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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
4 1,889
Tue Aug 04, 2015 01:29 PM
A time when height didn't matter?

Do you think that there was ever a time when height didn't matter? I mean things seem to be more about height/weight then they ever were in history. What do you think?

4 1,782
Tue Aug 04, 2015 01:12 PM
Who has it worse...

An average looking man who is 6'+ or a good looking man who is under 5'8?

(In respects to dating and going out on dates/meeting women,ect)

5 2,294
Tue Aug 04, 2015 01:02 PM
My bf recommends this place



For the Fit is a place that is meant to find the perfect fit for your shape and height. He got some clothes from them and loved them so I thought I would share. 

4 2,079
Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:58 AM
Do bigger girls care more about height?

I was talking about this with a friend and he believes women who are bigger or curvier want taller men. He said this was because they wanted to feel smaller and more lady like. If they are with short guys, it makes them look bigger. What do you think?

4 3,356
Mon Aug 03, 2015 02:28 PM
Why do men think ALL women hate short guys?

"Women hate short men. All women, when given the opportunity, will leave a short man for a tall man. This is because women view tall men as higher value (in general). The only way you can prevent this is to make yourself higher value than taller men. You can do this by working out and by being successful in whatever you choose to do. Keep in mind that "nerdy interests" will not make you a higher value man. Good luck."

I read that comment online. What bothers me about this is that he is telling someone that "ALL women prefer taller men". Also, why does having "nerdy interests" devalue a person? My younger sister loved nerdy guys and from what I have been told (unfortunately) by my friends, she is a knock out.

2 1,225
Mon Aug 03, 2015 02:20 PM
New look!

I am digging the category choices. I just noticed it. I was going to ask how to use them but I see it is at the bottom when you are making a post. haha

4 1,648
Mon Aug 03, 2015 02:07 PM
Short women taking all the tall men?

I heard someone say this while I was shopping the other day and I had to post it here.

The woman saying this was maybe 5'8ish maybe taller, she goes "I am so sick of all these little girls taking all the tall men. Like come on! There are plenty of short guys us tall and stunning model types don't want!" 

Her friend was about her height as well and just agreed and said it is "pathetic"

So my question is, does it bother you that tall men take all the short women?

4 1,837
Mon Aug 03, 2015 01:50 PM
by Jinx
Are the fathers short too?

Strange question but upon thinking back, almost every single girl/woman I have ever dated also had a father who is on the shorter side. Do you think this is why these women are more accepting/care less about a man's height? 

5 1,799
Mon Aug 03, 2015 01:43 PM
Happier Alone

I'm very unusual. I have some what high standards and, sort of, expectations from my relationships. But the most important things to me are loyalty and faithfulness. Being the height that I am, I find it hard to find women who see the value in being with me as I would in them. I can admit, I really don't have much to offer. But I've seen selfish people with a lot less to offer in happy relationships. This isn't a question and I don't really want any advice. I'm just venting because I'm a little annoyed. I'm annoyed that I probably won't find something like that until I'm in my 30's. I'm annoyed that when I do, it'll be with someone with a different moral ground than me. I'm annoyed that people say I'm the problem or I need to change. And again, there's some things I do need to change. But they want me to change who I am which causes this bitter anger inside of me. I'm tired of being alone, but I'm coming to realization that's when I'll be happiest. It hurts because I've always gave myself hope in a fable. "Oh there's 7 billion people in the world. You'll find someone like you who loves you as much as you love them." I didn't understand that the chances are extremely slim and my standards would prove to make that difficult. I'm a little twisted, but I'm happy with who I am as a person. It just sucks that I can't find a girl like me who I can be happy with and spend my time. Whether it's my physical appearance or the way my mind works. I'm not at all what women are interested in and even when they are, they lose interest fast. I now realize I'd be happier alone.


4 1,843
Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:48 PM
Do you care about hair color?

I ask because I am begining to think I am more attracted to darker haired women. I am not sure when this started but I saw a woman I was friend with a few years back. At the time she was blonde and I didn't find her attractive at all and now her hair is dark brown and I was taken back. Her eyes looked like they were glowing. 

3 1,567
Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:43 PM
Jon Stewart is auctioning suites



If anyone is interested. He is only 5'7! And an average build.

4 2,947
Fri Jul 31, 2015 08:31 PM
Cute couple on reddit

I wanted to share this post I seen. It is a 16 year old couple who are both short but you can tell how happy they are. 


I wish more men would be like this and show the world they can be happy. Tell all them height freaks to kick rocks.

3 1,690
Fri Jul 31, 2015 07:54 PM
25 Problems Every Short Man Faces In His Life

Not sure if this was posted. Bare in mind you have to have a sense of humor here so laugh a little! 


And I can say, the one about pool is the worst for me. lol

5 2,796
Thu Jul 30, 2015 02:39 PM
had to share this

3 1,379
Thu Jul 30, 2015 02:38 PM
Gamer douche bag

I will just qoute him and let you post your thoughts...


"i'm 6'2 white guy(w/ shoes) w/o shoes i'm 6' 1/2, and it bugs me that cloud is only 5 foot 7

the average male height is 5'10 in the united states. 

iono, i just can't take cloud seriously being 5 foot 7.. It's more of a psychological thing i guess

i know this thread has been made before but i really can't relate to a main protagonist especially if he's 5'7... Why can't they just have zack be the main protagonist? he's 6'3

anyone agree with me?"

5 1,879
Thu Jul 30, 2015 02:21 PM
best Jim Carey movies?

Me and a few buddies are starting a monthly movie day where one day out of the month we binge watch movies by a specific actor. Well, we through a bunch of names together and Jim Carey was picked first. Anyways, I need to think of some of his best movies. So far I have Liar Liar, Ace Ventura, and Dumb & Dumber. I need to get 6 movies though so I need three more. 

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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