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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
4 1,543
Thu Jul 30, 2015 02:19 PM
What is the ideal height to you?

I wasnt sure where to put this but it has been on my mind. Like to most people, for a man, I think the height ideal is 6'. Being that the female average is 5'4... I think 5'7/5'8 should be ideal. This way she can wear heels and still not be taller. Maybe I am over thinking things again haha

3 1,793
Thu Jul 30, 2015 02:03 PM
Anyone watch wrestling?

I was a fan for many years and I always liked Rey Mysterio. I actually met him a few days ago and he is only 5'2. He is billed at 5'6 I believe. I have a lot more respect for the man now.

4 2,327
Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:48 AM
Kevin James

He is a sharp dresser and I believe he is only 5'7. Even though he is heavier he looks good all the time. He is an example of someone I follow for fashion. (not to mention check out his hot wife!!! DAAAAMN). Who do dig for fashion sense? 

7 2,619
Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:29 PM
by Jinx
Halloween In July

So my friend is having a part on July 31st. He is going to start doing Halloween in July because he is always out of town on buisness in October. This way him and his wife get to enjoy the holdays.. blah blah lol 


To my question... What would be a good costume for a shorter man? I want something fun and creative. Mind you, it will likely be like 70-80 something outside. Nothing too hot! haha

6 2,613
Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:16 PM
Twitter account on heightism



I came across this and it is still active. I was reading though the comments he RT's and I can't believe how pathetic people are.

5 1,943
Thu Jul 23, 2015 08:26 PM
Going on a date

 It hasn't been long and this wasn't planned but since my ex moved and when we recently spoke, she didn't plan on coming back, I said yes to going out with a friend's girlfriend's friend. She is cute. Brown hair, hazel eyes, about 5'1. She works out but isn't a fitness freak. Nice body, fit but curvy with fat in the right places if you know what I mean.. haha 

Anyways, we are going to keep it casual. We spoke on the phone and will catch a movie and some dinner after. This way we have something to talk about while eating if all else fails. 

The only thing I am worried about is that she is not only friends with her ex, but he is a complete gym rat. The dude is over 6' and has to weight like 210 but all muscle. I don't want to be a let down. We never met but have talked on the phone. She knows I am not tall or buff but still, she hasn't seen me. I am worried. I don't want this worry to ruin the night. Any advice?

8 2,875
Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:02 PM
by Dez
Is heightism worse after high school?

I am curious about this because I always thought it was the worst in school and it got better but so many have dating problems. 

1 1,455
Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:59 AM
by Dez
My friend got ripped off

So he ordered some supplements that claim they increase height. I am not sure what he was thinking. He was taking them and got sick so asked for a refund. He got his refund but they never took him off the auto billing. He was billed for 4 more bottles and they weren't cheap. He had no idea they were doing this because he has been out of town for a month. He came back to see his bank account was missing over $300. He tried calling them and the number is fake and the site has vanished. So I am posting this as a warning... READ ALL FINE PRINT when it comes to supplments. 

7 2,004
Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:47 AM
by Dale
Just food for thought...

The best thing to be in America right now is a black lesbian woman.

The worst thing to be in America right now is a short white gay man.

Go figure. Think it over. It is the truth.

4 1,531
Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:46 AM
by Dale
Nice site.

Not short, but heard about this place and want to wish you guys luck. The site is nicely designed and laid out. All the best. I'll check in from time to time.

8 2,437
Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:31 AM
So I may have made a woops.

So I was seeing this gal on and off. We slept together a few times, been on a few dates, it was never serious. Well after not seeing her for like almost 2 months, I get a txt saying we need to talk. She is pregnant. And here is the kicker, she was with 3 other dudes while messing with me. SOOO glad I didn't get serious with her but yeah... there is a 25% the baby is mine. I have been calm for the last few days but it hit me today seeing little kids running around. What do I do in this position? 

7 2,043
Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:07 AM
So it happened at the store

I wont say which store I was in, but I felt like everyone was laughing at me. I went in to buy shoes and I had to ask someone to get a few pairs down. There were like say 4 or so teens working there and they kept giggling. As I was checking out I heard one of them crack a smurf joke because my shirt was that same blue color. I was tempted to say something but bit my tongue. Should I call the store and report it? I am tempted. I am still pissed. I almost want to return to shoes and tell the whole store to go stick it.

3 1,281
Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:02 AM
Liven up bonfires?

I am going to have one next weekend and I am having about 20 or so people over. What are some fun things to do around the fire to liven it up a bit? 


8 2,719
Sun Jul 12, 2015 04:26 PM
My friend lost his job because of his height

Long story short, he was a stocker and driver. They said they let him go because of cut backs back in March, well today he went up there to drop of his friends keys (he left them at his house last night) and they had 3 new people there, all much taller than him. We both believe he was let go because of his height. Almost everyone (aside from a manager and a few women) that work there are over 5'10. Thoughts?

5 2,060
Sun Jul 12, 2015 04:07 PM
I think someone at work likes me

So this new girl, or rather, "women" started 2 weeks ago. She is always looking at me smiling and asking me for help. She is 19, which is a but young for me ( I don't date more then 5 years younger than myself), but she is cute. I am not sure if I should do anything about this or not. 

4 1,454
Sun Jul 12, 2015 01:08 PM
How do you feel about mainstream music?

I read that today's pop music is actually ruining our brains! Things that you hear most on the radion I mean. Pop sounds WAY different then it did just 10 years ago. Now a days, even rap artists used pop music. I don't listen to much music anymore and I am glad I don't now haha

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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