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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Greetings neighbors.

I'm C.W.
Pleased to meet you all.

I'm a freelance post production audio professional and video editor on the west coast in the SF Bay Area. Like most of you, I get treated differently because of my height.  But at least we can fit into corvettes.

1 1,032
Sun Jun 12, 2016 09:47 AM
Started by neveragain
[ 1 2 ]

Hello everyone!

So, I was informed about this site and thought I'd check it out. Interesting, I must admit. I am a 5'4 female, who was previously married to a man who claimed he was 5'8, but in actuality was approximately 5'3. Never called him out on it because I loved him and didn't want to make him feel bad about his insecurities. However, based of that one traumatic experience, I highly doubt I will EVER date a short man again, hence my username NEVERAGAIN. His height issues had an effect of many aspects of his life, which is why I call it "traumatic". I've only dated taller men (5'11 and up) since and even they have had height insecurities (believe it or not).

Anyhow, one of the main reasons I could never see myself with another short man again is because of them being so insecure, which is an EXTREME turn off to me. I understand everyone has their insecurities, but I feel that height is one of those issues that you cant do much about, so get the hell over it and focus on something else.





17 4,948
Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:53 AM
Hi. Forum just got better.

Shorter than average guy here (for my ethnic background). Don't like to say short.

Coming up on the big 4 0 pretty quick.  5'7.5 tall. 175 lbs. lean muscle.  People guess 185-190 though. Happy to still have good hair. lol

Former highrise construction worker in Chicago, Ex-Army Sergeant, highly decorated multiple tour Iraq Campaign veteran, and in general bad Mutha...  I see big guys at the gym who can't bench their own bodyweight and I'm thinking, I weigh 80 lbs less than you and I can bench YOUR bodyweight.

I can walk into a room filled with people and know that very few if any men there have done the kinds of stereotypically "manly" things I've done. Yet, I still have these nagging insecurities about my height.  

I suppose forums like this can be good or bad, depending on what you make of them. Mostly just gonna put my 2 cents in.

6 1,560
Sat Feb 27, 2016 01:54 PM
society has made me a monster


I'm new here and 5.1, I'll start off by telling you I've been shorter than most people since I was a child. Growing up in rural Missouri didn't help my situation. I've been ridiculed almost every day since childhood" I'm pushing 30 now" I've always had a few close friends and I've had semi good relationships in the past, but at this point I've just given up. I dropped out of high school because of hieghtism turned to drugs and alcohol to numb myself from society and for a while it worked, but multiple arrests put a stop to that. now social anxiety and depression are the norm. I won't even stop at a gas station if it's busy for fear of ridicule and the fear that That decades of rage might be unleashed if the wrong thing is said. friends and family often get upset when I go long periods of time without visiting, but at home or working on my truck alone is the only time I feel safe from the world. I've been called a monster and a psycho for accidentally saying something from my point of view of the world. I can say in all honesty that if I don't like someone or don't know someone human life holds no value to me. not that I'm a killer or anything, I just don't care if people die. I'm not looking for a pity party or anything of the sort, I just joined to show my support so hopefully in the future people won't end up like me because of their height.

5 1,503
Thu Jan 14, 2016 03:49 AM
Started by jackman

Name is Jack. I am new here. I am not the shortest man here I am sure, but I am not tall by any means. I stand about 5'8 on a good day. I work for a developing company I can't mention on public forums, so I will that there. I am into video games, music, PC builds, and being my own man. I joined because unlike r/short on reddit, this place at least has men who are confident in being short. Lets build each other up!

4 1,439
Mon Sep 28, 2015 05:09 PM
Allow me to introduce myself

It is so wonderful that a place like this exists. I found this place by googling "Short Guys". I'm 5'4, 26 and am a Guidance Director for my district. When I was in my late teens, I was in denile about how "important" height was. When I got to college I complete understood what being short men to society. I am successful by anyone's imagination but deal with heightism from time to time.

Anyway, I look forward to chatting with all of you!

4 1,393
Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:07 PM
Height, dating and being comfortable with yourself.

I know how that goes bud your not alone here. We all have had days, weeks, years like that. One comment and it ruins everything. Hang in there. I find it does get easier with age.

4 1,712
Sun Aug 09, 2015 07:41 PM
Nice site.

Not short, but heard about this place and want to wish you guys luck. The site is nicely designed and laid out. All the best. I'll check in from time to time.

4 1,595
Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:46 AM
by Dale
Started by Hunter
New guy

I am new. Names Hunter. Just looking for a place to BS and vent about being a short guy in a tall world.


3 2,026
Thu Jul 02, 2015 04:14 PM
What's up guys

What's up guys, my name is Ben. I am 23. I graduated with a bachelors in Accounting. I am 5'5 and it sucks, but I guess I should embrace it since there's nothing I can do about it. Anyways, I've always been the short guy. People never really took me serious, except little kids and other dudes my height. I guess I was semi bullied emotionally not physically. I was a cool guy. Dating life was bad not just because of my hegith but my lack of confidence from it. I had girls who wanted to date, but I was a big wuss. 

So yeah, that's me. I am interested in strength training, fishing, and improving my looks as much as possible because I am short :).


4 1,653
Tue Jun 30, 2015 09:34 AM
Started by James007
I'm a noob

Hi everyone! I am new here. My name is James. I am 19, about 5'4, and enjoy sports. I am going to be starting college this fall. I took a year off because I needed a break from people. Had a lot of bullying happen in middle and high school. Was not a fun time. My girlfriend also moved and we couldn't handle the long distance thing so we split up. So I am single, and just enjoying summer before getting back into school again. I took this summer off from work as well. Anyways, happy to have found a forum for short dudes. 

4 1,744
Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:12 PM
Started by Dez
Hey all

I am new. I have to update my profile still. My nickname is Dez. I am a single male who is about 5'5. I just got out of a 3 year relationship that ended because she was no longer "happy". This happened about 3 months ago. I found out last week that she didn't want to "marry a short man". So in spite her friends saying she eeply loved me, she didn't want short kids. What a load. 

Anyways, I am here to just get some support, vent, and so on. 

4 1,905
Wed Jun 17, 2015 06:37 AM
Started by Larry

Hey everyone. I am a short man looking for other short men so we can take over the world.

I am joking of course. Glad to see there is a forum for this "subject" if you will. I have struggled with my height for many years, now at the age of 25, I am finally coming to terms. Anyways, look forward to talkin to ya'll.

4 1,889
Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:56 PM
Started by Mouse
Hello Everyone

Welcome Jackson! Hope you enjoy it here. And wow do you have a tall family! lol

4 1,866
Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:54 PM


New to this site, glad I found it. I'm 5'5" and have only been in one relationship. I've been on probably 30 dates in my life, and only a couple went past the first date. Those who did take interest in me have had severe emotional baggage, physical handicaps, or didn't have very high standards of life. 

I'm hoping to get from here the tools needed to restore my confidence in being able to go out there and nail it no matter what life throws my way.

5 1,467
Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:53 PM
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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