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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
My younger brother's new girlfriend...

So my younger brother, who is 19, started dated a girl who is 17. I got to meet her the other day and she asked if I was HIS younger brother because I am "still" short. Looking at my height, I am not super short or anything. She thought I was 14!!! He is about 6'2. My brother's reply was a laugh. I was so pissed off by it.

5 1,629
Fri Sep 04, 2015 07:45 PM
My brother went on a date and you will not believe this

My brother is about 5'10. I don't know how I ended up so short lol anyways, his friend set him up with his girlfriend's cousin. I guess they had a great time but she said something that I had to share. 

"I have to be honest. Because I am so short, your height is a bit too tall for me."

She is my height. Says she prefers 5'5 to 5'9. 

4 1,558
Fri Sep 04, 2015 07:32 PM
Gay short men vs Straight short men

Who has a harder time in the dating world? I am starting to believe that much like straight tall men wanting shorter women, there are plenty of gay tall men who want shorter men. Thoughts?

5 3,722
Fri Sep 04, 2015 07:27 PM
It's always been rough being a short guy

If you think heightism is a recent phenomena, so some current "social justice movement", or just became a "thing" recently, then you're sadly mistaken. As we try to bring attention to it now and people are more vocal than ever about it, it's as old as time and something that every generation of short fellas have to deal with.

Take a look at some of these little ditties from the past:

People Magazine article from 1980

Time Magazine article from 1971

Jeffersons Season 6 Episode 2 - A Short Story

Don't kid yourselves, heightism has been around forever. 

6 1,662
Fri Sep 04, 2015 07:25 PM
NaturalHeightGrowth is such a scam I swear

I used to visit that site at least four times a week. The owner of that site, there might be two of them "research" ways on how to get taller. They go around and regurgitate all of this garbage about all of these "scientists" who are studying "growth plate regeneration" and all of these supposed "breakthroughs" on chemicals and procedures coming out to make people taller.

NEWSFLASH, it will NEVER HAPPEN. There is no way nor will there every be a way to get taller after you pass puberty and no one cares enough to fund some crapola like that.

The site has years worth of articles and not a single one that irrefutably gets people to grow taller. All they have are a bunch of scammy products with amazon links to make the site owners richer while playing on men's insecurities. It's a damn hoax. 

If you're over 30 then chances are you spent your 20s researching that "one thing that nobody knows about" or that "secret method that some rogue doctor has" to help you get that growth spurt you never got. Well, that's how they make money, but playing on those people.

TL:DR the only way to get taller is elevator shoes or some risky $100,000 that will break your legs and render you never to play sports again. Natural height growth is nothing but trash. 

3 1,488
Thu Sep 03, 2015 04:21 PM
When did your height first bother you?

I was thinking about it and I think mine started bugging me in 5th grade when I noticed girls who were taller than me and still considered "short". I basically peeked in 7th grade and never got any taller.

3 1,466
Thu Sep 03, 2015 04:10 PM
Kevin Hart on "height"

"I don't believe in doing things to manufacture my body to appeal to what I think people might like," Hart says in the above video. "This is it. This is what I was given. This is my playing cards. If we were playing poker, I've got to make this hand work. This is it for me. And this is what I'm going to ride out. So how do you not embrace it? You get one life. One. You get one life. I'm going to embrace mine."


It is a bit old but I love how he is just true to himself.

2 1,495
Thu Sep 03, 2015 04:08 PM
Social Complex - Short vs Tall

3 2,545
Thu Sep 03, 2015 03:54 PM
Petition to take down DirecTV's body shaming commercial

You all read my thread on the DirecTV petite randy moss and thankfully sgc did an article on it. Our fellow short men on r/short created a petition on Change.org and we need you all to sign it! This is a pivotal moment to let advertisers know that height shaming is no different than the fat shaming that they stay away from in advertising in the modern era. We need 100 signatures. At this point, there are only 24. 

Here is the link:

Stop DirecTV's Offensive "Petite Randy Moss" ad.

3 1,878
Thu Sep 03, 2015 03:48 PM
People's Magazine 1980's article on height


Share your thoughts on it after you read it.

4 1,408
Wed Sep 02, 2015 08:41 PM
Started by Bonez
Gap Jeans

I got a few pairs the other day and must say they fit well. They go down to a 28 inch inseam so they are great for us shorter men. You ever try some on or own any gap gear?

5 1,663
Wed Sep 02, 2015 08:39 PM
A question for the men...

Would you rather have one more inch in height... or one more inch in penis size?

Yes this is a weird question but me and my boyfriend began discussing it and he assured me most men, not matter how short, would take in inch down there over over-all height. 

5 1,500
Wed Sep 02, 2015 08:34 PM
A Designer Launched A Clothing Line Just For Short Guys

"Peter Manning is 5'8'' — only two inches shorter than the average American man.

And yet he found it almost impossible to find clothes that fit well without having to pay what he calls a "tailor tax" — the hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars short men spend having their clothing remade to flatter their bodies.

"I happened to run into a few major retailers at a party years back," the Tony Award-winning producer-turned-designer told Business Insider. "And I told them, 'I go into your stores and I can't really buy anything, what do you suggest I do?' And they both told me to get my clothes tailored, and I was like, 'That's not a good enough answer for 25% of American men!'""

This is from late 2013. I had no idea!! Here is his shop : http://www.petermanningnyc.com/

2 1,425
Mon Aug 31, 2015 02:27 PM
Anyone ever do this to you?

This never happened but if it did, I think my right left with shift into overdrive lol

3 1,298
Mon Aug 31, 2015 02:20 PM
New DirecTV commercial makes fun of short men ("Petite Randy Moss")

12 4,460
Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:34 AM
"Short? You Just Might Live Longer"

"Get ready to finally embrace your short stature, Skee-Lo!

We've long known that short people live longer than the taller among us. Past studies have examined the relationship between height and lifespan of populations around the world, suggesting that shorter people generally live longer lives, while taller people are more likely to have certain illnesses and develop various types of cancer.

Now, thanks to new research published in the journal PLOS ONE, researchers have finally discovered the secret behind shorter people's longevity: It's in their genes."


Source http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/16/short-men-live-longer-study_n_5299557.html

4 1,529
Mon Aug 24, 2015 11:51 PM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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