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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
What are the chances of short becoming a future fad?

You see this happening? Everyone is getting taller, so being short would be kind of novelty. Everyone has brown hair and a smaller percentage of the population has blue eyes, so everyone goes crazy over blue eyes. With less men "short", do you see any chance of shorter guys being viewed in the same way blue eyes are?... as in a favorable trait?

1 937
Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:06 PM
by d11221
Does your partner/significant other catch flak for dating you?

I'm just shy of 5'4 and can tell you that whenever my girlfriend's tells me often that when she discloses my height (usually when somebody asks), they are met with disbelief and then questioning ensues. My girlfriend is the same height as me. 

5 1,001
Tue Jan 17, 2017 08:57 AM
Can women to be attracted to a short guys like they are to tall men?

When a woman is attracted to me, I notice that it is "different" than the way she is when attracted to a tall man. It's like there's something more special, like a certain way they look at taller guys. When women are with short guys it doesn't quite seem the same. Anyone else notice this?

1 1,113
Mon Jan 09, 2017 01:37 PM
OK Cupid now lists height in Tinder style feature

Now women are removing their height from their profiles. Wonder why? It makes sense that they'd add this though since height is the #1 filter that most women use.

1 1,295
Wed Dec 21, 2016 10:12 AM
Need Help: How can you tell if a girl likes you?

So I need help...  I really like this girl in my university...  She's nice and respectful to me and all, but I'm getting a sense that she's just being nice to me (as always).  I normally don't pursue woman for obvious reasons, but I want to know how to tell if a woman likes you, especially if you're a shorter guy.  

3 1,311
Fri Dec 09, 2016 03:30 PM
Short woman who thinks short men are hot but won't date them

The whole conversation is here

2 1,710
Tue Dec 06, 2016 01:13 PM
Weekly reminder. Not all of us women care about height

Amen. I've dated men as short as 5'

7 1,791
Thu Nov 17, 2016 09:35 AM
by SullyOs
I Like Being a Short Man


Originally posted by bigwhereitcounts

I'm 5'6" without shoes, with shoes I'm about 5'8", my height never bothered me.  I actually prefer to be short, because I see how tall men walk, in such a slow, lumbering plodding way, they look like they're always in pain just by walking.  Also, tall men have really bad back, heart and circulation issues, worse than short men.  At this point in life (I'm 32), I don't care what others think of me or my height, it doesn't bother me anymore./

Where'd you find shoes with 2" heels for men

15 4,586
Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:30 PM
by samir1
Couple talks about height and how others react to them


Originally posted by marshal

First, 5' 8" isn't that short. by wearing a pair of cheap elevator shoes he can reach 5' 9" easily. I think the problem here is the smallish frail figure which emphasizes his height.

Kind of agree with you there. Taller guys have more wiggle room to have any body type and be accepted. As a short guy, you can't be too skinny, too muscular or too anything. 

2 1,326
Sat Oct 22, 2016 02:33 PM
Will Short Guys Being Cucked Be A Given For Marriage 3.0

Apps like Tinder and POF mean that women can easily set their criterion to a very specific narrow range. We all know that women see 6 feet and over as the Golden Range. We also know that women are more likely to have one nighters and ongoing flings with men they find very attractive with height being a given there.

Do you think Short Guys who get married are destined to a life of being in a constant state of cuckdom? 

10 2,994
Thu Sep 29, 2016 06:00 PM
Why are Latina women not as heightist as white and black women?

Looking back on my dating history, I notice that Latinas were always willing to date me and were heavily attracted to me (and of course I'm always attracted to them. They are my top preference). It's usually black women who call me out on my height and make very negative comments about it. White women did this sometimes also, but they're not as vocal and I seem to have little problem attracting white women (of all heights).

Why do you think Latinas are more accepting of short guys? And I mean both tall and short Latinas didn't have height at the top of their list.

10 5,521
Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:08 PM
Which is the most important to attract women? Looks, Wealth, Height?

In order, which is the most important to attract women? And which would you say is THE most important?

I'd say

  • Income
  • Height
  • Looks
  • Connections
  • Physique
  • Education

I wouldn't put personality on that list because you have to get to know a person to become attracted or turned off by that.


9 1,281
Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:04 PM
Woman Upset That Most Guys On Dating Site Are Between 5'7 and 5'9

This woman is mad because there are too many men below 5'10 on dating sites. 

4 1,605
Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:02 PM
Short guys, do you seek out taller women for the sake of your kids?

After noticing how evil short women can be about a man's height, I wondered if it was in my best interest to only date (or try to date) tall women and women of average height. Women 5'3 and up tend to care less about my height than women shorter. Do you notice the same? When I hear little women say they only want to date tall men so their kids can be tall (which doesn't always happen), it kind of makes me want to do the same, especially since I'm short for a guy (but not as short as these short women who tell me to get lost).


4 1,343
Thu Sep 01, 2016 09:58 PM
Guy demolishes Heightist girl on Tinder (Brilliant!)

1 3,369
Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:49 AM
by MrNo1
Guys here who have a girlfriend. How do you guys kiss?

So I had this interesting conversation today where one of my female friends said she would never date a short man because she doesn't want to have to look down and have her man break his neck upwards to kiss her. Another woman said that was stupid and it didn't matter how you kissed. So I ask if you have a taller woman how do you guys kiss?

3 1,175
Thu Aug 04, 2016 10:43 AM
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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