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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
4 1,187
Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:53 PM
Why don't we start a Facebook page?

You know, to fight against height discrimination? I think it would be something were doing. I don't now how to set one of them up or I would do it myself. What do you all think? 

1 1,563
Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:51 PM
The Sad Truth.

You know what's funny about knowing what a girl REALLY wants.  You'll see posts/pictures/quotes etc. stating the guy has to have:

A. A sense of humor.

B. Take care of himself, along with his girl. 

And... you guessed it, C FOR CONFIDENCE!!! YAY. 

C. Confidence.


But you know what guys?  It's all bullshit.

Girls want height.  That's all they want, that's all they really care about.

Lets be real here guys, you see that cute girl, absolutely adorable, dating a 5'10+ fuck-up who has no sustainability and disrespects his girl. 

A dude can have all the 'caring' and 'stability' traits as well as having high aspirations, yet if he has no height, then it's still a 'no' for the girl.

I'm sorry guys.  I know I'm making generalization here, but this applies to 95% to girls and to short men.

That's it, I'm done with girls.  And no, I'm not 'turning' gay. 



5 1,743
Thu Oct 29, 2015 06:43 PM
This chick got owned

6 1,700
Thu Oct 29, 2015 06:42 PM
Some proof not all women hate us



Go to the post and view the comments. No, there isn't a lot but it goes to show even women who do prefer taller men will date short men. Also, height isn't everything to all of them. Stuff like this makes me feel better because I swear, I get shot down by women who go for tall men more than anything.

4 1,534
Thu Oct 29, 2015 06:37 PM
by Dez
"Poor Me"

I think it is pathetic when I see men having pity parties or crying online. They try to make a point and just don't make any sense. Part of the reason shorter men have it harder with women is because CONFIDENCE TURNS WOMEN ON! Why do you think women stay in bad relationships with cocky jerks? They are confident! There is no science to this people. Short or not, you need to man up, accept your flaws, and take a long damn look in the mirror. Looks don't get and keep women, confidence does. 

5 1,529
Thu Oct 29, 2015 06:34 PM
by Dez
This is really irking me.

You know, all this say that the short man makes minimal financial gain compared to the taller man really provokes me.  So, I wanted to ask:  What are career do you have?  or  What are you pursuing?  


7 1,386
Thu Oct 29, 2015 06:33 PM
by Dez
Is it fair to assume...

Is it fair to assume all bigger or fat women are lazy and unhealthy? I don't think it is. So why is it okay to assume all short men are depressed and desperate? 

7 1,313
Thu Oct 29, 2015 06:08 PM
This is a good start for justice.

Woman, Blacks, LGBT, religion, Little People, etc. have already got a noticeable social justice.  Who's next? Maybe it could be us, along with taller women, whom are also deemed 'unattractive'.  I firmly believe we should be next on the cycle. I believe we should have justice.  A good start would be proposing new legislations that persecute 'heightist' ideals.  Namely, giving the ability for short men to participate more in media, such as modeling, leading roles in movies and shows, etc. i.e. more opportunities for us, as well as a better outlook.  Nonetheless, true that heightism may be an 'illusion'; however, it certainly takes role in 'love'.  The media poisoned the views of 'girls', making them judge us based on a characteristic that we cannot change; hence, we are deprived of affection, a feeling and a notion that ALL well-minded humans deserve.


7 1,556
Thu Oct 29, 2015 06:07 PM
The Issue of Height Shaming

Do you think the world will recognize the issue of height shaming?  Please express your thoughts in the poll/comments.  


4 1,705
Thu Oct 29, 2015 06:05 PM
Looking for a jacket brand

Anyone know a good brand for jackets that don't get to long? The one I have now is on the longer side and I prefer my jackets to hit right at my buckle so my shirts are slightly longer. 

4 1,482
Thu Oct 29, 2015 05:53 PM

I have heard mixed thoughts on this place. I am in the market for a few new suites but I don't want to spend a crap ton of money. I am on a budget after all. Anyone shop with them before? Or can recommend another place like Tailor4Less?

4 1,453
Thu Oct 29, 2015 05:52 PM
Halloween Costumes!

I am starting this thread now. My boyfriend and I are debating on what to be so I am hoping to think of some great couples ideas. I will start a poll too, with themes of costume options, pick which one you are going to do, if you don't plan on dressing up, pick one you WOULD do if you did. 

Animal - Anything animal related that doesn't fit any other category

Pop-Culture - Music, Movie, and Television related (included video game characters)

Heroes/Villains - Anything related to super heroes or villains (think Marvel and DC)

Generic Horror - Ghosts, trolls, witches, vampires, ect.

Parody - Making fun of something or someone in a silly way

Other - It doesn't fit anywhere else

6 1,258
Thu Oct 29, 2015 05:49 PM
by Dale
Egyptian Cotton

My boyfriend mentioned wanting a few Egyptian cotton dress shirts for his birthday. Anyone have any idea where to get them on the cheaper side and for more of a smaller/shorter torso fit?

9 1,625
Thu Oct 29, 2015 05:34 PM
Flirt worthy

I feel like I am stuck in this rut where women will find I am worthy of being flirted with but when it comes to dating or going on a date, I always get short down. This one woman was making sexual puns with me, telling me things she would like me to do to her then when I asked for her number, she suddenly had no working phone because she was "in between places". The kicker is, I saw her playing with her phone prior to approaching her. What gives? Am I getting mercy flirts or something!?

4 1,264
Thu Oct 29, 2015 05:29 PM
Height and Halloween?

Have you ever been the butt of some joke because of your height? Like saying "you should be ___ and he/she should be ___ for Halloween cause you are so short!". Someone told my friend, who is about 5'6, he should be mario and I should be luigi because of the height difference. It made him feel like shit. 

2 1,464
Thu Oct 29, 2015 05:27 PM
Dress The Part!

I noticed one thing all men who are short and complain about not being able to meet women have in common... They do not know how to dress sexy. Yes, men can be sexy too, even short men, fat men, tall men, fit men, thin men... You get the point.

Prime example is Daniel Radcliffe in this leather jacket. Not even trying but his confidence is obvious.


Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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