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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Height BlackPill compilation.

A collection of height inspired TikTok videos from women.

They really put the effort into this indecision

1 855
Fri Aug 27, 2021 10:15 AM
Rebranding on the horizon

Looking forward to this!

1 635
Fri Aug 27, 2021 10:06 AM
Are you taller than a bat? Philippines megabat has 5'6 wingspan

This bat from the Philippines has a 5'6 wingspan! 




There are actually bats in the same region which are slightly larger which is crazy! Are you taller than it?

0 540
Fri Aug 27, 2021 08:50 AM
"Short men and fat women earn $1K/yr less than tall men/thin women"

In typical Daily Mail style, browbeating short men at every opportunity, they unpack the "latest study".


This is the first time I am seeing in an article though that training is suggested to combat the discrimination.

0 608
Fri Aug 27, 2021 08:21 AM
"Meet the women who love dating short men"

An article from Cosmopolitan magazine. 



Interesting as it interviews women who actively seek out shorter guys to date. 


0 721
Fri Aug 27, 2021 08:11 AM
"Short Men Talk About the Big Challenges of Dating"

In this recent (May 2021) VICE article, short guys under 5'7 talk about their challenges in dating. 


0 752
Sat Aug 14, 2021 12:13 PM
Get lengthening if you want leg lengthening.

I agree with what you write, in particular regarding the different metrics on the basis of which female and male plastic surgery are judged. Still, it is a very tough procedure to go through and something that could have terrible consequences. How are you walking nowdays? Sports? Do you have pain?

2 749
Fri Aug 13, 2021 10:13 AM
it is going to be even harder for short guys to get girls in the US

Democrats are trying to pass a "Family Act", which basically means if you have a kid the government is going to automatically pay you $3,600 a year per kid until the kid is 18, in addition they are trying to pass all these other things like "Free Pre-Kindergarten" tuition.

One of the things a short guy might have had going for him is if he had a job and he could help provide for a kid, a woman might take that into effect when choosing her mate, now that she knows that the government (taxpayers) are essentially going to help pay for her kids, I assure you she will be even more selective, and you will see alot more single mothers who just want the best genes for their kids and there will be alot more tall good looking guys with multiple kids from different mothers and alot of ugly and short guys will be left to pay for them because basic economics says if a person gets a tax break and a handout, another person is paying for it so that short and ugly guy who is not able to get laid is essentially paying for all these woman to have kids with the guys who's genes they desire more.

1 929
Wed Aug 04, 2021 05:53 PM
Girls at the bar

Hi friends. Did you get to start with girls at the bar, who refused you just because of the height. I'm originally from Israel, and it happens a lot of times, and I would like to compare how it is elsewhere in the world.

1 744
Tue Aug 03, 2021 01:26 PM
"Short Men Should Stop Worrying"

A video that posted on YouTube today. I'm not familiar with the content creator, but the comments on the video are pretty interesting.

0 632
Thu Jul 29, 2021 07:49 AM
The Truth about 'batmanbegins', 'Buncombe, LGBT blackpill theory

I just came across this site and the first couple post I clicked I noticed these disgusting failed males users 'batmanbegins' & 'Buncombe, among others I have seen images of them in real life, and from the blackpill and lookism LGBT communities and forums. They have to sling their nasty sh-t to any positivity or support towards short and average men. They worship and gossip their idea of this tall "chad". The irony is both of these [mod cut: inappropriate language] are short. They are miserable and don't feel that average to short height men are worthy of respect, they think taller men are superior. The facts are simple, these parasite [mod cut: inappropriate language] males don't feel empathy or feel love like a woman. They don't know about female experience. They don't see beauty or art like a woman does. They hate themselves, its not a coincidence these peoples suicide rates are skyrocketed and they want all of you to hate yourself too and be hopeless. It makes them rage to think you accept and love yourself how you are. The blackpill and lookists want you to feel totally stressed and wrong. They are repulsed and triggered by anything positive for you that goes against their agenda, they will shout "COPE" "ROPE" "SIMP" "DELUDED" "DELUSIONAL" at you like retards. They are actually coping the hardest and they believe their cuck blackpilled reality is the only reality. [mod cut: inappropriate language]. From the statistics, they probably will. In order to cope [mod cut: inappropriate language] and they want average and short men to feel inferior, it satisfies them. In the streets, guys like batmanbegins and Buncome and their friends on their underground forums, deep web forums, 4chan are all cowards. They are simply keyboard warriors. [mod cut: inappropriate language]. I have seen women debunk and shut them down and they actually fight against women lol. Even when women call these [mod cut: inappropriate language] for trying to speak for them constantly, its like they hold their ears. They love projecting on women. These are straight up sexually frustrated [mod cut: inappropriate language] They make themselves feel relevant by hyper critiquing other men's looks and height. Dont listen to the propaganda. If you do succumb to it then maybe you deserve it for being such a self Hating cuck. Truth is you are completely priceless and beautiful how you are in the so called good and the bad. Thats what God said.

[mod note: inappropriate language is not allowed on this forum]

1 851
Tue Jul 27, 2021 05:45 AM
I was not meant to be short, doctors stole my height.

Ok, long story short, I always had nasal obstruction, because my septum was deviated. My mother had the same problem, and would always use some nasal drops containing a corticosteroid(dexamethasone).
I started using too, when I was about 9 years old, then I went to a doctor, to confirm that it was safe, and the doctor told my father, that I could use the medication.
When I was 11 years old, my growth became slow, and I developed something called Cushing's Syndrome, which is caused by corticosteroid overuse. The long usage of corticosteroid stunted my growth for three years, it's a common effect.
I'm 5'5(165cm) and probably would be 5'10 without taking the medication. Also a study confirmed that genital development is also affected. I have a 5.5 - 6 inches penis when very aroused, and very thin, about 4.5 inches in girth. I think about this all the time, and I am dreaming of it every single night, dreaming about being rejected by a girl, because of my height and my thin penis. The worst thing is that I'm sure that my penis would be bigger and I would be taller, since even my doctor confirmed that I am right. Even short girls have height requirements.
A girl might not find me as attractive as she would, if I had a larger penis and was taller. This medication fucked my life. I don't want to whine, but this has been deeply affecting my life. And i'm also very shy, so these two more complexes are making my head explode. I need help.
I blame my mother for giving me that in the first place, because I was not meant to have to go through this. I was not meant to be naturally short and probaly would have a bigger penis. I read in an article about Lupus, that every single guy who took prednisone during puberty, had a smaller penis than healthy patients.
I keep thinking that every time that I will have sex, the girl is not looking at me, she is looking at a chemical induced result.
Please, I really need help. I have this haunting me since 2016, when I found out about the side effects.
If you search "iatrogenic cushing's syndrome nasal drops" several cases like mine will pop up.
What should I do? Just accept and live my life? Jesus, I was meant to be taller, stronger, since corticosteroids also affect bone development. What should I do? I think about this 24/7.
I think that maybe I would have a girthy penis, that would stimulate girls visually a lot, and keep comparing myself with other guys, thinking that I will be cheated on because of my thin penis. The worst thing is, THIS WAS CAUSED BY A FUCKING MEDICATION, JESUS. I KEEP THINKING THAT I WILL FOREVER BE MISSING OUT ON A LOT OF EXPERIENCES THAT I WOULD HAVE WITH A BIGGER PENIS, THAT I WOULD PROBABLY HAVE. AND TO MAKE IT EVEN WORSE, SOME FAMILY FRIENDS TOLD MY PARENTS WHEN I WAS A BABY THAT I HAD A BIG PENIS FOR A INFANT. FUCK, MAYBE I WOULD HAVE A BIG PENIS. I AM RAGING. 
Knowing everything short guys have to put up with, how the hell should I feel?
24 4,031
Sat Jun 19, 2021 11:31 PM
Why is racism acknowledged but heightism not?

I am sure this has been said in one way or another on here but what gives? Why is racism something that has to be dealt with but heightism is a-okay!? Both can't be helped, you are born what race you are and you a born to grow into the height your DNA has mapped out for you.

9 7,483
Fri Jun 18, 2021 10:52 AM
Tall guy asks a bunch of women if they'd date a guy shorter

20 17,976
Thu Jun 17, 2021 12:46 AM
Miserable vs Successful short men

I've been reading a lot of posts on this forum as of late. There seems to be two camps for short guys. Let's call them Camp A and Camp B

Camp A -

• Miserable
• Self-loathing
• Mad at the world
• Believes that life would be infinitely better if they were taller
• Thinks taller men are intrinsically better than short men
• Believes that short men do not receive or are worthy of respect
• Spends time researching how to become taller
• Blames lack of success with women on being short

Camp B 

• Content
• Loves thyself
• Believes that positive outcomes are a result in self improvement and goal-setting
• Does not care much about their height, but works on things they can change (fashion, fitness, income, etc)
• Does not believe taller men are better. Accepts that some people have advantages but does not mean their lives are perfect
• Spends time researching and acting on ways to level up
• Recognizes that lack of success requires self-assessment and then sets out to plan to acquire their goal in another way


There is a clear divide here. Can anyone else add to these lists.

There are some posters who will forever be in one of those two camps.

12 3,613
Mon Jun 14, 2021 04:26 PM
I feel for sorry myself being short sometimes


Hello guys. I registered a long while back and have just recently found myself back here. I'll just restate my height again if I haven't mentioned it before, I'm 5ft7 or close to 5ft8 (morning height). My father was close to 6ft tall and all my uncles on my father's side were about the same or slightly taller. My mother's side of the family were short. I'm taller than all of uncles and aunts on my mothers side. So genetically I went on my mothers side mostly and due to my father being slightly tall that problem pulled my height up to just under average I guess. I remember growing up through my teens being shorter than all of my friends and holding out hope that I'll have a major growth spurt. I waited and waited and waited some more, but it never really came. I remember I had two classmates who were the same height as me at around 16 years of age that I hadn't seen in years, I saw them recently and I noticed they had major growth spurts with one reaching 6ft1 and the other touching 6ft4. I became conscious again about my height after seeing them, I just became bitter and sad for myself. I never had much luck with women who would always look past me towards my taller friends like I was invisible or not worthy of their attention, and I knew it was my height that had a part in this. I mean if you lack a bit of confidence already then being short for me anyway was the nail in the coffin. I'm much mature now and have had to force myself to come to terms with my poor genetics, but every now and again I feel sorry for myself that I am this way and have to vent. I guess it's because society has put so much emphasis that being tall means you are perfect or something and that you are the superior hunter gatherer, whatever that means. Sometimes I feel short, sometimes I don't care, but every now and then it hurts.

2 1,202
Mon Jun 14, 2021 03:54 PM
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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