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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Any MGTOWs here?

Title says all.  I'm curious.  

2 1,280
Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:34 PM
Why are Latina women not as heightist as white and black women?

Looking back on my dating history, I notice that Latinas were always willing to date me and were heavily attracted to me (and of course I'm always attracted to them. They are my top preference). It's usually black women who call me out on my height and make very negative comments about it. White women did this sometimes also, but they're not as vocal and I seem to have little problem attracting white women (of all heights).

Why do you think Latinas are more accepting of short guys? And I mean both tall and short Latinas didn't have height at the top of their list.

10 5,341
Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:08 PM
Which is the most important to attract women? Looks, Wealth, Height?

In order, which is the most important to attract women? And which would you say is THE most important?

I'd say

  • Income
  • Height
  • Looks
  • Connections
  • Physique
  • Education

I wouldn't put personality on that list because you have to get to know a person to become attracted or turned off by that.


9 1,208
Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:04 PM
Woman Upset That Most Guys On Dating Site Are Between 5'7 and 5'9

This woman is mad because there are too many men below 5'10 on dating sites. 

4 1,531
Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:02 PM
Short guys, do you seek out taller women for the sake of your kids?

After noticing how evil short women can be about a man's height, I wondered if it was in my best interest to only date (or try to date) tall women and women of average height. Women 5'3 and up tend to care less about my height than women shorter. Do you notice the same? When I hear little women say they only want to date tall men so their kids can be tall (which doesn't always happen), it kind of makes me want to do the same, especially since I'm short for a guy (but not as short as these short women who tell me to get lost).


4 1,243
Thu Sep 01, 2016 09:58 PM
What is your ideal height?

I'm 5'7, but would rather be 5'8. Sounds cleaner. 

5 1,138
Thu Sep 01, 2016 09:49 PM
Started by braeden
Tall Culture

I hate the US's tall culture. Everywhere on TV you see TALL.

Tall models, tall athletes, tall everybody.

People see all this nonsense and think absurd things like "6'0 is short"

Average height is much better than tall.

Short guys have some advantages over tall guys such as a longer life expectancy.



3 1,212
Thu Sep 01, 2016 02:11 AM
New here ... Looking for support


Hello short guys. 

Im 48 years old and am 5' 5". I have gotten depressed lately about my height after a jackass insulted me in front of my girlfriend in a bar saying "is she with you?? No way!!" And laughing to his friends. He was like 6' 5" and it was obviously an insult about my height.  I just calmy said "yes she is" and walked by but it through me off that night and all night I was insecure about my height and what people were thinking. It really is a helpless feeling. I started feeling insecure with my girlfriend but played it off. I started comparing my height to all others, men and woman, and found most men towered over me, and most woman were taller as well in heels. I literally felt like I was standing in a hole and everyone was looking down on me (figuratively and literally). Its been three days and I cant shake this feeling. 

Anyone else feel like this and how can I learn to get over feeling insecure about my height? 

Thanks for any thoughts.

6 1,245
Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:51 PM
Those times when you see younger family or friends after a few years

Had this moment yesterday at a family cookout. I was sort of a reunion. Can't tell you how I felt after a whole bunch of my younger family members bragged that they grew past me. You think a fat women would tell other fat family members and friends "oh, I just went past you, I'm thinner than you now". 

This insensitivity towards something you can't change versus something that can easily be changed is unbelievable. 

5 1,109
Wed Aug 31, 2016 08:10 AM
yet another black woman bashing short men on youtube

Do the same video and change "Short man" to "black woman" and she'll have a boob attack.

0 1,600
Sat Aug 20, 2016 10:20 PM
Youtube Pranks are a good case study in seeing girls hate on short guy

alot of Youtube Pranks have guys hitting on random girls and going up to random girls, if a guy is on the short side, a girl is almost always going to be rejectful of him and if a guy is on the tall side, a girl is going to always be open to him, seeing this has really made me realize what I have been missing out on and it has made me bitter

2 1,433
Wed Aug 17, 2016 11:43 PM
0 1,094
Wed Aug 17, 2016 07:44 AM
Why do men who are average/tall wish they were taller?

Something I've always noticed is that men who are like 5'9-5'10 and even 6' wish they were taller yet. Why do people deny heightism when people who are already average want to be taller to reap the social benefits that come along with it?

0 1,170
Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:53 AM
Guy demolishes Heightist girl on Tinder (Brilliant!)

1 3,309
Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:49 AM
Do short guys really have inferiority complexes? I don't...

Why do people insist that short guys are somehow always "angry"? Most short people I know are more friendly and easy going where as a lot of the taller people I've known were usually the bully type (especially if I just happened to do something better than they have). 

Is it a defense mechanism to boost their own confidence by labelling short guys as having inferiority complexes?

0 1,105
Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:44 AM
Summer Style For Short Men On A Budget: Dress Casual

New article from our Fashion section


If you're like me and like to update your wardrobe a tiny bit every season, then is a great time to do it. With Summer in full swing with just about a month left, deals are to be found everywhere. Here I am going to show you some items I purchased in regular department stores which left my wallet feeling happy. No empty stomach. Just a light burp. 


Where To Go?

My first choice was H&M just because I know I can find great deals there and since a lot of Department Stores are getting ready to stock Fall items, going to H&M was a no-brainer. When I walked in, this is what I saw:


 Summer Style For Short Men: Sandals In H&M | ShortGuyCentral Summer Style For Short Men: Shirts At H&M | ShortGuyCentral

Like This Excerpt? Read The Entire Article!

1 1,879
Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:41 AM
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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