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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
2 1,953
Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:23 AM
I had Leg Lengthening surgery and went from 5'6 to 5'9. AMA

Hey everyone. I lengthened 6 cm (2 1/2 inches) and am now 5'9". I did my procedure at the Paley Institute in Florida with Precise 2. I will not reveal my personal information for obvious reasons but I will disclose some info.

I was fortunate enough to enter a high paying field in software engineering after leaving university with a Comp Sci degree. I was making $130K/yr at my former position. I was 26 when I had the surgery. I saved 50K and took out a loan to cover the rest. The only people I told were my parents and I had their blessing. I do not plan on telling anyone else. My friends think I got into a major car accident because I told them this when they saw me in crutches. 

I am now a smidge under 5'9 and my life has changed completely for the better. I had the money, career, friends and was extroverted. I even had flings pre-surgery. But now, I have the respect from the first time I meet someone and most of the subtle social frustrations I experienced as a short man are now gone.


7 1,106
Mon Sep 24, 2018 03:47 AM
This girl is just weird

Hi guys,


A funny thing happened to me at work.

A 5'8 Persian girl at work seemed really cool to a bunch of us, who happen to be short guys She said her type of guy was one of my friends who is about 5'9 when we first started to get to know her. We all were initially like WOW what a nice person. She's not one of those tall girls who just want a tall guy. However one day when she was talking about the guy she wants to be with she listed these requirements:

1) Be 6 feet.

2) Blonde blue eyes like a German guy.

3) Pay for everything.

4) She is not religious but the man must convert to Islam so when she visits her parents back in Iran the police will not imprison and kill her. I am serious. She said if she marries a non-muslim she will be killed by the authorities upon landing.

I tried to explain to her that in Canada we do not have a lot of these 6 feet blonde, blue eyed men. She said she knows that and was disappointed. Geez thanks. When I told her to get a work permit for Sweeden or Germany she lit up and said she might just do that. When she left to go home all of us burst out laughing. Her list of requirements is not realistic in any way (she is 32 years old by the way!) and no way in hell is Sweden or Germany going to give out work permits easily, especially to an Iranian citizen.

It bothered me a lot to associate with a woman like this. My personal trainer told me to avoid such people. I am going to distance myself at work from her. Fortunately, I was happy to meet a 6'4 tall woman who would be happy to date a shorter man at a picnic this weekend. So my karma is getting better.

Let me know what you guys think. All these weird things happen to me so I have to share them with this group.


1 891
Tue Sep 18, 2018 08:01 AM
Heightism on the soccer field

0 970
Fri Sep 07, 2018 06:45 PM
Do girls like short guys?

0 1,055
Sat Sep 01, 2018 07:12 AM
Another study released showing height is most important to women

1 1,061
Wed Aug 29, 2018 01:53 PM
Dating Websites, Apps, Etc. For Tall Women And Short Men?

Hi all,

Are there dating websites, apps, etc. out there for tall women and short men who want to date each other?

I ran a search, but it didn't turn up much that's useful. The only thing I really saw was tallfriends.com which says it includes "tall admirers", but I don't think it's a site specifically for tall women and short men to date.

Also, are there other forums similar to Short Guy Central that you'd recommend?

Let me know, thanks.

0 655
Tue Aug 28, 2018 06:05 AM
Leonard Bernstein, Composer was 5'7

1 828
Tue Aug 28, 2018 06:01 AM
When Size Doesn't Matter In MMA (Unexpected Knockouts)

0 891
Mon Aug 27, 2018 04:46 PM
Does Height Matter? Asking Twitch Girls

2 913
Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:41 AM
It's always the undesirable women who have the most requirements

"I am a big girl who is currently working on that. There is so much for you to find out. If I am interested I will hit you up. Please be atleast 5'8 and taller. I have to be really drawn to you for me to look past your height if your 5'7. Also be between the ages of 33 and 38. 
If you dont like big girls aka lusciousness don't waste your time. I dont mind men with children(No more than two)but if you don't have kids even better ."


These types of women are the worst.

1 746
Sun Aug 26, 2018 04:14 PM
Anyone here prefer taller women or women taller than themselves?

Anyone here prefer dating women taller than themselves? I don't mean taller with heels on, but taller in general? Anyone successfully date women who are taller? I'm new here by the way. I registered to ask this question. 

0 1,135
Fri Aug 24, 2018 10:27 PM
Heightism Related Resources

This is just a list of resources for those who want to learn a bit more about height related bias:

Support For The Short (Active) - http://www.supportfortheshort.org/

The Social Complex (Abandoned) - http://thesocialcomplex.tumblr.com/

Heightism Report (Twitter Feed) - https://twitter.com/heightismreport?lang=en

This list will be updated pending submissions. We may turn this into an article at some point in the future. 

0 722
Thu Aug 23, 2018 06:15 AM
Why this 6'3 Asian girl never dated a short guy

0 1,148
Wed Aug 22, 2018 06:08 AM
She told everyone under 5'10 to leave

0 1,244
Mon Aug 20, 2018 08:55 AM
5'3 UFC Champion Demetrious Johnson and his wife

0 738
Sun Aug 19, 2018 10:37 PM
by tumD
Heightist SNL Skit

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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