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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
1 1,774
Wed Jul 16, 2014 07:53 PM
How I met the woman of my dreams on POF

So this woman kept viewing my profile on POF. She was pure hot and seemed to have great qualities, but her profile said to not message her if you were under 5'10. From what I gather, you cannot tell how many times someone views your profile on POF but if they visit ever so often they will turn up in Viewed Me. 
After the third time, I ignored her height requirement and messaged her. She told me she thought I was handsome. A few back and forths lead to a first date. She is two inches taller than me and did not seem to mind it when we went out to dinner and for a few drinks.  
After the third date, she came back to my place and we watched a few movies on Netflix and laughed for hours. We did not kiss, but after the next date, we went to her apartment and made out. It was like an instant bond and she told me how she felt butterflies in her stomach. The connection was felt by both of us. Ater a few weeks she told me she hadn't felt the way she did about me about anyone else in a very long time.  
I have a feeling this will be one of those relationships that will last a long time and I have never been happier. The lesson here is to sometimes take chances, because if I let what her profile said stop me from messanging her, we wouldn't be as happy as we are today. 

3 2,703
Wed Jul 16, 2014 05:39 PM
Messi and Lahm 5'6 lead the world cup

They both look very small next to their teammates but there is no denying that these two were unstoppable through the month long series of matches! 5'6 master race!

2 1,897
Wed Jul 16, 2014 05:37 PM
The heels argument

I am one of the guys who could care less about what shoes a woman wears, but why do so many women makes their shoes a non-negotiating factor when choosing a partner?

1 1,819
Wed Jul 16, 2014 05:25 PM
Shoes with lifts built in?

Where is the best place for me to buy high quality fashionable shoes with built in lifts? I bought a pair of dress shoes from ebay with 3.2 inch lifts. They looked nice in pictures but when it came to me they were of cheap quality. Within two weeks, the soles started wearing down. I purchased another pair of dress shoes from TallManShoes in Brooklyn and the leather seemed to be pleather. Within a weeks, the creases were unbareable to look at and they felt really funny on my feet.


I want something stylish, real leather and something that will last. Any suggestions?

1 1,258
Wed Jul 16, 2014 05:20 PM
Video Gaming qualify as a sport?

Okay, I'm not saying video games are a sport, I'm asking what you all think. Should video gaming, especially when people play in teams, be considered a sport? I heard a while ago that ESPN will be airing a show for major league gaming, which I just find to be dumb, but that's me. I want to hear what you guys think. When I see sports I see physical activity that actually gets people moving, rather than a hand moving to push buttons. 

1 3,127
Wed Jul 16, 2014 05:06 PM
Which is worse for a guy? Being short, bald or fat?

This is like the trifecta of unattractiveness for a man if you have all three and I think if you at the least can stay away from the third one, you'll be okay. Jason Statham is bald and the laides love him. I don't think baldness is as bad as it used to be if you shave it all off. But I see bald guy forums where the guys there lament being bald. Which is worse? Bald, short or fat?

1 2,140
Wed Jul 16, 2014 04:28 PM
by R2D2
The best invention ever for short men

I came across this a few weeks ago and wanted to share this. For all of you who complain about altering pants or are too lazy to get it done, there is this group on Kickstarter who set up a campaign to fund their RipClips invention. Basically, it is a magnetic clip that automatically hems the pants your desired length by clipping the ends of the cuff to the inside of the pants. The result is a clean cut look that won't unfold and drag on the ground. 


The campaign is over, but you can contact them at their website to order or check out their Kickstarter page. They raised $2000 more than their goal a few months ago, so the item should be in production. It doesn't automatically literally hem your pants, but you could use it for the purpose I just mentioned. Even if you got your pants hemmed, it is a great item to protect the bottom ends of your jeans.


6 3,402
Wed Jul 16, 2014 08:49 AM
Mini Cooper a good car for a short guy?

Hi ateyelevel! I am not a fan of big cars and am in the market for a new car (new to me). The four cars that I am considering right now are all small and look sporty. They are


  • Mini Cooper 2015
  • Volkswagen GTI
  • Honda Civic Coupe
  • Toyota Prius


I know the prius is a very different car, but it is a cheap hybrid. I have friends who say nothing but good things about that car. The mini cooper has a nice interior and updated panel controls. The GTI just looks cool when you mod it. The Civic is a boring, boring car but is great for a guy of my sisze.


If you had to choose between all four and had the money, which one would you buy?

0 2,104
Wed Jul 16, 2014 07:16 AM
Forum Crash Jul 15 2014

Forum Crash On July 15, 2014


Unfortunately our site crashed due to bandwidth overload and we lost some posts. We are using Google Cache to recover some of those posts and threads. As it would be unproductive to ask users recreate threads, we are assigning some of the old posts that can be recovered to user "RepostBot".


  • If you see a post that you know you created, don't be alarmed.
  • Posts which cannot be recovered but are cached will be assigned to user "RepostBot"
  • If you wish to recreate your thread, go ahead and do it, we will prune the backup posts/threads
  • We have everything under control and are working overtime with backups.
  • This will not happen again. Sorry for any inconveniences. 
1 1,948
Wed Jul 16, 2014 06:48 AM
James Brown was 5'6. Guy playing him in new biopic is 6 feet.

I don't get why they chose a guy who is 6 feet tall to play James Brown when he was noticeably short in real life. Brown was 5'6 and almost all of his peers were significantly taller than him. You can see this in every video where Brown performs. The guy wore heels in almost all of his performances to "compensate". Why is it that when a short guy plays a tall man on film, everyone speaks up against it, but when the opposite occurs, it seen as "great". How does that hold true to his real story? 5'6 to 6' is a big difference in perspective.  


0 1,927
Mon Jun 30, 2014 08:30 PM
Contest: $50 For The 'Best' Post!

Hi all. We thank you for participating in the AtEyeLevel Short Guy Community forums in its earliest stages. To help boost membership and encourage posting and dialog, we are holding a contest for the "Best Post"!


The rules and guidelines are simple. We are looking for a post or thread that:


  • Provokes conversation
  • Sparks Interest and Debate
  • Features long responses from users (i.e not just a sentence or two)
  • Brings awareness to our community


We will pool all of the posts and list the top five qualifiers (from our opinion), and then on July 31, 2014 announce a winner! 


Any questions about this contest should be included as responses to this post. 


Happy Posting!

1 3,527
Mon Jun 30, 2014 07:24 PM
Can you believe some people actually find short women unattractive?

I was on the LoveShack forum and someone started a post dissing short women calling them unattractive and undateable. I know there are some tall men who prefer tall women but I always assumed that most guys like short women considering the men are taller than average. Plus that is the social norm! Take a look at this forum where within hours there were several hundred responses


Short Girls Are Unattractive: LoveShack.org

0 1,388
Mon Jun 30, 2014 06:40 PM
Who here is thinking of getting LL

I'm serious. I've been reading the MMT forums and all of these people have these elaborate schemes about how they plan on saving up for the surgery, about which doctors they are choosing and I never knew that the amount of people who want the surgery is so huge!




1. Where are you getting it?

2. When are you getting it?

3. How are you saving up for it?

4. Why do you want to be taller?

4 2,844
Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:30 AM
Any of you consider yourselves to be incel?

I keep seeing this term on a buch of other forums and wonder if anyone is truly incel. Why are you incel? Have you tired to break out of it? Give us your reasons. What does an incel person do wrong that causes him to be incel?

5 2,459
Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:28 AM
Why do people tell short men to have confidence?

Why is it that everyone's advice to short guys who struggle with dating is to "have confidence". Heightism plays an intergral role into a lot of decision making when it comes to dating preferences. I'm not saying that women who don't date short men are heighist, but you wouldn't tell an Asian or Black guy to "have confidence" if they were rejected by women of other races.


A short man could be confident in every area, but still be told to "have confidence" when being rejected repeatedly for his height. Confidence in this case won't mean a thing because a decision has already been made about his SMV.  

0 1,502
Sat Jun 28, 2014 09:55 PM
Born In The Wrong Century

The following picture was posted in Geoffrey Arnold's TheSocialComplex blog on Tumblr as well as on r/short in Reddit. It features a Plus Size woman and Short Guy admiring art which glorifies their person, As plus sized women were pedestalized in the Victorian era and Napoleon is (still) considered larger than life, they gaze into times where their person would've been the ideal. The piece is called "Wrong Century".



Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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