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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
3 1,236
Mon Oct 12, 2015 05:55 AM
Tall of Small which is it better to be?


2 1,246
Fri Oct 09, 2015 04:02 PM
Anyone else think that the correlation with height and income is BS?

I think a "glass ceiling" exists for just about everyone who doesn't fit society's ideal, even for groups who historically weren't "marginalized" in the most widely accepted view of what being "marginalized" means.

So (unattractive) women, blacks (particularly black women), short men, poor people, etc all have to deal with this extra hard work to attain what the idolized groups can get with far less effort. 

5 1,320
Thu Oct 08, 2015 05:39 AM
Did you play a sport?

Share about a team you play on, if you did. When I was in high school I was on the football team for 2 years. I only quite because I wanted to focus on my studies in senior year. I enjoyed it but being short I knew I wasn't getting a a free ride into college. 

15 7,793
Tue Oct 06, 2015 04:03 PM
Anyone here think...

That their life as a short man, is basically fear? 

It is for my case.

(Didn't know where else to post this).

23 11,118
Tue Oct 06, 2015 02:32 PM
I'm currently doing LL. Ask me anything!

I'm willing to answer any questions you have about LL.  No questions involving personally revealing info please.

I have a diary on LLF which has been detailing my journey so far.

I started at a height of 5' 5.75" (167 cm) and am going for 8 cm.  I should be almost 5' 9" at the end of my lengthening.  I'm on day 49 post-OP and already feel much taller.

7 1,612
Mon Sep 28, 2015 05:12 PM

Why do some men who are shorter feel the need to work out all the time? My boyfriend has always been into fitness but he suddenly has become so wrapped up in his fitness and building muscle that we hardly see each other because he would rather be at the gym! When I brought it up he got pissed and said something about me being too out of shape. So because I was hurt I said "You only do this to yourself because you feel you need more muscle to compensate for your height!". After the word height left my lips and I knew it was not going to end well. We got into a huge fight. He left and here I am venting. He basically said I was right in so many words. Why do shorter men do this to themselves? If you enjoy it, go for it but don't use it as a crutch. Specially when you ALREADY have a woman who loves you for you.

4 1,324
Mon Sep 28, 2015 05:09 PM

Name is Jack. I am new here. I am not the shortest man here I am sure, but I am not tall by any means. I stand about 5'8 on a good day. I work for a developing company I can't mention on public forums, so I will that there. I am into video games, music, PC builds, and being my own man. I joined because unlike r/short on reddit, this place at least has men who are confident in being short. Lets build each other up!

7 1,371
Mon Sep 28, 2015 05:06 PM
Hair question...

So I noticed that my hair is starting to thin and I feel like it is really getting me down lately. I never gave it much thought before so I don't know what changed. It took me a whole to accept my height but now this? Uggg Anything I can do to stop it?

Also, take the poll. 

4 1,212
Mon Sep 28, 2015 05:00 PM
What goals do you have?

I am setting up a poll. I want to see what everyone has goals for. Say, something you want to reach a year from now. It can be anything in the poll or choose other and explain below. 

5 3,217
Mon Sep 28, 2015 04:55 PM
The feminist hypocrisy

They will talk all day about women and men are equal, but then will turn around and say how they "prefer" (require) that their men be tall, make as much or more money and be physically stronger (than them and other men). After reading that Jezebel article, I made this meme, because it is accurate. 

While we're at it, let's do a poll. Do you think Feminists truly care about erasing gender norms?

3 1,316
Mon Sep 28, 2015 04:49 PM
by Jinx
Posture makes a difference

I was talking with a  tailor and he said a lot of men and women don't have good posture which is why they struggle more with clothes. I was thinking about this more and when I got home I stood in front of the mirror as I normally do then I forced myself into proper posture and it does make a difference. You are suppose to keep your chest up and shoulders back while remaining straight with a curve at the base of the spine. I slouch but I want to correct it now.

4 1,380
Mon Sep 28, 2015 04:03 PM
"Mommy" complex

I put this in studies because I feel it is better suited here than dating. So what is "mommy complex"? A few of us were talking over the weekend about these women who will date short men, shorter than themselves, and want to treat them like their child. Almost like you look up to me view deal. It is a strange thing to think about but these women are out there. Have you ever met one? I work with one and it is straight creeper. Her current boyfriend loves it though. 

5 1,445
Mon Sep 28, 2015 03:58 PM
Short girls

They get to be ninjas... and what are we? lol

5 14,167
Mon Sep 28, 2015 03:38 PM
Which is the best tall woman short man couple ever?

Was just checking out some articles short guy tall woman couples and was curious what you guys thought. Which couple do you think is the best looking short guy tall woman couple of all time? Wanted to get a poll going. What are your thoughts?

1. Nicolas Sarkozy (5'5) Carla Bruni (5'9)

2. Jamie Cullen (5'4) Sophie Dahl (6'0)

3. Jeff Richmond (5'0) Tina Fey (5'4/

4. Sonny Bono (5'5) Cher Sarkisian (5'9)

5. Tom Cruise (5'6) Katie Holmes (5'9)

6. Kevin Hart (5'2) Enikko Parish (5'4)

7. Billy Joel (5'4) Christie Brinkley (5'9)

8. Michael J. Fox (5'4) Tracey Pollan (5'6)

9. Prince (5'2) Mayte Garcia (5'6)

Tall Woman Short Man Prince Mayte Garciaa

10. Robert Reich (4'10) Claire Dalton (5'7)

5 1,572
Sat Sep 26, 2015 08:25 PM
by Dale
3 mistakes short men make

This is very true and I want to say that assuming rejection is the biggest fault. Just because you get rejected, it doesn't mean it is because of your height EVERY time.

3 1,322
Sat Sep 26, 2015 08:13 PM
Fall Shopping

I am going shopping... Which I normally dread but I need new fall/winter gear. So I am looking to get some new boots, dress shoes, like 5 or so shirts, a jacket, and a few pairs of jeans. Anywhere I can get this all in one place and not have to worry about things being super long or baggy on me?

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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