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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
1 2,014
Wed May 11, 2016 05:36 PM
Reddit Post: "As A Plus-Sized Woman, What's Irritates You In Dating?"


(Reddit) As A Plus Sized Woman, What Irritates You In Dating?

The parallels between what Short Men talk about and what fat chicks talk about are almost so identical, of course except that the key to all of their (fatties) problems are within literal reach. Anyone of them can get up on any day and lose f**** weight. I don't care how hard it is. Either be happy being a fatty or lose weight and be like everyone else! Check out some of the things people said on that post

  • guys who want to fuck you but would never actually date a fat girl
  • That I'm not allowed to have standards or dealbreakers, that fatty should just be happy with what she gets.
  • Guys who act like they deserve a pat on the back for dating me or shit talk skinny/fit women to contrast. "I'm not like other guys, I hate skin and bones, I like extra meat on a woman". Shut the fuck up.
  • I always felt like I couldn't initiate things because I couldn't assume if a guy would be okay with a chubbier girl. I didn't want to offend a guy by coming on to him. I had to let the guy be the one to ask me. It was the only way to be okay with it.
  • I lost seventy pounds but what i fucking hated about dating at my highest weight is that i would be up front with people about my weight in an internet dating or friend of friend set up situation. Full body pics (clothed), no fancy angles, sometimes even gave them a fucking number on a scale and it never failed that two of the guys would be like, ON THE DATE and tell me to my face that "oh i didn't realize you were THAT big" when i honestly overcommunicated my size to avoid that sort of situation. Also got a guy who wanted to be my trainer.
  • People telling me "Oh, you're awesome. You're perfect and I'd date you in a heartbeat if you were thinner". How about go fuck yourself! I wouldn't date you if I was thinner or fatter.Guys seem to think this is a big fucking compliment. It's not.

How can these chicks not see the similarities? Do I feel sorry for them? Nope. Chances are they too are on the "nope won't date a guy shorter than me" bandwagon.

7 1,970
Sun May 08, 2016 08:00 PM
The dating reality all men (not just short) face these days...

7 1,569
Sun May 08, 2016 07:58 PM
Thoughts on this comment...

I read this on reddit and it made me think. He has a point. I mean, not to bash us or anything but a woman really shouldn't be called shallow for seeking traits she wants in a life partner. Thoughts?


"Discriminating about height in romance isn't a shallow thing. That's a permanent trait & therefore longterm realism in action.

It's not like being put off by crooked teeth, the name of someone's fave band or even the lack of an education

It would be shallow not to get past the crooked teeth because they're not necessarily forever.

But getting somebody of the wrong height is something that's seen down the generations. Can't be escaped. It isn't "shallow" to take a pass on something so far-reaching."

1 1,895
Wed Apr 13, 2016 05:14 PM
Thoughts on MGTOW?

Please express your thoughts on MGTOW.  A lot of women nowadays judge men based on an unfair criteria.  Why should there be investment towards them?  

1 1,700
Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:56 AM
rich, young, attractive 5'9" man too short to find dates

a comment from the below article about dating:

"Side note: I have a personal connection to this issue. My nephew (28) lives in NYC, he’s good looking (yes, he is), in excellent shape, has a PhD in Comp Sci and banks 270K+/yr. He would totally relate to this article because it’s utter hell for him to sustain (much less even get) the attention of girls his age. So, what’s his problem? He’s “only” 5-9. An extenuating problem is his limited dating experience, having been committed to education up until three or so years ago, but he’s fixing that. Every time we discuss this subject, he reminds me how the girls flat out tell him them they want someone taller. He even tries to make light of it by saying he’s a solid member of the “invisibles” club but I can see it hurts him deeply."





0 4,360
Sat Mar 12, 2016 08:08 AM
Woman Says No To Tall Men On Dating Profile

Height And Dating: Woman Prefers Short Men | ShortGuyCentral

I guess they are out there....

20 4,622
Wed Feb 10, 2016 06:02 PM
No to kids because of height?

My boyfriend and I have been talking on deeper levels lately and he basically flat-lined me with this one....

He said he does not want to have kids because he does not want to risk having a son who will grow up short and struggle with the same issues he has. I didn't even know what to say. I went into the other room and cried because I want kids. 

Has anyone ever said they didn't want to have kids do to height? I am curious here.


1 1,315
Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:33 PM
Tall women rarely fancy small men – that explains my traumatic dating


1 1,301
Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:59 PM
Who do you think has it worse...

When it comes to dating...

Who do you think has it worse? An Asian man or a black woman?

7 4,104
Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:47 AM
5'3 boyfriend to a "taller' girlfriend

I wanted to share this...

I guess cats can bring couples together haha But seriously, good for him. She is cute!

3 3,344
Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:33 AM
by Dale
Your Issues With Dating Shorter Men Are Misogynistic

Degree 180, 12/30/2015

As a short girl, I couldn’t care less about Short Girl Appreciation Day (which occurred recently). However, if I am going to be appreciated for my height then shorter guys ought to be appreciated for theirs as well, because it’s the height we are appreciating, right?

Wrong. And herein lies the double standard.

It’s okay for women to be short. It’s normal and cute. A short man? Nope, not cute or normal. According to societal standards, a short man is non-masculine and odd. It isn’t uncommon to see men make fun of other men for their height based on the assumption that, somehow, a man lacks masculinity if his height is below average, and, in some cases, even average height is looked down upon.

Women, essentially, ostracize short men for their inability to dominate them (not all women, thankfully). Think about it. Many women want a tall man who can presumably protect them and, simply, stand over them. Because being loomed over and subjugated by a man’s height is so cute (sarcasm).

There, of course, is nothing wrong with being attracted to tallness or with wanting to be personally dominated. However, there is something wrong with valuing all men for their ability to dominate others.

Boys, young men, and grown men alike are esteemed for their “masculinity,” meaning they are esteemed for their power. Their dominance. Their ability to win. They are respected if they win at sports (a.k.a. defeat other men), if they never cry (a.k.a. don’t feel), if they attract many women (have sex with, rape, or dominate women), if they make a lot of money (assert their superiority over others). They are valued for their muscles, their aggression, and their indifference.

If a man breaks a woman’s heart, he has won a trophy. He has been told this is okay because it is not okay to feel. If a man cries, he is ridiculed because only women are allowed to cry. If he has no money, he is a failure because money is success and the mind is nothing. If he beats another man, he gains greatness. If he helps his team win a game, he is honored.

Discrimination against men is real and it took a silly Short Girl Appreciation Day for me to be able to explain this. Because women face a much worse, institutionalized sexism, we often ignore this discrimination against men. We focus on the bigger issues. But if you think about it, discrimination against men and misogyny are not the completely separate issues that we tend to think. In fact, recognizing and facing this discrimination against men could actually help defeat misogyny.

Read the rest of the article

2 2,888
Fri Jan 15, 2016 08:40 PM
Can anyone explain why this date went wrong?

Time Out New York, 1/2/2016

Each week, we take two New Yorkers who swear they're totally undateable, and put our matchmaking skills to the test. Afterward, we find out what went well on their date, and what went horribly, horribly wrong.

Why they're single:

Rui: Moved to 
New York from Japan last spring, so hasn’t had a chance to meet new people and is still 
learning English.
Jacob: His work 
is pretty consuming and requires nights and weekends, but he’s working to make more time.

First impression

Rui: “He was wearing a suit, and he looked like a gentleman and a businessman. He’s nice, but it didn’t feel romantic. My type 
is taller than me, and he was shorter.
Jacob: “They sat her first and delivered me to 
her, almost like a Bachelor episode. She was pretty and nicely dressed. She had a formal way about her but was very cordial.”


Rui: “We talked about our jobs, parents and where we’ve been. We found a mutual favorite restaurant in Astoria, but I didn’t 
feel like I wanted to go there with him.”
Jacob: “This is her first year in America, so a lot 
of the initial conversation was about what made her want to come to New York. But there was never a void in conversation.”

Awkward Moment

Rui: “His way of eating food is a little too messy. He spilled a lot of things on the table—dessert, bread, meat. It seemed he didn’t care about that, so I didn’t say anything.”
Jacob: “She asked when my last long-term relationship was and how long it lasted, which is a fairly forward thing to ask on a first date. I guess I was a little taken aback.” 


Read the rest of the article

3 1,288
Fri Jan 15, 2016 08:05 PM
Why Do Women Care About Height?



3 1,235
Wed Jan 13, 2016 11:41 PM
Break Up Story


So who thinks it was the teasing that reaaaally made her call it quits? 

2 1,551
Sun Jan 10, 2016 08:29 PM
How to carry yourself around women

Take notes from actor Poe Dameron. This woman in tall but he is not intimidated in the least. He asserts power while making her feel feminine. That is key if you want to date taller women. 

1 1,176
Sat Jan 02, 2016 02:32 AM
The Case for Dating Short Guys


Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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