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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Who is the sexiest short woman of all time?

Just discovered the poll feature and wanted to kick it off of a poll of who you think is the sexiest woman of all time. Vote for who you think qualifies to wear that crown. You might not agree with my choices, and in that case vote, but tell us who think is better suited for that title. 

10 4,304
Thu Sep 17, 2015 07:07 PM
I love positive humor like this

2 1,280
Thu Sep 17, 2015 07:06 PM
Show Us How You Match Your Socks, Shoes and Pants

Show us here at ShortGuyCentral how you match your shoes, socks and pants. As you know, some uniquities can really stand out and get attention and that's a part of fashion. Whether you're conservative or flamboyant, show us what you've got.

Here are some examples I've found online (but you will post your own pants/shoes/socks combos):

2 2,217
Mon Sep 14, 2015 03:43 PM
How can you stand up for yourself without being a d*** about it?

I want to hear your guys/gals thoughts on this. I have said stuff in the past but I end up coming off as a tool which I don't want to be but at the same time letting this stuff slide is not wise either. It is like just lying down and taking abuse we don't deserve. 

17 3,860
Mon Sep 07, 2015 01:39 PM
I don't get this one...

9 1,363
Mon Sep 07, 2015 01:38 PM
"Tall" now grants you better schooling


What a load. 

6 1,448
Mon Sep 07, 2015 01:36 PM
Started by Catman

I had to post this here. I have noticed over the years that hoodies, unless slim fit, always fit me different then in the picture or online. I got one recently that I thought would be good and even though it is a medium, it is so long and even the sleeves are long on me too. Anyone have issues with hoodies?

3 1,430
Mon Sep 07, 2015 01:31 PM
by Dez
Is feminism making heightism worse?

Me and a few friends were talking about this and I know the height crap has been around for sometime but it seems to have gotten a lot worse since the big feminism movement. Maybe it is just be but I feel like these types of women are so power hungry that they view men as objects and most want one that not only good looking and tall, but makes good money. They claim to be about empowering women but they preach on other women being free and careless with their bodies, "having sex like men" as they say, and being in power in every relationship they are in. 

4 1,921
Mon Sep 07, 2015 01:26 PM
How did you meet you SO?

If you are in a relationship, married, what have you... How did you meet your SO? Through a dating site? Online? Through friends? 

3 1,427
Mon Sep 07, 2015 01:25 PM
What point did you accept yourself?

My boyfriend still struggles with his height issues. It used to bother me as well but being a short female isn't considered bad among large numbers of men. I was fine with it when I was 16 or so and knew I wasn't going to grow anymore. 

6 1,478
Mon Sep 07, 2015 01:13 PM
My bf troubles

I am not sure if this one will go over well but I needed to vent...

So as I have said on here before, my boyfriend is short, like me. He has self esteem issues and struggles to cope with his height even though he has me, his family, and his amazing friends who support him in all he does. We went to the mall yesterday and this guy approached me. He had to be around 6 ft tall. He was asking for help with a gift for his sister. My bf was across the store when he noticed this happening. He walked over and said hi to the guy, he said hi back and told him he was asking for help from me for a gift for his sister. Blah blah conversation ends and my bf suddenly isn't feeling good so we buy our things and leave the mall. On the ride home he didn't look at me and barely talked. Soon as we got home, I asked him the dreaded "whats wrong?" question and he flipped out on me over the tall guy in the mall. Saying things like I would rather date a taller man, the way i was smiling at him, i thought he was attractive, ect ect. Is this a trust issue or a height issue?? I hate when he gets like this. I was so pissed at him for assuming this crap last night that I left. I texted him when I woke up (we live in different spaces but sleep over each other's places) and he hasnt answered me yet.

4 1,948
Mon Sep 07, 2015 01:09 PM
by Dale
Anyone been on Tumblr?

I am going to quote some stuff I seen on body shaming. They are mostly posted by short men or men who are sick of short jokes. This goes to show there are people out there who want it to end on social networks. 

"I see a lot of posts against body shaming but I never see anything about height shaming. What about little people who are body shamed for their height? That hurts just as much plus they can’t even change it. And I would say it even counts as opression."

"If women can use height as a determining factor for relationships then men can use weight."

"I’m okay with shaming someone because they’re a bad person, but I’ll never be okay with shaming someone’s looks. I don’t care if they killed forty people, don’t you dare mock their face, weight, height or race."

6 1,689
Mon Sep 07, 2015 01:00 PM
height vs. color

If a woman rejects a guy for being black because she didn't want her kids to face racism it would cause outrage. It's interesting how a woman can reject a guy for being short and be labeled as 'understandable' while the rejecting for the former would be headlining newspapers out of dismay.

6 1,448
Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:54 PM
Jesse Eisenberg

Did you all know he is only 5'7? This dude has been blowing up in movies lately and I am pretty sure he has dated nothing but beautiful women who are above the average female height of 5'4. 

7 1,419
Sun Sep 06, 2015 04:36 PM
by Jinx

Why is everyone so pissed about these images? I've seen the "short guy" ones floating all over the internet and people laughing wherever its posted. This is "mean" all of a sudden. I hate the hypocrisy and double standard...

5 3,788
Fri Sep 04, 2015 08:10 PM
How hard is it for you to pack on muscle?

I have been having issues with this lately. I am not sure if it is because I am older or what. I spend 2 hours in the gym 3 days a week. I been at it for 6 weeks now and have noticed no new growth. I believe I lost some weight but I don't see my arms or anything getting bigger. 

6 1,629
Fri Sep 04, 2015 08:09 PM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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