melissa McCarthy's husband

I love this gal and find her hilarious. She is one of the few bigger women that I think carries herself well for her size. I never knew she was married and found out she stands 5'3... and so does her husband. Now I want to debate something that may sound mean... Do you think if he was 5'9+ he would still have started dating a woman her size?

3 1,775
Mon Aug 17, 2015 01:33 PM
Started by Hunter
Apt 9

I have been looking into this brand lately. A friend gave me some old clothes and quite a few shirts were this brand and they fit amazingly well on me and I am only 5'4. Nothing is super long and it feels well fitted to my size. Check them out guys. 

2 1,468
Mon Aug 17, 2015 01:30 PM
"Help! My child is taller than me"



I am not sure how I feel about this article. It almost makes a joke of heightism.

"Alexis is three inches taller than me so far – she overtook me suddenly last year and I couldn’t be more delighted. It’s quite funny at times, trying to be in “serious mum mode” when you’re looking up. Other times, it’s useful. Alexis can open the security lock on the back door and I can’t – but she can also reach the sweetie jar in the kitchen and I can’t, which is not good, is it?”"

6 2,332
Mon Aug 17, 2015 01:21 PM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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