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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
3 mistakes short men make

This is very true and I want to say that assuming rejection is the biggest fault. Just because you get rejected, it doesn't mean it is because of your height EVERY time.

5 1,591
Sat Sep 26, 2015 08:25 PM
by Dale
Started by Spider
Fall Shopping

I am going shopping... Which I normally dread but I need new fall/winter gear. So I am looking to get some new boots, dress shoes, like 5 or so shirts, a jacket, and a few pairs of jeans. Anywhere I can get this all in one place and not have to worry about things being super long or baggy on me?

3 1,344
Sat Sep 26, 2015 08:13 PM
Anyone else feel like 5 pounds gained looks like 30?

I recently packed on 7 pounds which sounds like nothing but I swear none of my jeans fit good anymore. It is pissing me off. I mean if this is what a lot of women go through with jeans, I can understand why yoga pants are so popular now. I might get some! Screw this! 

4 1,799
Sat Sep 26, 2015 08:09 PM
This party, how do I dress up?

Hi! I have a sense of urgency, next week, I'm going to attend a party, but I do not know what to wear, I am a size 41/43, height 160 cm, you think these clothes in which pieces more suitable for me?






3 1,261
Fri Sep 25, 2015 08:30 PM
Will the human growth hormone ever work for height?

I am curious to see what everyone thinks on this. I feel that it is a bit risky to say the least. I never felt like this kind of science should be done but if there was a chance for men to increase their height with this, would you do it? Do you think the HGH will ever work on height?

6 1,463
Fri Sep 25, 2015 08:28 PM
Women set goals to have tall children now?

Read this comment and threw up a little...

The question was "Do you want your kids to be tall?"

Her response : I married a 6'7" (200cm) guy. My GOAL was to have tall children! As is, the boy will be about average height with his current height projections, while my daughters will be 70th-80th percentile. Oh well.


5 1,564
Fri Sep 25, 2015 08:24 PM
How attractive do you see yourself?

I am curios because I feel like most men, short or not, struggle just like women do. Most days I see myself at a 7 which to me, isn't bad. Anything below a 5 is bad.

2 1,173
Fri Sep 25, 2015 08:17 PM
It sucks being tall

I found this video funny. Yes it is a woman talking about this. It is still funny. What I find funny is how she wanted to wear heels but feels she can't because she is tall. Tall women get the same bs as short men yet being a tall woman is still widely more acceptable. 

3 1,609
Fri Sep 25, 2015 08:09 PM
A strange request

I am looking at hats. I never really liked them and I was messing around at a friends who is a hat man and I really dug a few of the styles but I don't want to come across and some "marky mark" wanna be. lol Anyone know a good hat style for someone in their mid-late 20's?

1 729
Fri Sep 25, 2015 07:59 PM
5 Ft man can't attract women so pays prostitute to live with him

This story is unbelievably said. A man admits that his being just 5 feet tall and having an ugly face has confined him to being single for most of his adult life. He says that at 31, he hasn't had any relationships and while successful gets absolutely nowhere with women which drove him into a deep depression. To help mitigate the loneliness, he hired a pretty call girl to stay with him 4 days out of the week for the price of $40,000 (I'd guess how much he paid so far).

This is fucking horrible. Is the stigma of being a short man that bad that out of billions of people on the planet, a guy that shot is reduced to this? I guess I can applaud him for dealing with the hand he dealt, but could you imagine shelling out that much cash? Worse, he's caught feelz for the woman and you know how that might end up.

You have read the reddit post here. Truly sad but makes me angry how important height is to women. His success in life means diddly squat. 


4 2,203
Thu Sep 24, 2015 06:48 PM
On Love, Sex & Pleasure

here is an excellent, very deep discussion about many things including love, sex, pleasure, violence, compassion and religion-all in in under and hour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIe5HOj50uQ



6 1,275
Thu Sep 24, 2015 06:11 PM
Trying to get in better shape

What do you all do? I want to find something and stick with it. Lose a bit of fat and replace it with muscle. I have been eating better lately and it is showing in the form of weight loss. Not I need to start working out.

5 1,381
Mon Sep 21, 2015 07:35 PM
How do You Guys Carve an Identity?

Hi guys,

So i'm new, think its cool there is a forum for this - seems there is one for everything else. Im only 5ft4 (sigh).

Basically in school when everyone shot up past me circa the age of 15, it became a nightmare. My height was always brought up and the butt of a few jokes.

However, I went to university and suddenly it wasn't that big a deal. Guys never brought it up or laughed, there were loads of other short guys. Woman didn't care. Infact I've had a tonne of success dating/hook up wise here.

I feel like the girls at uni are so much more cultured and intellectual, they aren't as superficial as the hometown girls. I dunno.


Anyway, im leaving this year and it is worrying me. I won't be on the student social scene and I feel i'l flounder in the 'real world'.


How do i carve out an identity? It just feels like short guys can't really be anything. You can't be the strapping athletic guy, or the cool alternative dude. Your just.....short.


Dating seems like it will be hard. There isn't the social scene of student life. You're in the working world full time. In nightclubs i notice that it is very hard for short guys to get attention. The girls flock round taller guys - even if they are really ugly.


I've been successful on Tinder (in terms of matches). Woman do find me attractive but they obviously don't know my height. In decent shoes I'l reach 5ft6 but that's nothing. I worry about going on dates and feel im not good enough for them. Even though im funny, athletic, ok looking and intelligent. It just feels like height is the top trump.


How do you guys cope?

4 1,131
Mon Sep 21, 2015 07:12 PM
Started by Jinx
No show socks?

I am not bothered to much by my socks showing but a buddy of mine hates it. He has tailored pants and suites and they all show his socks when he sits down. To me, it looks worse if you look like you don't wear any, vs wearing some that don't even match. lol Any idea on where to get no show socks for me? He wears a size 9 shoe.

2 1,253
Mon Sep 21, 2015 07:07 PM
Found this on Tumblr

What I love about this is how she responded with the truth... That how you stand next to someone, it should never matter. See, height does not matter to all women. Her husband is like 5'8 by the way.

2 1,472
Mon Sep 21, 2015 06:34 PM
Can you name short actors who consistently played lead roles?

When I look at actors like Daniel Radcliffe or Macaulay Culkin, I think of failed artists in the sense that when all of the cuteness disappeared, there were no roles for them. I'm talking about actors of our generation. Tom Cruise, Al Pacino and Dustin Hoffman are from a different era where the average height for men was a tad lower. Tom Cruise played lead roles through most of his career, but he is borderline short.

See Radcliffe, he played a lead role in a romantic comedy. It seems like that's all that's left for short adult actors, movies that play up dumb stereotypes of short guys being buffoons (Ben Stiller, David Spade, Martin, etc). 

2 1,195
Mon Sep 21, 2015 06:26 PM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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